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Military Cadet Thread Extension (1 Viewer)

Oops, and he was doing so well

Teach you to take better care of your rifle :)
Cadets of Australian Army Force | Annual Field Exercises | Bindoon Army Base

Western Australia Cadet Brigade | 850 Cadets Train For 6 Weeks

Live Fire Rifle Range For Advanced Cadets | Concludes With Graduation Parade & Parents

Happy Dayz

Yea we know it's military stuff when Happy Dayz Productions brings us the Aussie Army Cadet Summer Camp experience. :unsure: The background music is soft and easy which is a stark contrast to the raucous music most cadet field training videos have of almost all nations. These are community based cadets aged 13-19 some of whose schools sponsor military cadet programs entirely or in part. School supported cadet programs are the same as our ROTC but they don't have that nomenclature. They're simply the name of the school or community by service branch.

The Australia Defence Force goes by the British military manuals but in most of the vid the cadets of the Army Force could be almost any such cadets anywhere any time. The graduation parade is where we see distinctively the British Army Manual in this case. For instance, a red sash indicates a cadet senior nco which anyway is the equivalent of our E-5 Buck SGT rather than say a Master Sergeant who has lotsa stripes and rockers. There's nothing enlisted above E-5 in these cadet programs; senior year cadet officers are sub Warrant Officer, sub LT and sub Captains and that's it, nothing above that.

At graduation the cadet commander of the brigade relieves the adjutant gal who set up the formation which is what the adjutant does in the field. The reviewing officer is none other than the publicly popular Army General Sir Peter Cosgrove who is Chief of the Australia Defence Force Cadet Command. We see him chatting pleasantly with several cadets on parade as he troops the ranks inspecting the trainees on their completion of the annual summer exercises.

The mass march forward during the graduation ceremony is from the British Army Force Manual. It is based on the fast walking standup charge firing weapons when the commander deems the enemy force is ready to be broken and defeated. You rush 'em and crush 'em which historically has worked well for the Brits. We don't do this however, relying instead on massive overwhelming firepower from stationary positions -- which works exceedingly well for our guys and gals. We plug 'em full of holes then stroll over to stab 'em in the throat to be sure. God Loves The Infantry.

Royal British Navy Signature Anthem "Heart of Oak" Sung in The Seafaring Style. With Subtitles.

Includes Sea Cadets


Hong Kong Sea Cadet School March: 橡樹之心 - Heart of Oak​

This is the Hong Kong Sea Cadet School founded by the British after World War II and that remains intact today as British despite the brutally repressive Beijing takeover of HKG a couple of years ago. A mass of young Hongkongers left for Singapore, Taiwan and Australia to continue their college education or to start up again using their considerable savings.

It's a three year secondary school education with everyone's major being in Naval Science. It has a Middle School and a High School in different buildings to include their dorms. Virtually nothing has changed at the school since Beijing came down on HKG. Some graduates go to the British Navy, others join Merchant Marines such as with Maersk in Denmark where they're most welcome among other leading shippers in the West.

Hong Kong Sea Cadet School is a British education to include all cadets learning and becoming fluent in English. British English I'm afraid. :oops: Those rolling vowels!

These cadets have excellent march discipline. They're really very good led up front by the two Guard companies in their B&W uniforms.

Selected Comments:

**For those who wonder, this is actually a boarding high school in HK, they are not the police force, and the school was funded by an ex-British navy officer. [Who knew you could make a lot of money in the British Navy eh?] :)

**So that's why some are in the old number 8 uniform. And the RN sword discipline along with the magnificent Hearts of Oak!

