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Military Cadet Thread Extension (1 Viewer)

Cadet Candidates | U.S. Air Force Academy | Preparatory School | Colorado Springs CO​

Pass In Review | USAFA | Squadrons Alpha, Bravo, Charlie | USAFA Band​

Cadets of U.S. Air Force Academy | Parents Weekend | Parade & Ceremony​

Pass in Review Only | Flag Officer LtGen Review​

Cadets of Army Junior ROTC | Riverside Military Academy | Preparatory School

Gainesville GEORGIA | Pass In Review

The Army Colonel Ret. who is president of the academy takes the pass in review. For the year 2000 the Academy Board of Trustees of the well endowed school did a complete makeover of the place.

The Board added several new buildings to complement the buildings and architecture that have existed since 1907 and the founding of the academy by Gen. Sandy Beaver Ret. Indeed, academy tuition, room and board remain astoundingly low. The Board expanded the corps of cadets by two companies and connected with the government service academies and ROTC colleges. Under a new executive and philosophy the cadets of RMA are going places. The snappy band represents the new philosophy of the new Board. Good on them for doing this long overdue makeover.
This is the Sea Cadet ceremony of manning the mast i believe ended in about 1995, this was at HMS Ganges in Suffolk England a Royal Navy shore base the boy on the top was known as the button boy, the whole thing looks crazy to me, i was a Sea Cadet for four years until i started my working life, i was a drummer in the band with my feet on the ground, this wouldn't be allowed these days because of health and safety, but i must say those boys had some balls.
That's an excellent video of the UK Royal Navy Sea Cadets Ships Complement of HMS Ganges Mast Climbing Display Team of decades ago.

This vid is of the same annual event of its time but this one has the huffing and puffing of a cadet narrator climbing the mast accompanying the 80 highly trained cadet demonstration climbers. The Sea Cadet narrator climber ascends alongside the 16 year old Button Boy who stands and salutes on the Button while the RN band plays the Evening Hymn on the lowering of the British Navy Ensign (flag) from the mast.

Cadets of UK Royal Navy | Sea Cadet Corps | Mast Climbing Demonstration Crew | HMS Ganges

Cadets of UK RN | Assemble at HMS Ganges | In Support of the Mast Climbing Display Team

March In To The Signature Tume of the RN and Commonwealth Navies and Sea Cadet Corps:
Heart of Oak

Cadets are inspected by a crew of RN regular officers.

Cadets of UK RN | Mast Climbing Demonstration Crew | First Female Button Boy | 1992

Record Setter and Holder | Longest Time Standing on Button | Awarded By First Lord of The Admiralty

The vid opens with a 2 minute narration by a RN Officer. At which point the 40 member Mast Climbing Display Team marches onto the field in two 20 member formations. This is half the usual Display team at the site of HMS Ganges. The team marches onto the field to the signature tune of HM Royal Navy and Commonwealth Navies and Sea Cadet Corps Heart of Oak.

Team members ascend singularly in sequence. Once the female Button Boy is set at the top of the mast the band plays a bar of Rule Britania. At which time the band plays the Evening Hymn of the UK armed forces -- which is our 5 pm Retreat -- to lower the RN Ensign/flag while the Button Boy salutes for both tunes. This gal, Fannie Doppel is the first and only female Button Boy of the RN SCC.
@Rich2018 might not like you interfering with his spamming.
Fledmaus Groundhog Day.

10 years of it himself.


Verbose rants normally are.

Fledmaus Groundhog Day.

Every day for 10 years.

The While Whales. Not just one any more. Fledmaus is expanding his needed targets. One is not enough out here in the general population rich with targets true or not true. So many targets and an endless time for even more of us.
This post presents cadets of the Canadian Army Force at their six week Summer Camp at Vernon Armed Forces Base in Vernon, British Columbia where cadets assembled from the Pacific-Western Region. A 10-part documentary was produced about it but I have chosen three of the ten parts that focus on the beginning and the end.

The three videos present the awkwardness of the beginning to the unity and the hard good-bye's at the end of this special cadet bonding experience. I can testify to the lifelong bonds that originated and cohered during my cadet experiences.

