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Military and Politics (WARNING: RANT) (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
As anyone noticed how some people who are in the military some how think their opinions are worth more then others because they shoot people with guns? If I wanted to I can join the ****ing military get shot and come home a hero and then act like Jesus Christ to everyone I see but I would rather not do that.

Here is a typical conversation between a civillian and a military in political discussion:

Civvy: OMG bush is an asshole because blah blah blah blah. He was sending people off to die cause of oil because blah blah blah blah blah

Militarydude: Yeah well, guess what? I was in the army and so your a bitch who should just sit down shut up. I CARRIED AN M16 IN VIETNAM! I GOT SHOT 20 KATRILLION TIMES AND I HAD TO HAVE SEX WITH VIETNAMESE WOMEN! SO **** YOU!!!!! !
This is the part where everyone starts to get scared
CIVVY: Oh, you were in the military? Oh my apologies sir! MY OPINION IS OVERRULED.
<civvy gets on his knees>
I sincerly apolgize for my transgressions.
<stars to kiss his feet>
You deserve my utmost respect and honor. I am now your slave. What are your orders
Military dude: kill yourself
Civvy: Done!
<Civvy stabs himself repeatedly with a fork. dies. Militarydude laughs evily>

There seriously seems to be an unwritten rule that, even if you have intelligent arguments, somehow you cannot disagree with someone from the military.
Somehow they deserve all my respect in their world but if they are acting like assholes I'm not gonna treat them with respect. I dunno about the rest of you guys but I was taught never ever to respect anyone who doesn't respect me back and that includes people in the military.
FinnMacCool said:
There seriously seems to be an unwritten rule that, even if you have intelligent arguments, somehow you cannot disagree with someone from the military.

Ah, you've been talking to NP!?!
Actually it really has nothing to do with anyone on this forum though some people on here (I'm not gonna mention names <rolls eyes>) does do that.

So I was walking down the street in my Operation Ivy shirt. There is a military recruitment center around where I was walking and all of the sudden I see this military dude and he sees my shirt and gets all pissed off.

This is what was on my shirt: It was a guy holding an ak-47 up in there and the caption said Plea for Peace.

So all the sudden I see his face getting all red and his eyes started to bulge and he started getting into this huge rant. I told him to go **** himself and I got the hell out of there.
FinnMacCool said:
Actually it really has nothing to do with anyone on this forum though some people on here (I'm not gonna mention names <rolls eyes>) does do that.

So I was walking down the street in my Operation Ivy shirt. There is a military recruitment center around where I was walking and all of the sudden I see this military dude and he sees my shirt and gets all pissed off.

This is what was on my shirt: It was a guy holding an ak-47 up in there and the caption said Plea for Peace.

So all the sudden I see his face getting all red and his eyes started to bulge and he started getting into this huge rant. I told him to go **** himself and I got the hell out of there.

Who does that? Seriously, what kind of moronic recruiter would accost someone wearing a shirt?!? :screwy

What a freakin nut job.
Ahh yes. Military recruiters. I have such great friends...in my college days whenever we'd pass one I'd begin singing the Soviet National anthem in Russian and my freinds would put their hands over their hearts and pretend to weep. Good times....

...what was the conversation about? OH! Yes! Navy Pride is going to kill you and skin you. He kill you GI. He go bang bang you die. :mrgreen:
FinnMacCool said:
As anyone noticed how some people who are in the military some how think their opinions are worth more then others because they shoot people with guns? If I wanted to I can join the ****ing military get shot and come home a hero and then act like Jesus Christ to everyone I see but I would rather not do that.