**The older marching style is better than the PLA one ;)

**Will you finally find a 'Fish and Chips' shop in Hong Kong

**No need of shops, we can make it at home :)

**Fortunately they still march correctly.

**British Hong Kong will soon rise again🇬🇧

**Was expecting this, but not for Hong Kong LOL

**My support and love goes to the brave cadets, protestors, and people of Hong Kong.

**Every british colony has the same song.

The New England States in the US Northeast have a bunch of Catholics who when I was a kid formed a long line at the Fish & Chip store each Friday where they wrapped your family sized order in old newspaper. My parents always sent me to buy and I had to carry huge bags home but it was only two blocks. This wrapping in newspaper stopped eventually as the local Boards of Health started getting on the owners to be sanitary. We always had Fish & Chips on the then "meatless Fridays" mandated by the Pope. I saw many Brits in Bangkok ordering Fish & Chips that just weren't what they were used to ha. Sit there and pick at 'em the Brits did.
Cadet 4th Class Andrew Katz | U.S. Air Force Academy | 2nd Place Solo Drill Award

Cadet World Drill Championship | Intercollegiate Academy & ROTC Solo & Team Drill

High School Junior ROTC Team & Solo Drill | 2023 | Daytona Beach Florida


This is from the 2023 Cadet World Drill Championship Intercollegiate Division, Solo Performance category. It is the Medal Round and 2nd Place Solo went to the Freshman phenom from the US Air Force Academy, Cadet 4th Class Andrew Katz. The dazzling half pint Katz is redefining this whole cadet solo drill thingy, having finished 1st this year as a C3C in March to include another first finish this year in the Tandem Drill with C2C Nicholas DeDominico who had become Katz' solo drill mentor at the AFA.

I'm posting Katz' 2nd place finish of last year because it's a much better video than Katz' two first place finishes in Dayona this past spring. In this video for instance Katz' teammates in the overall competition turned out in full force to provide the awesome Katz with strong vocal support in his first intercollegiate go at it.

Back in the late '50s into the mid '60s I went through 8 consecutive years of Jr and Sr (Army) ROTC when we never had this solo drill thingy. Back then solo drill wasn't even a thought. Inconceivable at the time is the precise word. We who did team drills did play around individually with our rifles, positing to teammates "can you do this' stuff. But the brightest minds of the time in military drill never said -- or thought -- 'let's make this individual drill thing a killer category'. So here we are today and we're better for it for sure. It's significant too that this year and for the first time cadets from the Taiwan Military Academy were among the international contestants to include solo.

And let me say about Andrew Katz drill moves in particular, that when you toss your rifle to rotate above your head then snap around to catch it behind your back, you know God Loves You. Indeed, anything done successfully with your rifle behind your back is an Act of God. A Force Majure. Y'know, our eyes are in our front, not our back. Our arms are bult to do things forward. So snagging your rotating rifle behind your back on its gravitational spiral downward is a rare combination of skill, talent, instinct.

Continuing with the theme., here's a compilation video of the 2024 drill challenge....

Daytona Drill Nationals Recap - 2024 | Army Drill Nationals​

National High School Junior ROTC | Drill Team And Solo Performances​

Academy & Collegiate ROTC | Daytona Beach Florida​

2,754 Views | Sep 4, 2024

USAFA C3C Andrew Katz: "This song was the last thing I listened to before going on to do my world's routine. Really got me relaxed: Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride By Lilo & Stitch." Plus there's the ancient motto of the Hawaii King's Guard carried forward by the U-HI ROTC, "Drill till the sunset beyond the horizon." As a related historical note, retired Gen. James Mattis spent three years at the U-HI Marine Option Naval ROTC as Lt.Col. Professor of Military Science, ie, Officer in Charge. Rumors Mattis fired everybody are not true. ;)

This video includes edited and momentary appearances by the elements of the Army Drill Team and the Air Force Drill team from the Military District of Washington DC.

Cadets of USN Sea Cadet Corps | Band of the West

From the San Francisco Naval District | Western Naval Division

In Honolulu Hawaii | Annual Pearl Harbor Day Commemoration

With USN Pacific Fleet Band | Battle of Midway March

The Naval Sea Cadet Corps Band of The West playing at the Hale Koa Hotel in Hawaii as part of the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. The Band of The West is the only Sea Cadet band in the United States. It comprises students ages 12-18 from middle schools and high schools in the San Francisco Bay Area under the direction of Michael Toschak and Ken Crowell. Our rehearsal space has been generously provided by American Legion Post 105, Redwood City, CA.

