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Mispelling (1 Viewer)

Comrade Brian

DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2005
Reaction score
NE, Minnesota
Political Leaning
I noticed under the Political Platforms Forum a mispelling it says:
"This politics forum is to discuss the specific platforms, ideas and directions of the many poliitcal parties.
You rock! Thanks, it's been corrected.
vauge said:
You rock! Thanks, it's been corrected.

You should be ashamed of yourself, vauge!

While we are helping the forum to be more scrupulous.... I suppose I can offer some assistance. It really is no big deal... but..

If you go into:

User Cp;

Click the Edit Profile URL on the left menu;

Scroll down to political leaning;

select "independant"

The correct spelling of the word is independent.

Just trying to help the forum be more scrupulous.

Like I said it's no big deal.
fixed! Thanks!!

Hehe, I am not the worlds best speller. I would be lost without the spell check feature.
vauge said:
Hehe, I am not the worlds best speller. I would be lost without the spell check feature.
That's true...

vauge wanted his actual screen-name to be "sausage" and look what happened!...:doh
Comrade Brian said:
I noticed under the Political Platforms Forum a mispelling it says:
"This politics forum is to discuss the specific platforms, ideas and directions of the many poliitcal parties.

Please tell me you were trying to be ironic when you pointed out the misspelling somebody else did...
Ah, spelling...one of my biggest pet peeves.

I sure don't claim to be perfect, but.....I try :mrgreen:

I've talked to a couple of people that have said the spell check function doesn't work for them when they post...they've tried to use it and it wiped out their entire post. Think this was just an isolated incident or two, or does the spell check not like anti-virus or firewall software? I've got both, but I haven't noticed any issues....

Maybe you need a mod that goes around correcting the spelling in everyone's posts. :lamo
MrFungus420 said:
Please tell me you were trying to be ironic when you pointed out the misspelling somebody else did...

LOL Many people misspell this word. The political word was clearly a typo.

I am a perfectionist when it comes to spelling. I have been like this since elementary school.

I dated a guy whose spelling was so bad (he would get "were" and "where" mixed up. He would call me princes (but he would mean princess)), that I was turned off by him. Is that superficial, or what? There were other things too, but that didn't help. ;)
aps said:
LOL Many people misspell this word. The political word was clearly a typo.

I am a perfectionist when it comes to spelling. I have been like this since elementary school.

I dated a guy whose spelling was so bad (he would get "were" and "where" mixed up. He would call me princes (but he would mean princess)), that I was turned off by him. Is that superficial, or what? There were other things too, but that didn't help. ;)

Oh, I feel your pain.....I want to bash my husband over the head when he does stuff like use "your" when he means "you're"....but he wants to bash me over the head when I attempt to correct him, so I try to keep my mouth shut 'cause I do love the nut, but sometimes, a girl can only take so much!
Stace said:
Oh, I feel your pain.....I want to bash my husband over the head when he does stuff like use "your" when he means "you're"....but he wants to bash me over the head when I attempt to correct him, so I try to keep my mouth shut 'cause I do love the nut, but sometimes, a girl can only take so much!

LOL Stace, that has always been a pet peeve of mine (spelling), and it's the same way with speaking. My husband is a great speller but grew up hearing his mother say, "I haven't ate all day." So he would say that too. :shock:

The "your" thing happens all the time. In my more obnoxious days on here, I would point it out to a poster. I also notice that people don't know the difference between their and there. :lol:
aps said:
LOL Stace, that has always been a pet peeve of mine (spelling), and it's the same way with speaking. My husband is a great speller but grew up hearing his mother say, "I haven't ate all day." So he would say that too. :shock:

The "your" thing happens all the time. In my more obnoxious days on here, I would point it out to a poster. I also notice that people don't know the difference between their and there. :lol:

Hehe...my mom grew up in Iowa, and she says "warsh" instead of wash, and "crick" instead of creek....thankfully, I didn't pick up those habits!!!
aps said:
LOL Many people misspell this word. The political word was clearly a typo.

I am a perfectionist when it comes to spelling. I have been like this since elementary school.