Here is a typical conversation between a civillian and a military in political discussion:

Civvy: OMG bush is an asshole because blah blah blah blah. He was sending people off to die cause of oil because blah blah blah blah blah

Militarydude: Yeah well, guess what? I was in the army and so your a bitch who should just sit down shut up. I CARRIED AN M16 IN VIETNAM! I GOT SHOT 20 KATRILLION TIMES AND I HAD TO HAVE SEX WITH VIETNAMESE WOMEN! SO **** YOU!!!!! !
This is the part where everyone starts to get scared
CIVVY: Oh, you were in the military? Oh my apologies sir! MY OPINION IS OVERRULED.
<civvy gets on his knees>
I sincerly apolgize for my transgressions.
<stars to kiss his feet>
You deserve my utmost respect and honor. I am now your slave. What are your orders
Military dude: kill yourself
Civvy: Done!
<Civvy stabs himself repeatedly with a fork. dies. Militarydude laughs evily>

There seriously seems to be an unwritten rule that, even if you have intelligent arguments, somehow you cannot disagree with someone from the military.
Somehow they deserve all my respect in their world but if they are acting like assholes I'm not gonna treat them with respect. I dunno about the rest of you guys but I was taught never ever to respect anyone who doesn't respect me back and that includes people in the military.

I doubt you have the heart to do what they do ...LOL

There words tend to carry a little more weight because they have defended the very right you tend to take advantage of. They were willing to lay everything on the line, as opposed to just bitch about the line.

And I think you shouldn't have to respect anyone you don't want to. But I also think you shouldn't say anything from the anonimity of your computer that you wouldn't say to them face to face.
FinnMacCool said:
Actually it really has nothing to do with anyone on this forum though some people on here (I'm not gonna mention names <rolls eyes>) does do that.

So I was walking down the street in my Operation Ivy shirt. There is a military recruitment center around where I was walking and all of the sudden I see this military dude and he sees my shirt and gets all pissed off.

This is what was on my shirt: It was a guy holding an ak-47 up in there and the caption said Plea for Peace.

So all the sudden I see his face getting all red and his eyes started to bulge and he started getting into this huge rant. I told him to go **** himself and I got the hell out of there.

After you said that to him why didn't you stay? Why would you tell a man to go **** himself and run...

Are you sure you just didn't look at your feet and shuffle away quietly?
FinnMacCool said:
Actually it really has nothing to do with anyone on this forum though some people on here (I'm not gonna mention names <rolls eyes>) does do that.

So I was walking down the street in my Operation Ivy shirt. There is a military recruitment center around where I was walking and all of the sudden I see this military dude and he sees my shirt and gets all pissed off.

This is what was on my shirt: It was a guy holding an ak-47 up in there and the caption said Plea for Peace.

So all the sudden I see his face getting all red and his eyes started to bulge and he started getting into this huge rant. I told him to go **** himself and I got the hell out of there.

Man things must have changed drastically sine i was in the military. In my day (not at Valley Forge but close) you didn't talk politics and the highest ranking person was a civilian. You had to give them you seat on the bus and things like that. In my day if you complained that guy would probably have been disciplined. That's not to say we didn't get into bar fights and stuff but politics was not a recommended subject for discourse when you were in uniform. Hey like Don Ameche said Tings-a-change.
I doubt you have the heart to do what they do ...LOL

There words tend to carry a little more weight because they have defended the very right you tend to take advantage of. They were willing to lay everything on the line, as opposed to just bitch about the line.

And I think you shouldn't have to respect anyone you don't want to. But I also think you shouldn't say anything from the anonimity of your computer that you wouldn't say to them face to face.

Hey well the only way you know me is through this forum so you really shouldn't base your judgements purely on that.

I could tell you my whole life story if you cared but I don't think you really need to know anything more then my political opinion because thats what this forum is for.

Man things must have changed drastically sine i was in the military. In my day (not at Valley Forge but close) you didn't talk politics and the highest ranking person was a civilian. You had to give them you seat on the bus and things like that. In my day if you complained that guy would probably have been disciplined. That's not to say we didn't get into bar fights and stuff but politics was not a recommended subject for discourse when you were in uniform. Hey like Don Ameche said Tings-a-change.

<shrug> dunno man. but something similar happened to a friend I knew. He mentioned something to his parents about not wanting to "die for nothing" or some **** like that and he got his head bitten off for it also. Well he was in the prescence of a military dude so I guess it was kinda stupid of him but sitll. . .