I would add that the USN SCC Band of the West is a first class band of cadets globally.


BOTW receives music education and practice from its qualified music instructors and USN and Marine Bands Drum Majors and drill instructors, to include musically the USN Pacific Fleet Band, the USMC Pacific Band; professors and teachers of music in the San Francisco Bay area. BOTW members are sought after by music schools and conservatories and prestigious college bands in addition to active professional musical organizations such as the Boston Pops Orchestra.
Well now I've done gone ahead and done it.

Cadet 3rd Class Andrew Katz of the AFA 1st Place finish in Solo Drill at the Medal Round of the Cadet World Drill Championships of 2024 in Daytona Beach FL sponsored by the Pentagon Joint Cadet Command. This is of course C3C Katz' second consecutive performance in the two years since he became a stellar cadet at the USAFA in Colorado Springs CO.

We saw that In Katz' first showing last year he finished 2nd and now in this his second consecutive medal performance, he aces it to finish 1st. Two different drills no less with two different rifles.

Last year Katz used the long rifle that looked to me to be the Springfield 03 from the turn of the 20th century. It's a common ceremonial rifle but The Old Guard uses the current Army standard issue rifle. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong about the 03 because it's been a long time away from this stuff for me. Different rifle stock colors are okay in this competition and for this Katz uses white.

Whether it's team drill or solo drill you have movements each team or every soloist must do, but the majority of the drill is what you yourself come up with as the tactical (drill) team leader or as the Katz category of soloist. For instance, each team or soloist must rotate the rifle in front and alongside among other requirements. And for individual choice, the two hand catch of the rifle behind your back at the small of your back is your own derring do movement if that's what you have God's permission to do as a guaranteed success. (!)

I would note the Army Sergeant First Class E-7 judge we see a lot of right away in Katz drill has the Tomb Guard Badge on his right pocket and the Sacred Medallion to the right shoulder of a Tomb Guard who has completed time in service at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery. While looking at him it's impossible to know whether he was a Tomb Guard Spec. 4 or a SGT commander of one of the three reliefs of Tomb Guards, but it's plain and clear he was in the Tomb Guard Platoon of The Old Guard of the Army. More power to him for his own awesomeness. The Tomb Guard Badge is the second most infrequently awarded badge in the Army. First least awarded badge is Army Astronaut and third most infrequently awarded Army Badge is the Military Horseman Badge of TOG Caisson Platoon. Categories 1-3 are a matter of numbers needed.

Alas, and here again is the USN Sea Cadet Corps Band of the West doing another of its many in concert performances, as in the post above, in concert, being seated of course but in concert standing stationary too. This is the SCC Band of the San Francisco Naval District performing World War II Era swing and jump music at the USN Post Graduate School in Monterey CA.

Cadet Sergeant First Class Andrew Katz | US Army Junior ROTC

Prattville High School Alabama | State Champion Solo Drill Performance 2021


We see Katz is very deliberate in his movements at this very early time of his solo drill experience. At 1:50 of the video he partially loses control of his rifle but, critically, Katz never lost possession of it. We know it's how one deals with adversity and Katz recovered excellently and completed his solo championship performance masterfully. So here we have Die Wunderkind.
The drought of videos of cadet events in Japan is finally done and gone as a new release of post Covid videos is being made. This is great news of course because since Covid the Japan MoD had virtually stopped all marching. This was followed by some limited marching in medical masks which looked flat out dumb and that the cadets looked less than pleased about.

But now however and with the new academic year each fall season a number of new videos of cadets have been released. There's a grand festival at the beginning of each academic year but this one is the first full-on and hugely welcomed anniversary celebration after the long drought of separation followed by scaled down events at best.

This post is the first of two post of this. The second post is a behind the action take of the cadets forming up and doing things before the parade begins, during the ceremony and flyover and once the thingy is over. The view is from a mobile overhead camera that's just above 'em.

