This post focuses on US Naval cadets of the US Naval Academy at Annapolis and of the USN Sea Cadet Corps which is a well established volunteer program that is community based throughout the country. We look in on the Sea Cadets who are in their summer programs of education and training at US military bases, to include the Northeast Region SCC training at Ft. Devens in Massachusetts and at the Great Lakes Recruit Training Facility, Training Camp John Paul Jones, in North Chicago, Illinois.
Cadets of US Navy Sea Cadet Corps | Summer Training Camp | Ft. Devens MA
Northeast USA - SCC - Recruit Training Camp | 7,904 Views
***I'll never forget my days as a cadet, stay with it and love every second of it for what it is. hooyah
***Going to Basic Camp at Devens this July, wish me luck!
***Oh what’s up Rubin! It’s me Timmel from bravo squadron.
***I’m in Charlie Squad.
***This is ernest rubin. Echo honor division.
***Echo for life.
Cadets of USN Community Based Sea Cadet Corps | Recruit Summer Camp Graduation
USN Great Lakes Naval Station | North Chicago Illinois @ Lake Michigan
USS Midway Ceremonial Drill Hall | USN Recruit Training Command
All USN recruits do 10 weeks of basic training and testing at the Great Lakes Naval Station. They train there in the Old Fashioned Way, meaning that you flunk something then you do it again until you pass it. Sea Cadets from the Midwest Naval Region do their Basic Camp at the massive Great Lakes Naval Station which humorously is sometimes called the "Great Mistakes" after Congress closed the major oceanfront training bases.
With its HQ in Arlington Va. the SCC has 12,004 active members in all 50 states to include USA territories. Its Executive Director is USN Rear Admiral Andrew Lennon ret. Its awards include Honor Ribbon, Distinguished Service, Community Service, Academic Achievement, Physical Fitness, Marksman, Drug Suppression among many other achievements and recognitions that encourage and develop young people throughout the nation. Although recruitment is not a goal of the program, what the Pentagon calls the "retention rate," of all cadet programs is, for the SCC members who enlist, 30%. This is the same "retention rate" in USN high school Junior ROTC.
Cadets of US Naval Academy | Plebe Training Graduation | Pass In Review | Class of 2025
On Their Graduating Plebe Training in 2021 | Back To The Future!
This is the Plebe Graduation Parade in 2021 by the class of 2025 that graduates in May

. I'm surprised actually they didn't get hold of this video and torch it. Seriously though it's fairly good however. The vid has the regular force Academy Band and the Cadet Drum & Bugle Corps which is the only government service academy or college ROTC drum and bugle corps.
They needed a new public address announcer however. While this one does okay on upperclass cadet LTs names commanding the training companies, she has some kind of consistent impairment in pronouncing place names. Two cadet training company commanders are from my native state of Massachusetts yet I had to replay her mumbled pronunciation twice to recognize her mangling of each place name. She can cay "Atlanta Georga" clearly but seems challenged on many other community place names. No one died of course but this is a high profile nuisance that is unnecessary and undesired. And unwise.