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Mike Gibbons (GOP candidate) thinks the middle class doesn't pay their fair share of taxes. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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It appears he has around $83 million in assists and he wants Republicans on this board to pay more $$$$ in taxes.


It appears he has around $83 million in assists and he wants Republicans on this board to pay more $$$$ in taxes.


I believe it's the top 50% paying 97% of the total federal tax burden. The bottom 50% pays about 3%. This depends on what you call middle class. The average household salary in America is about 60,000. Here's a breakdown on who pays what.
According to this information the top 10% and above seem to be paying above their share with the 25% percentile about right on according to what they earn.
I believe it's the top 50% paying 97% of the total federal tax burden. The bottom 50% pays about 3%. This depends on what you call middle class. The average household salary in America is about 60,000. Here's a breakdown on who pays what.
According to this information the top 10% and above seem to be paying above their share with the 25% percentile about right on according to what they earn.
You need to pay more taxes.
It appears he has around $83 million in assists and he wants Republicans on this board to pay more $$$$ in taxes.


And another multi millionaire congress critter representing the 'common' man. You folks who vote for folks like him need your head examined.
It appears he has around $83 million in assists and he wants Republicans on this board to pay more $$$$ in taxes.


It is a fallacy to state it like that.

Here is what is conveniently left out when people repeat that popular argument:

Top earners are earning a greater percentage of the wealth in the nation than the percentage of taxes they are paying.

And his 45% that he thinks are paying no tax at all are paying sales tax on everything they buy, which together with the rent they pay, is everything they earn. And they are paying indirect property tax on the rent, because the landlord is passing that tax bill on to the tenants. That means the poor are paying taxes on every single dollar they earn, as the system is stacked against them and prevents them from home ownership, the most common pathway to wealth in America. Home ownership is the American dream, and it is becoming more and more elusive and exclusive.

The rich should be getting taxed so much that the government can run programs to get low income people into homes that they own and can keep.
I believe it's the top 50% paying 97% of the total federal tax burden. The bottom 50% pays about 3%. This depends on what you call middle class. The average household salary in America is about 60,000. Here's a breakdown on who pays what.
According to this information the top 10% and above seem to be paying above their share with the 25% percentile about right on according to what they earn.
Compare the % of wealth of the top 10% to the % of wealth of the rest. then compare the % of income taxes being paid among the groups.

The rich are not paying proportionally with their wealth.
See who's left with more wealth after they pay their taxes. That's who needs to pay more.
I believe it's the top 50% paying 97% of the total federal tax burden. The bottom 50% pays about 3%. This depends on what you call middle class. The average household salary in America is about 60,000. Here's a breakdown on who pays what.
According to this information the top 10% and above seem to be paying above their share with the 25% percentile about right on according to what they earn.
but the top 50% has 99% of the money. Doesn't that mean they aren't paying their fair share?
Gibbons is right......the middle class pay more than their fair share .............
Compare the % of wealth of the top 10% to the % of wealth of the rest. then compare the % of income taxes being paid among the groups.

The rich are not paying proportionally with their wealth.

Tax isn't levied on wealth.
I believe it's the top 50% paying 97% of the total federal tax burden. The bottom 50% pays about 3%. This depends on what you call middle class. The average household salary in America is about 60,000. Here's a breakdown on who pays what.
According to this information the top 10% and above seem to be paying above their share with the 25% percentile about right on according to what they earn.
You are talking only about Federal Income taxes, not all taxes. And when the top 10% own almost 90% of the country's wealth, they are not paying their fair share. And when you include all taxes and the ways that the wealthy can reduce their taxes, the wealthy may pay a smaller percentage of their overall income than even lower middle class families. Almost all taxes other than income taxes are regressive taxes, while income taxes are somewhat progressive. Just so you know I have a degree in economics and an MBA.
Tax isn't levied on wealth.
How convenient for the super-wealthy who do not wish to make America any greater by collectively funding the government that it might improve.
I believe it's the top 50% paying 97% of the total federal tax burden. The bottom 50% pays about 3%. This depends on what you call middle class. The average household salary in America is about 60,000. Here's a breakdown on who pays what.
According to this information the top 10% and above seem to be paying above their share with the 25% percentile about right on according to what they earn.
The NTUF is a fiscally conservative organization which advocates for tax reduction and limited government. No tax is low enough for them, and all government spending is too high in their view. Thus, any government spending which helps the needy is a waste. No consideration of promoting the general welfare is warranted, in their view.

If the NTUF had their way, half of America would be homeless beggars living on the street or in cardboard boxes. Disease would be rampant and government would do nothing about it. Nobody would have healthcare if they couldn't afford it, and insurance companies would be able to charge whatever they could get away with, thus, half of America would likely have no health insurance at all.
How convenient for the super-wealthy who do not wish to make America any greater by collectively funding the government that it might improve.
Bezos was the most masterful. He paid himself a SALARY of like $180k per year forever.
It appears he has around $83 million in assists and he wants Republicans on this board to pay more $$$$ in taxes.


This is good. The Tweet, I mean. The "Scott plan" is highly unpopular. With everybody.

Democrats would be wise to use and abuse this issue. The Lincoln Project was instrumental in 2020, imo. Dems should follow their lead.

Republicans want to raise your taxes!
from rooftops

looks like they've noticed...


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