Cadets of Japan National Defense University | Brigade of Air Self Defense Force Parade

Yokosuka SDF Base Tokyo Bay | November 11, 2024 | 72nd Year Academy Anniversary Festival

Integration of New Cadets | Reviewing Official: Minister of Defense G. Nakatani

First off I definitely welcome the Academy's new open ranks marching manner that places an arm's length distance between cadets rather than the long time closed ranks marching manner of the tighter elbow distance. It could appear Covid and its implications are the lesson and the cause but I'll take it ha. While open ranks marching is more challenging than the closed ranks alignments that packs 'em in tight, the cadets were always able to transition smoothly to the new open ranks marching manual, just as if they were doing a 5 meters apart on line rifle maneuver/tactic.

This video intersperses the marching with cameos of the ceremony's flyover plus Self Defense Force weapons and equipment in each of the three services. The vid also does cameo shots of festival events during the marching. This provides a decent notion of the various and festive events. This video also records the integration of the new cadets into their company and battalion which is why the event is in November rather than with the September start of classes.

As a reminder, the NDU that was organized from 1952-54 puts all the services cadet brigades at the same campus. The cadets of the Ground Force, the Maritime Force and the Air Force live together, share a number of classes and have almost all activities together. The upwards of 4000 cadets of the different services are inculcated in interservice unity and teamwork from their first minutes at the academy. The atmosphere of being something special is conducive given this academy is perched to overlook Tokyo Bay atop a 300 ft. wind blown plateau (which also means there's no escape ha).

Until this new period of Japanese military history began the army and the navy were their worst and highly competitive enemies. Each was cutthroat obsessed to dominate the other in all matters military. So a major purpose of this service integrated cadet life is to slay that historical curse and it has succeeded magnificently. The entire Japan Self Defense Force is highly integrated with the US armed forces to include all cadets becoming proficient and fluent in English.

Nigeria Army Cadets Shock The World With Wonderful Parade For Nigeria President At 62nd Independent​


Part 2 of 2
72nd Anniversary Celebration
Japan National Defense Academy / University
Each November 11th

Cadet Anniversary Parade | Japan National Defense University

Before, During, After | Coming, During, Finishing | The Inside Look In Parts

With this anniversary festival the Ministry of Defense decided to film phases of the parade component of the celebrated event. The phases that are themselves in part blend in an edited sequence that is not identified by name in the video. So I'm doing my own time stamp that says what begins each phase, as best I can :)

Phase 1 --- Cadet brigade of 4 battalions of 4 companies each form up in the order of march to wait for the order to begin their March On. The video begins at cadet Company #4 of battalion #4 (44 on the company flag) which is the last company in the parade formation. Here we see a few cadet Tangmos ha hustling to catch up; as anyone who knows Tangmo knows he'll be late for his own funeral. The mobile camera positioned just above the heads of the cadets rolls down the long length of the formation of 4 the battalions and their 16 companies, from the last to the first. At around 2:30 ha two cadets make a last minute emergency panic break for the head. As we see, the formation is relaxed at this point for even the company commanders who have a lonely job mainly because they don't like anybody except the company color bearer who nobody in the company likes either.

Phase 2 --- Begin March On @2:50 (roughly). 1st Battalion Red marches from our right to left because their dorm is beyond the entrance ramp to the parade grounds/athletic field. This road the brigade is formed up on has the dorm buildings by battalion, so battalions 2 Blue, 3 Green and 4 Azure/Orange are on the other side of the access ramp. The company formations regularly dissolve in part on their left column turn because the crowd control function is lousy. There's a lot of starts and stops at this point because the precise distance between units on the field must be controlled to be exact. There's a senior cadet at the front of the ramp we rarely see in this video who uses a red flag to stop and realease each marching unit by time and number of paces in between 'em. At 7:20 we get a glimpse of the chief cadet and staff waiting for their time to march into their position, which happens at 10:55. The Academy colors always march with the chief cadet.