Cadets of Canada Army Force | Summer Training Camp

Vernon Armed Forces Base | Vernon British Columbia | Pacific-Western Region

Arrival By Hercules C-130 Canada Air Force Transport | Registration & Barracks Assignment

Meet Your Cadet Trainers | Off To Field Training & Chow | Part 1

It's brutal haircut time again for the cadets. But the upside is six weeks free room and board to include the Canadian equivalent of MRE food or Meals Ready to Eat, known popularly throughout the USA armed forces as Meals Rejected by Everyone. :sick: In the regular forces of NATO countries the troops eat first, then the NCO's go through the chow line while the officers always eat last. This means the officers ugh always get the Vegan MREs that no member of the armed forces in his right mind wants -- well, only a few might want. Just a reminder too that cadets with the red sash are cadet senior nco's SGT, the highest NCO rank in Canada cadets.

Canada community based Army cadets visit Ft. Drum, New York during their March break from school. Ft. Drum is home to the elite 10th Mountain Division.
Canadian community based cadets of the 32nd Military Police and 709th Toronto Signals Army Cadet Corps traveled to Fort Drum for their March break, similar to spring break, trip. Roughly 50 cadets and their cadre stayed in barracks, ate in the dining facility, and toured various units around Fort Drum during their visit. The cadet corps is very similar to the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps in the U.S. Participation with the cadets is free and they hold fundraisers to make trips possible like the one to Fort Drum where the cadets liked the robotics aspect in particular. Red berets are for the MP familiarization track while the heavy color blue berets indicate Signals trainees.

So yes, I see now the following two videos are available at YouTube only and on the one simple click to YouTube....

Vernon AFB | Vernon BC | Pacific-Western Region | Part 2

Jump Ahead To Graduation Parade | Congratulations! | Pack Your Stuff To Go Home

The Long good-bye's

Vernon AFB | Vernon BC | Pacific-Western Region

The Good-Bye's | See You Next Summer | Board The Buses | Fly Out Via Air Canada

Canada has 54,000 community based cadets of Army, Navy, Air Force.
Canadian armed forces cadets look on during the Remembrance Day ceremony at the National War Memorial in Ottawa at the 11th Hour on Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2023.
Cadets of U.S. Air Force Civil Air Patrol | Michigan Wing | 2024 Summer Encampment

West Point Cadets train with Korea Military Academy cadets and cadre in SK.
Twenty U.S. Military Academy cadets visited the Korean Military Academy and Special Warfare School in the Seoul area July 10, 2023. They were welcomed by the KMA leadership and got to interact with and learn about their Korean counterparts who will also one day lead their military. The cadets are visiting South Korea as part of their summer program at the academy at West Point, New York, which is 6,820 miles from Seoul.

Cadets of South Korea | National Defense Academy | Armed Forces Day Grand Parade

Seoul ROK | Cadets of Army, Navy/Marines, Air Force | Soldiers of U.S. 8th Army/Korea

402,789 Views | Sep. 26, 2023

Despite the rainy and chilly annual Armed Forces Day in SK people turned out in large numbers to express their support and gratitude to the marching units who represent the force in the parade. Cadets of the National Defense Academies returned waves and words of praise from onlookers as they marched along vigorously. Except for China it is custom throughout most East Asian countries for cadets to lead in parades so right off we get the triple-X large size Army academy cadet band.

Korean Army cadets face Ironhorse Gauntlet at the US Army Camp Hovey in South Korea
CAMP HOVEY, Republic of Korea -- Capt. James Teskey (second from right), 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, 8th Army/Korea, looks on with Korea Military Academy cadets, while the rest of their squad negotiates multiple obstacles March 23 during the Ironhorse Gauntlet Course at Camp Hovey. Cadets trained with Soldiers from the 1st ABCT before heading to the annual International Military Cadet Skills Competition at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Fred Brown, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs, 1st Cav. Div.)

Leading the Armed Forces Day parade Division 1 cadet force is the Maj.Gen. Commandant of the ROK Military Academy with his principal staff. At 5:00 of the vid we get the Naval Academy cadets and at 8:00 the Air Force cadets. Each cadet academy service group is led by its 2-star commandant, a unit of massed academy flags, a dress uniform unit -- and its camos unit. Army cadets are shown doing a 52 count marching Manual of Arms which is a Doozy to do. At 10:00 we get a marching unit of the U.S. 8th Army that has been stationed in SK since fighting in the Korean War 1950-53. At 11:00 are cadets with banners representing ROTC active colleges and schools in SK. The vid closes showing us some of the Taek Won Do demonstration by a unit of cadets. These energetic cadets in SK march with a lot of piss and vinegar in 'em ha.

