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Miles Taylor - Former Chief of Staff of Trump's Home Security Dept. Voting for Biden (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
This morning I was listening to Miles Taylor talk about Trump and his experiences with the man while he was Chief of Staff of Home Security in Trump's administration.

Miles Taylor has been a life long Republican!

Who is Miles Taylor, Ex-DHS Official Waging War Against His Former Boss, Trump?

“I left the administration because I got to a point where saying no was no longer enough. We were constantly in a position with the president where, it’s not that he would just tell us to do things that we would say are inappropriate, unethical, or illegal, it’s that he would continue to consistently tell us to do those things,” he claimed, adding, “That was an enormous frustration, and when I realized we weren’t going to be able to pull him back from some of these impulses, it meant it was time to go.

I think there is a line that has to be drawn between getting things you believe need to be done and breaking established laws to get them done. In this statement, I am giving Trump the benefit of the doubt by thinking that Trump was doing what he thought was best for the nation ( I personally believe Trump does things that benefit him first and not the nation). Nonetheless, the reality is that we have always stood out in the world by being a nation of laws based on our beloved Constitution and having someone that tries to bypass those laws means he is breaking the pillars of who we are and have been. We have always depended on the Democratic process where things get decided by vote where the majority decision of sound minds takes precedence and not by what 1 man decides is best.

I listened to Miles Taylor this morning and he sounded like a very intelligent and rational person that makes his decisions not by party lines but by what is best for the nation based on our Constitution. Isn't that what we all should do?

Here is a video of Miles Taylor explaining what he saw and personally experienced Trump doing. The one thing that to me is the absolute worst and something that caused me to absolutely hate Trump is his policy of separating children from their families. To me, that is the worst thing anyone can do to a kid/family as family is sacred and the most important thing in life, above one's own life.

Also watch at the end where he stated that he is the "opening salvo" of many others who have worked for Trump that will be stepping up to the plate n the following weeks to tell their stories about their own experiences in working for Trump.

These are all Republicans that have worked with Trump and that are speaking out against him! How much more can be said when it comes directly from those who know and not just those that hear the media and form their opinion of what the Trump people say is "fake news". There is nothing fake here!
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Sane people will be voting against Trump. He's a total failure.

He also said that they had to explain to him that his inactions or withholding of aid would hurt his base and that that would cause him to act. Scary stuff.
This is only the start of people finally having enough of the child-man tantrums.

The one line "play wackamole with bad presidential decisions" shows us that this four past years could have been a lot worse if it weren't for staff members who put country before Trump.

Of course we can now expect Trump to come out and call him "loser" as he refers to everyone who doesn't kiss his gigantic ass.
Disgruntled former employee hater globalist, something something.

That’s... That’s what we’re supposed to say right?
Disgruntled former employee hater globalist, something something.

That’s... That’s what we’re supposed to say right?

Yes, then again when 95% of the employees are disgruntled, it generally means the boss is an ass****
Yes, then again when 95% of the employees are disgruntled, it generally means the boss is an ass****

Do not speak against the glory of Trump.

I’ll have you know that, many people have said, that he’s great, people say that all the time, lots of them.
Do not speak against the glory of Trump.

I’ll have you know that, many people have said, that he’s great, people say that all the time, lots of them.

I almost ran out of fingers counting them!
Disgruntled former employee hater globalist, something something.

That’s... That’s what we’re supposed to say right?

How many disgruntled former employees did Obama have?

How many from Obama administration voted for Trump in 2016?
How many disgruntled former employees did Obama have?

People have said lots, people say that all the time, people tell me “Oh he was so terrible” but they’re afraid to speak out because of... The Deep State or something but yeah, lots of people say that.
Obama talking truth and fact. No bias in the statement.

"Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job because he can't."

That should be repeated a million times.
Trump is losing support among his own supporters. Miles is the first to leave but he said he is the first of "many" that will come forth the next few weeks. As it is, Trump is behind in the polls and he only won the last election by a sliver of votes. He has gotten no new votes and if his own people are deserting, how can he even think of having a chance to win.

Trump will go down in history as

1) an impeached president
2) a president with the highest amount of people he hired that left his administration
3) a 1-term president
4) the worst president ever
On the Trump administration’s separation of family members at the border, Taylor said, “Every single month I served in that administration, after we ended family separation, the president would come to us and say not only he wanted to restart it, he wanted to double down and implement a deliberate policy of ripping any kid apart from their parents that showed up at the border. Any kid at the border.”

“That was stunning to me, and frankly it was one of the most disheartening and disgusting things I’ve ever experienced in public service, and that significantly

(OP link)

The evil is the point.

"The president shot back at Taylor on Twitter, Tuesday writing, “Many thousands of people work for our government. With that said, a former DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE named Miles Taylor, who I do not know (never heard of him), said he left & is on the open arms Fake News circuit. Said to be a real ‘stiff’. They will take anyone against us!”"

Because all of reality is conspiring to victimize poor poor Trump. Anything said about him that is negative is said to further a conspiracy against him. Right.

On the Trump administration’s separation of family members at the border, Taylor said, “Every single month I served in that administration, after we ended family separation, the president would come to us and say not only he wanted to restart it, he wanted to double down and implement a deliberate policy of ripping any kid apart from their parents that showed up at the border. Any kid at the border.”

“That was stunning to me, and frankly it was one of the most disheartening and disgusting things I’ve ever experienced in public service, and that significantly

(OP link)

The evil is the point.

Warms the hearts of a LOT of our fellow DP members. I won't call them fellow Americans, as I don't consider them such. :roll:

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