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Military won't be paid after 7OCT if shutdown continues past that date (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
Ft. Campbell, KY
Political Leaning
Simple to understand, many civilian DOD employees will immediately cease coming into work if the government fails to pass a bill to fund itself. In the case of service members, all service members will continue to work however if a shutdown occurs and if it continues after 7OCT than the DOD will not be able to make payroll by 14OCT. This would mean services members would receive an "IOU" that would be retroactively paid once funds become available. Also lack of funds may prevent US troops from being redeployed back to the states from Afghanistan on the completion of their tour. In addition payments to veterans for disabilities as well as other payments in the GI Bill would cease, along with many civilian staff that would at the Department of VA. Alright so this **** is real, I've personally been involved in helping Soldiers fill out AER loan requests, which is a service to Soldiers who need extra help on pay, in preparation for a possible delay in their paychecks.

Hagel calls government shutdown threat 'shortsighted' - U.S. - Stripes

VA: Most employees to stay on, but shutdown would halt some services - Veterans - Stripes


Ok I got that Republicans don't like Obamacare, but holding the military and the rest of the government hostage over it is no way to govern. You cannot ask the other party to eat a bowl of **** and then claim they aren't governing when they refuse to eat, likewise Dems in the Senate should not simply refund Obamacare and make no other changes to the House bill and thus basically ask Republicans to eat their own bowl of ****. Both the Senate and the House are elected representatives and both should have input on a government funding bill, but asking for the impossible is no way to govern, there are things which can be compromised on and instead of political grandstanding like Ted Cruz they should be working on a compromise plan both parties can agree upon.
And for those who don't think what the Republicans are doing is a hostage situation let me put it to you this way, what would you call it if the situation was reversed and there was a Republican President with a Republican Senate and a Dem House. The Dem House passes a bill which funds the government but also brings back the Clinton era Assault Weapons Ban, the Republican House naturally refuses to pass the bill, who would you blame for a government shut down in this situation and would you not call the Dem's strategy a "hostage situation."

Anyone with any sense of self-respect and who tries to avoid double standards would call this kind of tactic, whether done by Reps or Dems, wrong.
Simple to understand, many civilian DOD employees will immediately cease coming into work if the government fails to pass a bill to fund itself. In the case of service members, all service members will continue to work however if a shutdown occurs and if it continues after 7OCT than the DOD will not be able to make payroll by 14OCT. This would mean services members would receive an "IOU" that would be retroactively paid once funds become available. Also lack of funds may prevent US troops from being redeployed back to the states from Afghanistan on the completion of their tour. In addition payments to veterans for disabilities as well as other payments in the GI Bill would cease, along with many civilian staff that would at the Department of VA. Alright so this **** is real, I've personally been involved in helping Soldiers fill out AER loan requests, which is a service to Soldiers who need extra help on pay, in preparation for a possible delay in their paychecks.

Hagel calls government shutdown threat 'shortsighted' - U.S. - Stripes

VA: Most employees to stay on, but shutdown would halt some services - Veterans - Stripes


Ok I got that Republicans don't like Obamacare, but holding the military and the rest of the government hostage over it is no way to govern. You cannot ask the other party to eat a bowl of **** and then claim they aren't governing when they refuse to eat, likewise Dems in the Senate should not simply refund Obamacare and make no other changes to the House bill and thus basically ask Republicans to eat their own bowl of ****. Both the Senate and the House are elected representatives and both should have input on a government funding bill, but asking for the impossible is no way to govern, there are things which can be compromised on and instead of political grandstanding like Ted Cruz they should be working on a compromise plan both parties can agree upon.

Too bad. Shouldn't have shoved that bill down our throats. Sorry but I am all out of sympathy, but if you want some, its in the dictionary between **** and syphilis. My brother's GI bill is also going to be held up which means he's going to have to delay college for a bit. He's pissed but he also understands why I am playing hard ball. I am stepping on the neck of my representative to stop this Obamacare, his staff and he are not happy, as it seems there is a lot of us that told him that we want results or his ass is fired, we will vote a democrat in his place. After all if he's gona act like one why not at least get the real deal.
And for those who don't think what the Republicans are doing is a hostage situation let me put it to you this way, what would you call it if the situation was reversed and there was a Republican President with a Republican Senate and a Dem House. The Dem House passes a bill which funds the government but also brings back the Clinton era Assault Weapons Ban, the Republican House naturally refuses to pass the bill, who would you blame for a government shut down in this situation and would you not call the Dem's strategy a "hostage situation."