Cadets of Taiwan Wampoa Military Academy | 100th Anniversary Celebration | 1924-2024 | Central Taipei

This vid shows how even present day parade formations are derived from the battlefield formations and movements of even not so distant times.
I posted that video several years ago, to my Original Cadet Thread with its 42,000+ views that suddenly and inexplicably got disappeared one day and forever more. So I opened this Cadet Threat Extension which has developed just fine despite all odds and precedent. I haven't kept up with this thread as well as I did with the Original Vanished Thread but, in addition to some nuisance distractions and detractors of a long standing, the political times this thread exists in have taken more of my attention and involvement.

Plus there's The Old Guard thread I opened after I started this thread. My thanks to the constituency that attends and shares the experience of my cadet and TOG threads and posts. I do try to keep up with 'em and to keep 'em lively or solemn as appropriate, and informative. As I'd noted when I posted the above UK cadet video several years ago, its theme seems to be socioeconomic working class and personal albeit in a cadet military setting, which is fine because it's real. I'd also note that UK Kids with a military cadet weapons expertise of sorts seems to work out just fine in the UK eh.
I posted that video several years ago, to my Original Cadet Thread with its 42,000+ views that suddenly and inexplicably got disappeared one day and forever more. So I opened this Cadet Threat Extension which has developed just fine despite all odds and precedent. I haven't kept up with this thread as well as I did with the Original Vanished Thread but, in addition to some nuisance distractions and detractors of a long standing, the political times this thread exists in have taken more of my attention and involvement.

Plus there's The Old Guard thread I opened after I started this thread. My thanks to the constituency that attends and shares the experience of my cadet and TOG threads and posts. I do try to keep up with 'em and to keep 'em lively or solemn as appropriate, and informative. As I'd noted when I posted the above UK cadet video several years ago, its theme seems to be socioeconomic working class and personal albeit in a cadet military setting, which is fine because it's real. I'd also note that UK Kids with a military cadet weapons expertise of sorts seems to work out just fine in the UK eh.

YOU screwed up YOUR thread.... It "disappeared" due to YOUR actions.
I posted that video several years ago, to my Original Cadet Thread with its 42,000+ views that suddenly and inexplicably got disappeared one day and forever more. So I opened this Cadet Threat Extension which has developed just fine despite all odds and precedent. I haven't kept up with this thread as well as I did with the Original Vanished Thread but, in addition to some nuisance distractions and detractors of a long standing, the political times this thread exists in have taken more of my attention and involvement.

Plus there's The Old Guard thread I opened after I started this thread. My thanks to the constituency that attends and shares the experience of my cadet and TOG threads and posts. I do try to keep up with 'em and to keep 'em lively or solemn as appropriate, and informative. As I'd noted when I posted the above UK cadet video several years ago, its theme seems to be socioeconomic working class and personal albeit in a cadet military setting, which is fine because it's real. I'd also note that UK Kids with a military cadet weapons expertise of sorts seems to work out just fine in the UK eh.

This is a good thread, by all means carry on.
This post focuses on US Naval cadets of the US Naval Academy at Annapolis and of the USN Sea Cadet Corps which is a well established volunteer program that is community based throughout the country. We look in on the Sea Cadets who are in their summer programs of education and training at US military bases, to include the Northeast Region SCC training at Ft. Devens in Massachusetts and at the Great Lakes Recruit Training Facility, Training Camp John Paul Jones, in North Chicago, Illinois.

Cadets of US Navy Sea Cadet Corps | Summer Training Camp | Ft. Devens MA

Northeast USA - SCC - Recruit Training Camp | 7,904 Views


***I'll never forget my days as a cadet, stay with it and love every second of it for what it is. hooyah

***Going to Basic Camp at Devens this July, wish me luck!

***Oh what’s up Rubin! It’s me Timmel from bravo squadron.

***I’m in Charlie Squad.

***This is ernest rubin. Echo honor division.

***Echo for life.

Cadets of USN Community Based Sea Cadet Corps | Recruit Summer Camp Graduation

USN Great Lakes Naval Station | North Chicago Illinois @ Lake Michigan

USS Midway Ceremonial Drill Hall | USN Recruit Training Command

All USN recruits do 10 weeks of basic training and testing at the Great Lakes Naval Station. They train there in the Old Fashioned Way, meaning that you flunk something then you do it again until you pass it. Sea Cadets from the Midwest Naval Region do their Basic Camp at the massive Great Lakes Naval Station which humorously is sometimes called the "Great Mistakes" after Congress closed the major oceanfront training bases.

