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Millions of Ukrainian refugees poured into Europe (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 20, 2019
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UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filipo Grandi estimated the number of internally displaced persons from Ukraine at one million people. He called for a truce that would allow for a rescue humanitarian operation and support for the victims. The office of President Zelensky is waiting for this help and hopes for the assistance of international organizations in creating humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians from cities and the delivery of food, medicine, and water to settlements.

In the regions on the western border there are more than 50 thousand migrants from more dangerous regions of the country, and there are huge queues at the border crossings to Poland, people stand in them for several days. Therefore, the Kiev authorities are asking people who intend to leave Ukraine to go to the checkpoint with Slovakia and Hungary. But logistics across the country is difficult. Moving columns of the warring parties troops are forcing civilians to look for detours.

At the same time, not everyone can leave the cities. A few days ago, the governor of the Chernihiv region announced the mining of roads leading to Chernihiv (a large regional center in the north of the country). Similar messages come from other cities. The situation develops in different ways, but there is a trend towards the defense of settlements by the Ukrainian army: units take up defensive positions in residential areas and do not allow civilians to leave. This entails not only the destruction of civilian facilities, but is also fraught with a multiple increase in casualties among the local population.

So, because of the Ukrainian authorities actions there could have been more refugees. Moreover, the western direction is well known to Ukrainians who worked legally or illegally in Europe, sending home one and a half billion dollars every year. Most of them will not want to return to the war-torn country and will try to stay in the EU. Only unlike the Syrian and Libyan crises, the main burden is borne by Poland, which was very opposed to accepting migrants from the Middle East as part of a pan-European distribution of resources.

In any case, the flow of refugees will only increase. There are over 40 million inhabitants in Ukraine, so the potential number of migrants is huge. How many of them will remain in European countries is unknown, but we are talking about millions of people. Millions who is fighting for jobs or millions - benefit recipients. In any case, life in Europe will not be the same now.


There is nothing like what you posted at the Twitter site of UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi.

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