After you said that to him why didn't you stay? Why would you tell a man to go **** himself and run...
Are you sure you just didn't look at your feet and shuffle away quietly?
Cause I'm not going to stay and debate politics with someone who looks like they want to kill me.
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Inuyasha said:
Man things must have changed drastically sine i was in the military. In my day (not at Valley Forge but close) you didn't talk politics and the highest ranking person was a civilian. You had to give them you seat on the bus and things like that. In my day if you complained that guy would probably have been disciplined. That's not to say we didn't get into bar fights and stuff but politics was not a recommended subject for discourse when you were in uniform. Hey like Don Ameche said Tings-a-change.

Respect towards civilians (yes sir, no ma'am) is still a part of the military courtesy. In higher echelon units where civilians are a part of the HQ units and DOD officials are given the respect an Officer gets. At least in mannerisms, anyway. At least it is in the Marine Corps. It is taught to every recruit. The reasons things changed is because the American civilian began to take advantage of the military and started to disrespect him. People tend to forget that today's senior Marines were trained by the Marines that were spit on during the 60's and 70's. There is some defensive tension regarding this.

Today's Marines also have the 90's to look back on when remembering how much we mattered to the American civilian.
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I thought that military dudes were pretty popular in the first gulf war. They kicked the **** out of them and I mean its true people refused to serve sergeant slaugter dinner at a restraunt cause he sided with Iraqis lmao but stilll.
FinnMacCool said:
I thought that military dudes were pretty popular in the first gulf war. They kicked the **** out of them and I mean its true people refused to serve sergeant slaugter dinner at a restraunt cause he sided with Iraqis lmao but stilll.

Sure. The "drive-by" in the sand was great entertainment. It's what happened the following 8 years the cut.
lol drive by? lmao.

For some reason that gives me a mental image of George Bush driving by a bunch of Iraqi soldiers with a tommy gun and spraying at em.
FinnMacCool said:
lol drive by? lmao.

For some reason that gives me a mental image of George Bush driving by a bunch of Iraqi soldiers with a tommy gun and spraying at em.

Yeah, that's the joke we have about the Gulf War. It lasted for three days, so it was like a drive-by.
FinnMacCool said:
lol drive by? lmao.

For some reason that gives me a mental image of George Bush driving by a bunch of Iraqi soldiers with a tommy gun and spraying at em.

I'd replace the tommy gun with a water pistol, W with used war surplus body amour. Then send the picture to the DOD. Maybe they will get a clue.
FinnMacCool said:
As anyone noticed how some people who are in the military some how think their opinions are worth more then others because they shoot people with guns? If I wanted to I can join the ****ing military get shot and come home a hero and then act like Jesus Christ to everyone I see but I would rather not do that.

Here is a typical conversation between a civillian and a military in political discussion:

Civvy: OMG bush is an asshole because blah blah blah blah. He was sending people off to die cause of oil because blah blah blah blah blah

Militarydude: Yeah well, guess what? I was in the army and so your a bitch who should just sit down shut up. I CARRIED AN M16 IN VIETNAM! I GOT SHOT 20 KATRILLION TIMES AND I HAD TO HAVE SEX WITH VIETNAMESE WOMEN! SO **** YOU!!!!! !
This is the part where everyone starts to get scared
CIVVY: Oh, you were in the military? Oh my apologies sir! MY OPINION IS OVERRULED.
<civvy gets on his knees>
I sincerly apolgize for my transgressions.
<stars to kiss his feet>
You deserve my utmost respect and honor. I am now your slave. What are your orders
Military dude: kill yourself
Civvy: Done!
<Civvy stabs himself repeatedly with a fork. dies. Militarydude laughs evily>

There seriously seems to be an unwritten rule that, even if you have intelligent arguments, somehow you cannot disagree with someone from the military.
Somehow they deserve all my respect in their world but if they are acting like assholes I'm not gonna treat them with respect. I dunno about the rest of you guys but I was taught never ever to respect anyone who doesn't respect me back and that includes people in the military.