Phase 3 -- Is the march off to reassemble for the pass in review. In the march off battalions 3 Green and 4 Azure are shown marching off via the rear ramp, while battalions 1 Red and 2 Blue with band not shown use the front ramp. We follow the companies through some of the campus as they reform to march back on again to pass in review -- only Japan does the pass in review in this round about and time consuming way I believe. This phase occurs during the flyover which we see and can also see some more cadet Tangmos who break discipline to look up to appreciate the flyover ha. This pause is anyway a time to adjust your chin strap, reflex your gloves and scratch your arse and other little but important stuff.

Phase 4 -- This shows the marching pass in review on the field very briefly. The time in this phase is given to the companies marching off the field. From this exit ramp each unit has to march all the way down the athletic fields and across to get back to their battalion dorms each of which we see on the far side of the field where all of this happy stuff began -- again. The 4th battalion has your best marchers as the academy likes to save their best for last, it being the last unit we see; the final company 44 or 4th battalion 4th company is the premier marching company of each cadet brigade; the 43 company being the penultimate marching unit.

Cadets who don't march that well get parade support duty standing around scratching their arses.

Maritime Self Defense Force Cadets of the Japan National Defense Academy visit the USS Ronald Reagan CVN 76 based in Japan.
The Reagan Aircraft Carrier Strike Group of the USN 7th Fleet is forward deployed to the Yokosuka Joint USN-Japan Maritime Self Defense Force Naval Base at Tokyo Bay. Yokosuka is the largest USN base outside the U.S. The NDA and its cadet brigades are located at Yokosuka.


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Another colorful military parade by Rwanda Defence Force || Officer Cadets Pass Out​

White Trash posts.

To a serious thread and topic.

Future generals and admirals.

Our current and Allies military cadets.

Indeed, Japan the island nation off the continent of Asia and in the western Pacific is the equal ally in its region of the world to the USA dedicated Ally the UK as an island nation off the continent of Europe and Eurasia and the north Atlantic and the Med in the West.

We can't do without either of 'em covering the globe with us from East to the West.

Petty nonsense directed repeatedly against one single poster is its usual and predictable silly and nonsensical fail. This is as always and every time done without success.
Indeed, Japan the island nation off the continent of Asia and in the western Pacific is the equal ally in its region of the world to the USA dedicated Ally the UK as an island nation off the continent of Europe and Eurasia and the north Atlantic and the Med in the West.

Hopefully they're still allies after the Orange Clown's second term.
If Trump stops supporting and interoperating militarily with Japan, SK and Taiwan each of 'em will go nuclear.

SK and Taiwan first, then Japan and in a short order of a year at the most. Australia will accept nuclear weapons on its soil provided by SK and possibly Japan. The Philippines and Vietnam will want nukes if the US deserts the region. Indonesia will have to keep up with the Joneses.

The US First Strategic Island Chain in the western Pacific will dissolve. The US Second Strategic Island Chain will be weakened and vastly exposed, likely undefendable. The Third Strategic Island Chain that includes Alaska and Hawaii will need to be vastly empowered; Guam will be undefendable unless the US commits to a major conflict over the island that's much closer to the Phils than to the mainland USA. And all of this is after Trump pulls US forces back to the United States.

If Trump abandons the region its countries will become nuclear sovereign, touchy and high risk. It becomes none for all and every one for himself. This is where the post WW 2 global order is going under Putin-Trump-Xi and Kim. Trump would consider doing all of this a great accomplishment. This is when lines established by the US and Allies over the decades need to be held and strengthened, not dissolved.
If Trump stops supporting and interoperating militarily with Japan, SK and Taiwan each of 'em will go nuclear.

SK and Taiwan first, then Japan and in a short order of a year at the most. Australia will accept nuclear weapons on its soil provided by SK and possibly Japan. The Philippines and Vietnam will want nukes if the US deserts the region. Indonesia will have to keep up with the Joneses.

The US First Strategic Island Chain in the western Pacific will dissolve. The US Second Strategic Island Chain will be weakened and vastly exposed, likely undefendable. The Third Strategic Island Chain that includes Alaska and Hawaii will need to be vastly empowered; Guam will be undefendable unless the US commits to a major conflict over the island that's much closer to the Phils than to the mainland USA. And all of this is after Trump pulls US forces back to the United States.