I dated a guy whose spelling was so bad (he would get "were" and "where" mixed up. He would call me princes (but he would mean princess)), that I was turned off by him. Is that superficial, or what? There were other things too, but that didn't help. ;)

I know what you mean. I am turned off by bad literacy myself. Not that I don't misspell words on occassion... we are all human... but there is a fine and discernable line between education when it comes to the virtue of spelling. (no offense to vauge either as, like I said, we all misspell words at times). I suppose that an efficient vocabulary trumps spelling in terms of interpretation. Understanding the word trumps spelling the word right.
Well, for all intents and purposes, spelling doesn't matter....

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. THE PAOMNNEHAL PWEOR OF THE HMUAN MNID Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

But that's something of an eyesore, even if I can read it and comprehend what it's saying.
Stace said:
Well, for all intents and purposes, spelling doesn't matter....

But that's something of an eyesore, even if I can read it and comprehend what it's saying.

There are people out there with dyslexia and perhaps they might make sense to themself. I happen to be quite the iconoclast when defending the human nature. Was this an actual source or a hypothetical presentation? THere are situation and circumstances in which people do have types of linguistic disorders... but actually do hold a valid interpretation of words in a consentual semantic sense.
Conflict said:
There are people out there with dyslexia and perhaps they might make sense to themself. I happen to be quite the iconoclast when defending the human nature. Was this an actual source or a hypothetical presentation? THere are situation and circumstances in which people do have types of linguistic disorders... but actually do hold a valid interpretation of words in a consentual semantic sense.

You know, I'm not really sure if that was an actual study or not...just something that's been floating around the internet for a number of years now, I get an email with all of that stuff every couple of months....

I wasn't trying to offend anyone....I understand that there are people that have learning/reading disorders, my ex-fiance is partially dyslexic....I myself sometimes have problems reading, as I'm nearly blind in my left eye, and sometimes it's hard to focus with just one eye....
If you think dyslexia is an issue you should hear my Soviet diatribe when I drink Vodka! Oh man I have issues!:rofl
Last edited:
Conflict said:
If you think dyslexia is an issue you should hear my Soviet diatribe when I drink Vodka! Oh man I have issues!:rofl

You and vodka....well, at least I know what NOT to send you for Christmas :2razz:
Stace said:
You and vodka....well, at least I know what NOT to send you for Christmas :2razz:

A good friend of mine is dyslexic. He told me that growing up he was terrified of Christmas...he was afraid that Satan's Claws would come down the chimney to get him...
MrFungus420 said:
A good friend of mine is dyslexic. He told me that growing up he was terrified of Christmas...he was afraid that Satan's Claws would come down the chimney to get him...

Oh my....that would be rather terrifying...
MrFungus420 said:
A good friend of mine is dyslexic. He told me that growing up he was terrified of Christmas...he was afraid that Satan's Claws would come down the chimney to get him...
That's not so bad...

A lot better than a fat old guy who wants to eat cookies and milk and run around screamin' about "Hoes"...
Way back when, it was very common here to denounce a claim based on someone's spelling and grammer. I am very glad this is not so popular anymore. It was annoying! Again, I can't spell worth a flip. But hopefully it is good enough to get my points across.

Spelling or grammer doesn't bother me (obviously).

l33t speak, however, makes me want to ban them Johnny on the spot! Then I calmly hold back the urge and ask them politely to refrain. :rofl
vauge said:
Way back when, it was very common here to denounce a claim based on someone's spelling and grammer. I am very glad this is not so popular anymore. It was annoying! Again, I can't spell worth a flip. But hopefully it is good enough to get my points across.

Spelling or grammer doesn't bother me (obviously).

l33t speak, however, makes me want to ban them Johnny on the spot! Then I calmly hold back the urge and ask them politely to refrain. :rofl
The irony...

You said "I can't spell worth a flip", and yet this is the first I've seen where you didn't incorrectly spell something...:doh
On the main page...

under the forum legend (describing the political affiliation of moderators)...

Liberitarian Moderators

the term "libertarian" is mispelled.


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