Anyone with any sense of self-respect and who tries to avoid double standards would call this kind of tactic, whether done by Reps or Dems, wrong.

"...Imagine a situation in which a Democratic Speaker said to a Republican President, I’m not going to increase the debt ceiling unless you increase corporate taxes by 20 percent. And if you don’t do it, we’ll default on the debt and cause a worldwide financial crisis. Even though that Democratic Speaker didn’t have the votes to force through that particular piece of legislation, they would simply say, we will blow the whole thing up unless you do what I want....."

If Democrats cave and compromise then whats to stop Republicans from doing it again on other programs such as social security, medicare, unemployment, and any other program they don't like and can't get repealed by constitutional means?
And for those who don't think what the Republicans are doing is a hostage situation let me put it to you this way, what would you call it if the situation was reversed and there was a Republican President with a Republican Senate and a Dem House. The Dem House passes a bill which funds the government but also brings back the Clinton era Assault Weapons Ban, the Republican House naturally refuses to pass the bill, who would you blame for a government shut down in this situation and would you not call the Dem's strategy a "hostage situation."

Anyone with any sense of self-respect and who tries to avoid double standards would call this kind of tactic, whether done by Reps or Dems, wrong.
It really is simple to understand. It is the Dems fault.
And for those who don't think what the Republicans are doing is a hostage situation let me put it to you this way, what would you call it if the situation was reversed and there was a Republican President with a Republican Senate and a Dem House. The Dem House passes a bill which funds the government but also brings back the Clinton era Assault Weapons Ban, the Republican House naturally refuses to pass the bill, who would you blame for a government shut down in this situation and would you not call the Dem's strategy a "hostage situation."

Anyone with any sense of self-respect and who tries to avoid double standards would call this kind of tactic, whether done by Reps or Dems, wrong.

In both cases, the blame would and should fall solidly on the side that is standing for legislation that violates the Constitution, and which the people have made it very clear that they do not want; whether it's the ObamaCare scam, or an illegal and fraudulent attempt to ban “assault weapons”. There is no way that you can spin this that makes the Democrats the good guys, and the Republicans the bad guys. Either way, you're talking about the Democrats trying to shove something down the American peoples' throats that we do not want, and the Republicans trying to protect us from that. It only goes to show which side is closer to recognizing their proper place as servants of the people, and which side imagines itself to be our masters.
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If Democrats cave and compromise then whats to stop Republicans from doing it again on other programs such as social security, medicare, unemployment, and any other program they don't like and can't get repealed by constitutional means?

If we let the Republicans get away with this, there's no reason for them not to use it on anything they don't like.

Never negotiate with terrorists.
In both cases, the blame would and should fall solidly on the side that is standing for legislation that violates the Constitution, and which the people have made it very clear that they do not want; whether it's the ObamaCare scam, or an illegal and fraudulent attempt to ban “assault weapons”. There is no way that you can spin this that makes the Democrats the good guys, and the Republicans the bad guys. Either way, you're talking about the Democrats trying to shove something down the American peoples' throats that we do not want, and the Republicans trying to protect us from that. It only goes to show which side is closer to recognizing their proper place as servants of the people, and which side imagines itself to be our masters.

The Affordable Care Act was enacted by Congress, signed by the President, approved by the Supreme Court and validated by an election. It has passed every test. Anyone who supports Republican attempts to obstruct it is an enemy of the American People. He is a traitor and should suffer the fate of all traitors.

If we let the Republicans get away with this, there's no reason for them not to use it on anything they don't like.

Never negotiate with terrorists.