If Trump abandons the region its countries will become nuclear sovereign, touchy and high risk. It becomes none for all and every one for himself. This is where the post WW 2 global order is going under Putin-Trump-Xi and Kim. Trump would consider doing all of this a great accomplishment. This is when lines established by the US and Allies over the decades need to be held and strengthened, not dissolved.

Trump's suppine public posture towards Russia is equally dangerous.
Pretty soon NORAD will be tracking Santa and his drone reindeer so let's go to the ROTC fields for some obstacle courses, shooting, running, climbing, rappelling and trophies of recognition for those who have been better than just good. As good as good is.

Cadets of US Army Senior ROTC | Summer Training Advanced Camp | 1st ROTC Region Spartans Brigade

Ft. Knox KY | HQ Army Cadet Command | July 3 - Aug 4th 2024 | Ten Senior ROTC Colleges


Army ROTC Cadet Summer Training Advanced Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky is a 35-day training event designed to develop a cadet’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and to forge them into tough, adaptable leaders who can thrive in ambiguous and complex environments. This training camp is the capstone leader development opportunity for all cadets between their Military Science III and IV years of ROTC.

The 10 ROTC programs of the 1st Region Brigade Spartans are GA Military College, Marion Military Institute, NM Military Institute, North GA College, Norwich University, TX A&M, The Citadel, Valley Force Military College, VA Military Institute, VA Tech.


Cadets of US Army Junior ROTC | Lee County High School | Sanford North Carolina

National Raider Battalion | County & State Champions
| Awards Presentation Conclusion


Someone counted the first LCHS cadet at 61 pushups then he went on to countless sit ups. A well oiled machine he is. This physically very strong team made a short work of the 10,000 pound pickup truck hauling as we see in the video frame. They changed its parking space with dispatch.

The Raider Team Leader who is also cadet battalion commander cadet Lt.Col. -- two diamonds rank insignia on the cap -- wore a path to the trophy table during the awards ceremony at the conclusion of the video. Finished off with overall first place the Lee County Raider Team did. The cadet LTC commander carries the school ROTC Raiders guidon during the 5km run in which the pushup champ made like Secretariat. We see c/LTC's mother and civilian younger brother slouch in the vid. This Lee County HS JROTC Raider Team finished 3rd in the Nationals at Ft. Knox KY, among the 24 championship teams from throughout the country's ROTC subregions.

Cadets of US Army Junior ROTC | Westlaco High School Texas | World Record Run

Host A Regional JROTC Obstacle Course Competition | At Westlaco Campus New Obstacle Course

USA Sets Guinness World Record | National 5km Run By All HS Cadets in America | At Same Time

Westlaco HS Is Event Central Site In County


JROTC National Raider Challenge 2024 ||| Cadets from Weslaco High School, Weslaco, Texas participate in the Cross Country Rescue at the JROTC National Raider Challenge 2024, Fort Knox, Ky., October 25, 2024.

This is the second time the event has been held at Ft. Knox. The competition, hosted by U.S. Army Cadet Command runs from October 24th through 27th and brought in nearly 300 teams built from around 3,900 Cadets from 220+ schools across the nation and from as far away as Guam. Elite Junior ROTC students competed to be among the best in the nation.

The video is not of the National Raider Brigade event at Ft. Knox KY of this past October. I've looked at those videos and they're each two minute fragments not worth chasing around with. So this video is instead of the opening of a new obstacle course constructed at the campus of Westlaco HS for the long time school sponsored US Army Junior ROTC program which celebrates its 100th year.

It's a county wide event for the several HS JROTC programs to compete and win award trophies. But the Grand Event is for the USA to set a new Guinness Book World Record by having all of its high school Junior ROTC cadets do a 5km run at the same time and together everywhere throughout the country. We're talking 4000 HS Junior ROTC cadets of all USA military services. Heady stuff for high school kids but well earned and deserved for the cadets of the USA that they are pleased and proud to be.

