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Mike Brown Exposes Media's Lies (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2005
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America (A.K.A., a red state)
Political Leaning
Mike Brown took on (quite convincingly) the media's flat out lies about his qualifications and experience today, and thoroughly drove the point home that FEMA's role, by law, is not to send thousands of men in hard hats to be first responders, it is specifically to help state and local governments coordinate their resources.

Louisiana was being horrifically mismanaged by Democrats and efforts could not be coordinated because there was no chain of command.

He pointed out a man in the room who taught a legal course with him. He then mentioned that TIME claimed he didn't teach that course. He said, "apparently, we both hallucinated teaching it."

He gave numerous other examples of left-wing media lies (which mysteriously didn't happen to ANY of the liberals involved) that ended his career.

He pointed out that Alabama, Mississipi had none of these problems, and for that matter, neither did NY City on 9/11. Only the place run by liberals had so much upheaval and disorganization that FEMA could not figure out what they needed or who was in charge....Shocker. :roll:
I didn't see much of what he said being refuted. The outrage is that the Democrats, led by Pelosi, are turning this into a partisian issue and are failing to do their sworn duty. Overseeing FEMA is the duty of the CONGRESS and they refuse to carry out that duty. I hope everyone of the Democrats who are suppose to be there representing the people, who are suppose to be there so they can asked the people who were in charge the important questions, who are suppose to be there so they can decide what needs to be done, are kicked out of office.

Perhaps the Democrats will finally get a clue and get rid of Pelosi, she is a disaster herself.
Stinger said:
Perhaps the Democrats will finally get a clue and get rid of Pelosi, she is a disaster herself.
No!....Keep her around!

She's the best thing that happened to the Republican Party since Dean became head of the DNC.;)
cnredd said:
No!....Keep her around!

She's the best thing that happened to the Republican Party since Dean became head of the DNC.;)

I've got to put the country ahead of those desires. Heck I vote for Democrats sometimes but with the way they are acting I don't see that happening anytime soon.
If "This was an ultracatastrophe" Chertoff had designated Katrina a "catastrophic event," then there would have been no need to wait on the faulty local governments before the fedgov could "rapidly deploy 'key essential resources' during a crisis, such as medical teams, urban search and rescue teams, transportable shelters, medical supplies, food and water."
And there would have been no need for FEMA to "figure out what they needed or who was in charge."

From the "Catastrophic Incident Annex" (page 339 (357 of 426) of the National Response Plan:

"A catastrophic incident results in large numbers of casualties and/or displaced persons, possibly in the tens of thousands..."
"A detailed and credible common operating picture may not be achievable for 24 to 48 hours (or longer) after the incident. As a result, response activities must begin without the benefit of a detailed or complete situation and critical needs assessment."

"Federal support must be provided in a timely manner to save lives, prevent human suffering and mitigate severe damage ..."
"This may require mobilizing and deploying assets before they are requested via normal NRP protocols."

No red-tape necessary apparently. Well, only if an ultracatastrophe could be considered a "catastrophic event."
Just a data point for your careful consideration.

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Damn Simon, do you really think a horse lawyer should know there was a plan?

The thing is, people were in trouble and needed help now. It doesn't matter the reason why or how. If you are stranded on a roof top or trapped on a freeway overpass, you could care less about red tape, Democrats, Republicans, who's in charge or whatever else is being thrown out there, you need help immediately.

The resources were there, the response was too slow. My America is better than that.

People are paid big money to do nothing but be prepared for a situation similar to this. They are grossly overpaid.
Aqua, do yourself a favor and watch the hearings from Mike Brown instead of just getting your info from a conservative site. Then come back here and tell me if you think he was at fault.
We should have an independent commity. They should not be investigating themselves in this. I mean paying Micheal Brown with our tax money to investigate himself, well seems a little funny to me. I saw it. Chris shays from CT. really nailed him yesterday. and the senator form Mississippi wow he gave him a failing grade. I think there all guilty of somekind of negleigents. I mean the mayor can see past his own future for nothing. Gov. Blanco is Blank as far as concern for the real truth. she wants the control. Micheal brown has problems , maybe he has learning disbilities. He seemed to have done all that he could. As for President well is there really there anything really to say.
kmhowe72 said:
We should have an independent commity. They should not be investigating themselves in this. I mean paying Micheal Brown with our tax money to investigate himself, well seems a little funny to me.
Who would be better at covering his tracks and the feds?
The title of this thread is sorta ironic now that we know Mike Brown is exposing his own lies.
Simon W. Moon said:
If "This was an ultracatastrophe" Chertoff had designated Katrina a "catastrophic event," then there would have been no need to wait on the faulty local governments before the fedgov could "rapidly deploy 'key essential resources' during a crisis, such as medical teams, urban search and rescue teams, transportable shelters, medical supplies, food and water."
And there would have been no need for FEMA to "figure out what they needed or who was in charge."

OK how does this apply. The administration had consider invoking the Insurrection Act which would have done the same thing. They elected not to as this would be a MAJOR act by the Federal Government to declare the state and local governments null and void, what if Blance and Nagin refused for instance. Instead they asked the Govenor if she wanted it federalized, she asked for 24 hours and then said no. This was not a bomb that wiped out the local and state governments, in fact the state govenment was in full operation.

That being said we know for a fact that Blanco and the state EMS turned away medical supplies and food and water that the Feds had deployed as your cite says they should. I have seen nothing to indicate that the Fed's deployed anything less they have in the past.

So what is the point of your post, what were they suppose to do that they did not do and when. Keep in mind that the true nature of what was happening in New Orleans was not known until sometime Tuesday and materials began to really flow in on Thursdays.
kmhowe72 said:
We should have an independent commity. They should not be investigating themselves in this. I mean paying Micheal Brown with our tax money to investigate himself, well seems a little funny to me. I saw it.

He is being paid to stick around for two weeks while they tansition to the new head of the department. Seems to me he could say screw you all and walk away but is doing the right thing to make sure the transition goes smoothy.

That being said can you cite anything he said that wasn't true? He made some very good points such as FEMA doesn't do search and rescue, FEMA doesn't do security. Yet somehow he is be held responsible for both. Why?
After watching a re-broadcast of the hearings the other night, it became clear that Mike Brown is a ****in retard. Obviously, Karl Rove managed this piece of political stoogecraft. If Brownie could distribute federal resources the way he distributes blame there never would have been a problem.
kal-el said:
After watching a re-broadcast of the hearings the other night, it became clear that Mike Brown is a ****in retard.

After reading this line it became clear you have nothing of substance to add to this discussion.
Face it folks, Mike Brown was an unqualified croonie of Bush. Just like Miers
BWG said:
The thing is, people were in trouble and needed help now. It doesn't matter the reason why or how. If you are stranded on a roof top or trapped on a freeway overpass, you could care less about red tape, Democrats, Republicans, who's in charge or whatever else is being thrown out there, you need help immediately.

The resources were there, the response was too slow. My America is better than that.

People are paid big money to do nothing but be prepared for a situation similar to this. They are grossly overpaid.


At some point we have to step across the line and realize that everyone dropped the ball in this situation. Blaming one party or one person is an ignorant position. The situation was overwelming and the people involved were grossly unprepared.

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