I hope the Democrats and Republicans DONT negotiate. I want to see the government shut down. In fact I want a long drawn out stalemate. I want to see backbone, intestinal fortitude, and resolve, out of the wimps that call themselves republicans.
Too bad. Shouldn't have shoved that bill down our throats. Sorry but I am all out of sympathy, but if you want some, its in the dictionary between **** and syphilis. My brother's GI bill is also going to be held up which means he's going to have to delay college for a bit. He's pissed but he also understands why I am playing hard ball. I am stepping on the neck of my representative to stop this Obamacare, his staff and he are not happy, as it seems there is a lot of us that told him that we want results or his ass is fired, we will vote a democrat in his place. After all if he's gona act like one why not at least get the real deal.
Is that a threat or a promise? lol

Too bad, Republicans lost the presidential election..TWICE. Too bad, they lost the Senate. Too bad, the gerry mandered congress can't repeal the law. Too bad, that Obamacare was passed by both the house and the Senate and signed into law by the president and deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. Too bad, the American people have to put up with the sore losers and cry babies' threatening to blow up the global economy because they can't their way. God help us all, if they get their way.

I'll look forward to you voting for a Democrat.

Who is your representative, anyway?
validated by an election.
No it wasn't.

It has passed every test.
It hasn't been given every test.
Nor do the People want it.

Anyone who supports Republican attempts to obstruct it is an enemy of the American People.
The People don't want it, so the Republicans stand against it, and that to you is an Enemy of the American People? That there is some whacky thinking.
Get real.
The Enemy of the People are those who wont oppose it.
The Affordable Care Act was enacted by Congress, signed by the President, approved by the Supreme Court and validated by an election. It has passed every test. Anyone who supports Republican attempts to obstruct it is an enemy of the American People. He is a traitor and should suffer the fate of all traitors.

It was enacted by the Democrats without a single Republican vote on a bare majority. You don't do that on this kind of sweeping legislation and NOT expect people to take umbrage and fight back with EVERYTHING at their disposal. Sorry buddy but I for one hope the Republicans stand firm. believe me those guys want to cave, the only reason they are not is because they WILL be out of a job in if not hanged. The heat from their constituency is very intense. I know this because I amongst others have been lighting my congressman's ears on fire. He's not very happy at all.
Is that a threat or a promise? lol

Too bad, Republicans lost the presidential election..TWICE. Too bad, they lost the Senate. Too bad, the gerry mandered congress can't repeal the law. Too bad, that Obamacare was passed by both the house and the Senate and signed into law by the president and deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. Too bad, the American people have to put up with the sore losers and cry babies' threatening to blow up the global economy because they can't their way. God help us all, if they get their way.

I'll look forward to you voting for a Democrat.

Who is your representative, anyway?

Kevin McCarthy. The bill was passed without a SINGLE republican vote. Not one. On a bare majority. And you wonder why a very controversial bill is fought tooth and nail? Sorry I don't want it. If McCarthy votes a show bill or some other bull**** I WILL vote for a democrat just to flush him out of office. That's if we cant primary him which would probably happen. I don't want OBMAMNOCARE.
The People don't want it, so the Republicans stand against it, and that to you is an Enemy of the American People? That there is some whacky thinking.

That's the thinking from the side that imagines themselves to be better qualified than the American people to tell us what is best for us, and to force their idea of what is best for us, on us, against our clearly-expressed will.

May Mister T have compassion toward them, and those who submit to them.

No it wasn't.

It hasn't been given every test.
Nor do the People want it.

The People don't want it, so the Republicans stand against it, and that to you is an Enemy of the American People? That there is some whacky thinking.
Get real.
The Enemy of the People are those who wont oppose it.

The people that want the AFA won the election and those that didn't, lost. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

What a difference a name makes.....

"...according to the new CNBC survey 46 percent of Americans view “Obamacare” negatively, while only 37 percent view the “Affordable Care Act” negative......

The Completely Overblown Polling Divide on Obamacare vs. Affordable Care Act | FDL Action
The people that want the AFA won the election and those that didn't, lost. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
That was a vote on who they wanted for President. For many, a vote for the lesser of two Evils. Not a vote for ACA. Learn the difference.

There are those who didn't want it and voted for Obama.
Why is that so hard for you to understand?

What a difference a name makes.....

"...according to the new CNBC survey 46 percent of Americans view “Obamacare” negatively, while only 37 percent view the “Affordable Care Act” negative......

The Completely Overblown Polling Divide on Obamacare vs. Affordable Care Act | FDL Action[/url
****, by any other name, is still ****.

All you are doing is showing how simple it is to dupe some folks.