With its HQ in Arlington Va. the SCC has 12,004 active members in all 50 states to include USA territories. Its Executive Director is USN Rear Admiral Andrew Lennon ret. Its awards include Honor Ribbon, Distinguished Service, Community Service, Academic Achievement, Physical Fitness, Marksman, Drug Suppression among many other achievements and recognitions that encourage and develop young people throughout the nation. Although recruitment is not a goal of the program, what the Pentagon calls the "retention rate," of all cadet programs is, for the SCC members who enlist, 30%. This is the same "retention rate" in USN high school Junior ROTC.

Cadets of US Naval Academy | Plebe Training Graduation | Pass In Review | Class of 2025

On Their Graduating Plebe Training in 2021 | Back To The Future!

This is the Plebe Graduation Parade in 2021 by the class of 2025 that graduates in May :eek:. I'm surprised actually they didn't get hold of this video and torch it. Seriously though it's fairly good however. The vid has the regular force Academy Band and the Cadet Drum & Bugle Corps which is the only government service academy or college ROTC drum and bugle corps.

They needed a new public address announcer however. While this one does okay on upperclass cadet LTs names commanding the training companies, she has some kind of consistent impairment in pronouncing place names. Two cadet training company commanders are from my native state of Massachusetts yet I had to replay her mumbled pronunciation twice to recognize her mangling of each place name. She can cay "Atlanta Georga" clearly but seems challenged on many other community place names. No one died of course but this is a high profile nuisance that is unnecessary and undesired. And unwise.
It's another rainy day in London Towne but the show must go on. Fortunately no rain fell during the solemn annual ceremony by the Sea Cadets. In the historic Battle of Trafalgar the British Navy lost one ship while the French and Spanish invasion fleets sent by Napoleon Bonapart lost 22 warships. The battle cost Admiral Nelson his life, yet the victory was decisive and stands as one of the great Naval battles of history....


UK Sea Cadet Corps | National Marching Massed Band | National Trafalgar Day Commemoration & Parade | London

Cadet Units of Navy, Marines, Army Force, RAF By Geographic Region of UK | Sunday 20 October 2024

Victory in 1805 By Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson | Defeated Combined Franch & Spanish Invasion Fleets of Napoleon Bonapart

Royal Marines Cadet Guards of Honour | Reviewing Officer: Commandant General of Royal Marines

The (National) Massed Bands of the Sea Cadets lead the National Trafalgar Parade at Trafalgar Square in central London on Sunday 20 October 2024. After the edited commemoration and pass in review the cadet units led by the stellar Sea Cadet band march down the Mall from Horse Guards Gate and past Buckingham Palace, then into Wellington Barracks on the Palace grounds where the units are based for three days and nights for the rehearsals and ceremony. The best cadets of each SCC region of UK are assigned.

There's a lot of marching and music in this condensed video of the annual occasion and which is rich. This video has a fraction of the commemoration ceremony that focuses on the band performance while spending most of the time following the band March Out from the Square and so on as I've stated.

The video opens with the SCC National Massed Bands March In playing Trafalgar Victory Parade (March), followed by all cadet units of each service. The Royal Marine Cadet Guard companies (2) enter the Square at 8:20 led by a detachment of the band that then joins the band in place. The vid cuts immediately to the Pass in Review.

Pass in Review cadet units and marching music:

Royal Marines Cadet Guard Companies: A Life on An Ocean Wave, signature march of UK Royal Marines. Any guard unit bears the UK Union Banner and for these RM guard cadets, the flag of the RM Corps of Cadets, which numbers something around 3200. SCC are around 17,000 of 'em. Army cadets number around 27,000 and RAF cadets are somewhere around 35,000. UK DoD target is 60,000 total cadets which they've blown right through these dayze to somewhere north of 80,000.

"White Ensign" SCC original membership card signed by Queen Victoria, and lead Units of the Sea Cadets from the regions of the UK: Heart of Oak, signature march of the Royal British Navy; then the changeover to the lively On The Quarterdeck which is the high aft captain's steering and navigation section of a sail driven British Navy Man O'War.

Cadets of Army Force, British Grenadiers, signature march of the British Army, also a lively tune.
Cadets of RAF passing in review to the RAF Pass in Review March which is upbeat for sure.

Event cadet staff with the final unit passing in review being the combined adult cadre event staff led by their C.O.

Band pass in review to the signature march of the UK and Commonwealth Sea Cadets, Ready Aye Ready.

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