Daily Routine of NDA Cadets | NDA Facts | NDA Motivation | NDA cadets training | CDA​

The following three videos are of the parade and ceremony for the graduating class of the Hong Kong Sea Cadets School that remains unscathed by the CCP repressive takeover of the former British colony. The Sea School that was founded by the British after WW2 has the UK military manual and curriculum to include all cadets becoming fluent in English.

The CCP DictatorTyrants in Beijing have left the school to itself because the Boyz in Beijing don't want to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. The SS is important to Hong Kong shippers who snap up the grads some of whom go on to Naval service in the UK. But to global trade this school produces top notch mariners who are in demand by shippers and traders in Europe such as Maersk in Denmark but not only Maersk. Grads of the HKSS are the up and coming stars of any Merchant Marine and shipper that can sign 'em up.

The March On

The six companies of HKSS cadets march onto the deck for the graduation ceremony of the departing senor cadets. This is a full turnout of the HKSS corps of cadets which is exceptional in parades and ceremonies.

The front three companies are cadets of the Upper School while the rear three companies are younger cadets of the Lower School, meaning of course high school and middle school. Only the Upper School cadets have a company flag and nickname that recognizes their official standing at the SS. The three Lower School companies have no flag and no nickname -- and they have only a fellow cadet as their leader. In other words the Lower School cadets have a way to go to prove themselves.

Upper School Company Flag Color and Nick
1 = Blue - Whales
2= Red - Sea Lions
3= Green - Whales

Pass In Review

This is the post inspection pass in review by the six companies only. This occurs after the reviewing officer is escorted by the parade commander through the ranks inspecting the members of the formation, whether regular force or cadets. The Reviewing Officer is the Chief Inspector for the Ministry of Trade & Customs, Lin En Wei. There are 7 video segments of this ceremony so only after this segment does the graduating class take to the deck. As with the British Military Manual, the red sash on the cadet commander of the Guard indicates a cadet senior NCO, which by the British manual for cadets is equal to the US SGT E-5 and no more than.

Graduating Class Passes In Review | Troop the ranks in a slow march to a bagpiper playing Old Ang Sine.

The graduating class of cadets pass in review and only, while the six companies of the corps of cadets remain in place. This is so the graduates can slow march troop the ranks of the remaining cadets in a formal farewell. For this a bagpiper and the band play Old Ang Sine. The graduating cadets troop the ranks of the cadets they had led, taught, mentored, sailed with and bonded with. This formal farewell is according to the British Military Manual of course.
This is a bit off the beaten path but it's about the Westlaco High School whose Army Junior ROTC unit just got its own Obstacle Course. The video included the USA setting a new Guinnes World Record of high school military cadets throughout the country and of all services doing a 5km run at the same time.

It's just that with this too these Westlaco HS kids seem to be charmed.....


June 1st 2024 | 22K Views In A Year To Remember​

Weslaco won a historic state softball title after scoring eight runs in the bottom of the seventh to beat Waco Midway 11-9 on 6/1/24 in Austin on Andrea Ortiz’s walk off grand slam to left field.

**That was AWESOME


**Congrats! And thank you for never giving up! And showing how much grit and fight we have in the RGV!

**That was something special too see , well done lady panthers !!!

**Congratulations on playing your hearts out and WINNING!!!! Great ending to a great season.

**She cranked that home run, good contact.

**I like how the Waco team went over to comfort their pitcher

**So special congratulations you’ve just become a HS legend and Hometown hero

Weslaco stuns Waco Midway to win first-ever softball state title

The Blow By Blow of the Spectacular Last At Bat & Grand Slam​

Westlaco Was Down 9-3 Going Into Their Last At Bat | Andrea Ortiz Was 0-3 With 2 K's​

Weslaco stuns Waco Midway to win first-ever softball state title.

Hidalgo County Celebrates the Weslaco Lady Panthers Texas State Champion Softball Team​

A historic moment! 💜🥎 Hidalgo County congratulates the Weslaco Lady Panthers Softball team for their 6A STATE CHAMPIONSHIP!

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