As it stands, the People don't want it.
And you see it reported almost daily now of those joining the "don't want it crowd" because of it's effects on them.
What a difference a name makes.....

"...according to the new CNBC survey 46 percent of Americans view “Obamacare” negatively, while only 37 percent view the “Affordable Care Act” negative......

The Completely Overblown Polling Divide on Obamacare vs. Affordable Care Act | FDL Action
Yeah, not much at all.
Maybe you should have provided the more relevant information from your article.

When you look only at the people in the poll [highlight]who had an opinion[/highlight], the overall level of support and opposition was identical regardless of the name used. Among people who have an opinion about Obamacare 52.2 percent hold a negative opinion. Similarly among people who have an opinion about ACA 52.9 percent view it negatively. From this perspective the term Obamacare marginally helps to make it more popular.
What will happen to soldiers deployed in various camps abroad to USA? Such as for instance troops in Bondsteel here in Dardania?
I hope the Democrats and Republicans DONT negotiate. I want to see the government shut down. In fact I want a long drawn out stalemate. I want to see backbone, intestinal fortitude, and resolve, out of the wimps that call themselves republicans.

Burn down the government and the economy to save it.
Kevin McCarthy. The bill was passed without a SINGLE republican vote. Not one. On a bare majority. And you wonder why a very controversial bill is fought tooth and nail? Sorry I don't want it. If McCarthy votes a show bill or some other bull**** I WILL vote for a democrat just to flush him out of office. That's if we cant primary him which would probably happen. I don't want OBMAMNOCARE.
So, Kevin McCarthy is the majority whip, eh? He was uncontested in the last two elections so you probably won't be voting for a democrat anytime soon in your gerry mandered district of rural yahoos and the super wealthy.

Anyway, the AFA was based on the conservative idea of personal responsibility and incorporating the private insurance industry with Mitt Romney's health plan as a blue print. It had the blessing of Republicans until Obama won the election. So no, I don't wonder why Republicans fought it tooth and nail. No doubt if McCain or Romney had won we'd be calling it McCain-Care or Romney-care.

'...Given the history of bipartisan support for an individual mandate and regulated insurance markets with subsidies as well as their perceived success in Massachusetts, by 2008 Democrats were considering using this approach as the basis for comprehensive, national healthcare reform. Experts have pointed out that the legislation that eventually emerged from Congress in 2009 and 2010 bears many similarities to the 2007 bill..."

Btw, Obamacare reduces the deficit by $132 billion over a ten year period and insures 95% of the people as compared to Beohner's Republican Party of No Plan....

Chart: Comparing Health Reform Bills: Democrats and Republicans 2009, Republicans 1993 - Kaiser Health News
:lamo: ..... Yeah, not much at all.
Maybe you should have provided the more relevant information from your article.

When you look only at the people in the poll who had an opinion, the overall level of support and opposition was identical regardless of the name used. Among people who have an opinion about Obamacare 52.2 percent hold a negative opinion. Similarly among people who have an opinion about ACA 52.9 percent view it negatively. From this perspective the term Obamacare marginally helps to make it more popular.​

Fewer people had a negative view of the AFA because they didn't know it was Obamacare while 30% didn't even know what the AFA was. So the next time you see a FoxNews poll on Obamacare, you can be sure that most of those being polled are ignorant and are told what to think. :lamo
Yeah, not much at all.
Maybe you should have provided the more relevant information from your article.
Fewer people had a negative view of the AFA because they didn't know it was Obamacare while 30% didn't even know what the AFA was. So the next time you see a FoxNews poll on Obamacare, you can be sure that most of those being polled are ignorant and are told what to think.
See what you quoted.
I guess you don't know what "Yeah, not much at all" means.

Which has nothing to do with Fox, and more to do with your inability to reason.

And again, from the article you provided.

When you look only at the people in the poll [highlight]who had an opinion[/highlight], the overall level of support and opposition was identical regardless of the name used. Among people who have an opinion about Obamacare 52.2 percent hold a negative opinion. Similarly among people who have an opinion about ACA 52.9 percent view it negatively. From this perspective the term Obamacare marginally helps to make it more popular.

Hence the comment of; "Maybe you should have provided the more relevant information from your article."

And if you need help understanding it is the ACA, not the AFA, here is the Gov page stating it.
the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Affordable Care Act
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