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Mike Pence (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Does anyone think that Pence has a future in US politics?

He seems to draw people to hear him speak, not sure what the attendance is. He seems like a pinata for both left and the right.
He makes all the right moves a Rep/con should. Anti-LGBTQ, etc. Maybe US Sen from Indiana. He was already Gov. The Pillsbury Doughboy could do that, I suppose.
Well, Vice President Pence might be able to win election to the Senate.

But he could never win the Republican Presidential nomination.

The fans of The Donald would veto his chances.

And, if by chance, he did get the nomination, he would never be elected.

He is a true conservative.

Although he is not obnoxious like The Donald, he holds some cultural views that are abhorrent to the Dems and many moderates.
Well, Vice President Pence might be able to win election to the Senate.

But he could never win the Republican Presidential nomination.

The fans of The Donald would veto his chances.

And, if by chance, he did get the nomination, he would never be elected.

He is a true conservative.

Although he is not obnoxious like The Donald, he holds some cultural views that are abhorrent to the Dems and many moderates.
You are spot on, Nice post.

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