Yes, you are right, but your analogy is kind of graphic. That's true though. Military service personell, deserve our utmost respect, but we shouldn't place they're opinions on a pedastool for a second.
Military service personell, deserve our utmost respect, but we shouldn't place they're opinions on a pedastool for a second.

True but you should when they are facts. Which you have a profound problem sometimes with. But thats ok. We will work on that. I see much potential my good friend.
True but you should when they are facts. Which you have a profound problem sometimes with. But thats ok. We will work on that. I see much potential my good friend.

I see no potential. He still prefers Superman over Batman.
FinnMacCool said:
Hey well the only way you know me is through this forum so you really shouldn't base your judgements purely on that.

I could tell you my whole life story if you cared but I don't think you really need to know anything more then my political opinion because thats what this forum is for.

Your right. And I can only guage my response of you from what I read. It takes a lot to stand up and defend something, specially knowing the cost. It doesn't take much to beat something down when it cost you nothing.

FinnMacCool said:
Cause I'm not going to stay and debate politics with someone who looks like they want to kill me.

I am of the opinion if your going to talk **** to someone you should at least stick around and defend your words. I can't see saying anything on here I wouldn't say directly to your face. And if I got a beat down for saying those words so be it. Course these are my opinions and don't me squat to you. Just a matter of what your willing to stand up for I guess
kal-el said:
Yes, you are right, but your analogy is kind of graphic. That's true though. Military service personell, deserve our utmost respect, but we shouldn't place they're opinions on a pedastool for a second.

You don't think defending these freedoms gives them a little more insight possibly. The flip side is bitching from your chair or protesting using the freedoms they provide? I put a little more weight into the opinions. That doesn't mean That I take every word said as the gospel truth. But I think they earned a little something extra by defending what there talking about
Calm2Chaos said:
You don't think defending these freedoms gives them a little more insight possibly. The flip side is bitching from your chair or protesting using the freedoms they provide? I put a little more weight into the opinions. That doesn't mean That I take every word said as the gospel truth. But I think they earned a little something extra by defending what there talking about

That's right. You Bush haters can hate President Bush all you want, but don't let that hate blind you to the "very" real problem in the Middle East. For the last thirty years, there has been a fundamental Islamic movement growing and it has been spreading outside of it's borders. The military and the CIA have been voicing these concerns since the 80's. Nobody's listening.
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Calm2Chaos said:
You don't think defending these freedoms gives them a little more insight possibly. The flip side is bitching from your chair or protesting using the freedoms they provide? I put a little more weight into the opinions. That doesn't mean That I take every word said as the gospel truth. But I think they earned a little something extra by defending what there talking about

You're right, but like I said before, those are just opinions, they might be informed opinions, but they are simply opinions. I'm not gonna bow down to someone simply because they are wearing a uniform.
kal-el said:
You're right, but like I said before, those are just opinions, they might be informed opinions, but they are simply opinions. I'm not gonna bow down to someone simply because they are wearing a uniform.

I never said bow down. I said there opinoins may carry more weight, least to me. Thats because they have defended the rights that are being used. They have earned that right IMO.

******* on an ideal is easy when you didn't have to fight for it in the first place
GySgt said:
Sure. The "drive-by" in the sand was great entertainment. It's what happened the following 8 years the cut.

And if shrub #1 had finished the job instead of calling off the war, we would not be over there now.

The only reason shrub #2 invaded Iraq was because Saddam had threatened to 'kill his daddy'.

And if you think that it was a 'drive-by' the first time, you don't have a clue about military operations.
Old and wise said:
And if shrub #1 had finished the job instead of calling off the war, we would not be over there now.

The only reason shrub #2 invaded Iraq was because Saddam had threatened to 'kill his daddy'.

And if you think that it was a 'drive-by' the first time, you don't have a clue about military operations.

That is not the only reason but it is one of them. Bush has proved he is truly a Washinton insider and has used the office of the Chief Exce for personal purposes as well as anyone before him.

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