Newbie here. First thread on this forum - ABOUT ABORTION! The Terri Schiavo thing got me to thinking again. Dangerous. Ok, here goes.
Does the Catholic hierarchy see any connection between literally hundreds of priests molesting multiple 'children' apiece and the absolute refusal to even consider any kind of abortion? Is it possible to realize that those kids may have had their lives ruined? OK, apples and oranges. Not the same deal that at all. Circuitous and specious reasoning. Blah, blah, blah.
'Nother example. Guy - good Roman Catholic, has a 14 year year H.S. Freshman girl. She gets raped, brutally, by a nasty person of shall we say a different ethnicity. She gets pregnant (as is almost inevitable in these cases).
Do you abort, keep the baby or give it to Children and Families or some other organization? After all, the kid's not at fault. Or, in the case of either/or, but not both? Take your pick proud papa, is it your daughter's life or the rapist's child's life? (Not to many dilemmas of that type nowadays, but it could happen.)
I am against abortion. Seems a particularly barbaric practice, even a very sinful practice. But my rights are discontinued where yours start. Old f*rts, (like me), or even young f*rts should not be able to determine - even through process of law - when, or if someone else gets an abortion. Goes for f*rtesses, as well.
Roe versus Wade. An upheaval of same is nearly on the horizon. All GWB needs to do do is get some more tendentious U.S. Supreme Court justices in there.
I will never be popular again. But, I don't wanta spend federal funds on abortion either. By the same token, although I've already fought on the ground in two wars, I am not spectacularly happy about my taxes going to I-raq and killing innocents. I know, I know. They sent in a few human bombs...
Does the Catholic hierarchy see any connection between literally hundreds of priests molesting multiple 'children' apiece and the absolute refusal to even consider any kind of abortion? Is it possible to realize that those kids may have had their lives ruined? OK, apples and oranges. Not the same deal that at all. Circuitous and specious reasoning. Blah, blah, blah.
'Nother example. Guy - good Roman Catholic, has a 14 year year H.S. Freshman girl. She gets raped, brutally, by a nasty person of shall we say a different ethnicity. She gets pregnant (as is almost inevitable in these cases).
Do you abort, keep the baby or give it to Children and Families or some other organization? After all, the kid's not at fault. Or, in the case of either/or, but not both? Take your pick proud papa, is it your daughter's life or the rapist's child's life? (Not to many dilemmas of that type nowadays, but it could happen.)
I am against abortion. Seems a particularly barbaric practice, even a very sinful practice. But my rights are discontinued where yours start. Old f*rts, (like me), or even young f*rts should not be able to determine - even through process of law - when, or if someone else gets an abortion. Goes for f*rtesses, as well.
Roe versus Wade. An upheaval of same is nearly on the horizon. All GWB needs to do do is get some more tendentious U.S. Supreme Court justices in there.
I will never be popular again. But, I don't wanta spend federal funds on abortion either. By the same token, although I've already fought on the ground in two wars, I am not spectacularly happy about my taxes going to I-raq and killing innocents. I know, I know. They sent in a few human bombs...