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Micheal Jackson (1 Viewer)

Will Micheal Jackson be found guilty?

  • Yes he will be found guilty

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • No he will be found innocent

    Votes: 9 26.5%
  • Unknown [please elaborate in post]

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Don't really care

    Votes: 10 29.4%

  • Total voters


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Is Micheal Jackson guilty?
Everytime I hear the name Michael Jackson I think about that great South Park episode. LOL
Personally, I couldn't care less what happens to M.J.
He could've molested me, and I would've only charged him a million and I would've kept my mouth shut! LOL
Then he wouldn't be in this mess. I suppose I'm a bit out of his preferred age bracket? Damn the luck.
Speaking of which, I heard the potential jurors for the M.J. trial are all middle aged white men and women. MJ's screwed.
Too bad he doesn't have the "Dream Team." ( Sarcasm)
Well he's got money and lot's of it. So I think it kind of hard to say what's going to happen. Without the cash he'd already be in prison.
If the boys he was involved with did not agree to his actions, then yes he should be found guilty.
Gabo said:
If the boys he was involved with did not agree to his actions, then yes he should be found guilty.

So it's okay to have sex with under aged children as long as they agreed to the sex?
Pacridge said:
Well he's got money and lot's of it. So I think it kind of hard to say what's going to happen. Without the cash he'd already be in prison.

:agree If Michael was of middle class income we would have had a speedy trial. Same goes with OJ. It just shows that if you do have enough money you can get away with murder.

Unfortunatly I beleive our american Justice system will fail us once again. Michael will be able to perform this twisted crime on another child. :mad: :censored :boom
Hoot said:
Everytime I hear the name Michael Jackson I think about that great South Park episode. LOL
Personally, I couldn't care less what happens to M.J.
He could've molested me, and I would've only charged him a million and I would've kept my mouth shut! LOL
Then he wouldn't be in this mess. I suppose I'm a bit out of his preferred age bracket? Damn the luck.
Speaking of which, I heard the potential jurors for the M.J. trial are all middle aged white men and women. MJ's screwed.
Too bad he doesn't have the "Dream Team." ( Sarcasm)

Yeah, I guess I million bucks would buy a lot of mouth wash.
Pacridge said:
So it's okay to have sex with under aged children as long as they agreed to the sex?
I personally think to do that is disgusting and perverted.

But I also recognize that Jackson and those boys own themselves and deserve the rights granted under the constitution of "liberty to the fullest extent".

I am not willing to limit those rights by trying to control either party.

In doing so I would be going against freedom.
Gabo said:
I personally think to do that is disgusting and perverted.

But I also recognize that Jackson and those boys own themselves and deserve the rights granted under the constitution of "liberty to the fullest extent".

I am not willing to limit those rights by trying to control either party.

In doing so I would be going against freedom.

Sorry can't agree with you here. Persons under age are not able to give consent for a reason. An adult can easily talk a child into doing something. That's the reason we have laws protecting children. According to court documents Jackson used wine that he called "Jesus juice" to get kid's "in the mood." Sorry, I think that's damn sick.
Pacridge said:
Sorry can't agree with you here. Persons under age are not able to give consent for a reason. An adult can easily talk a child into doing something. That's the reason we have laws protecting children. According to court documents Jackson used wine that he called "Jesus juice" to get kid's "in the mood." Sorry, I think that's damn sick.
If it can be proved the interaction was in any way non-consented, including the effects of substances given to alter decisions, he could be sued.

Also, if the child is still under care of a legal guardian, they may sue if the interaction was not consented by them.
Gabo said:
If it can be proved the interaction was in any way non-consented, including the effects of substances given to alter decisions, he could be sued.

Also, if the child is still under care of a legal guardian, they may sue if the interaction was not consented by them.

Not sure what you mean?
These are little kids..maybe 14 yrs at most?
Whether they consented to anything is besides the point.
It's still abuse.
Hoot said:
Not sure what you mean?
These are little kids..maybe 14 yrs at most?
Whether they consented to anything is besides the point.
It's still abuse.
Sorry, but I don't believe I have more right than the kid does to decide his own life. Believing you have more right to another person's life than they do themselves is wrong.

As I said before, the way for kids to be protected from such things is from the guardianship of their parents. Because they are not old enough to make decisions on their own, guardians can make those decisions for them.

In this case, the guardian of the child could claim they did not want the interaction to occur, and sue because of it.
Gabo said:
Sorry, but I don't believe I have more right than the kid does to decide his own life. Believing you have more right to another person's life than they do themselves is wrong.

As I said before, the way for kids to be protected from such things is from the guardianship of their parents. Because they are not old enough to make decisions on their own, guardians can make those decisions for them.

In this case, the guardian of the child could claim they did not want the interaction to occur, and sue because of it.

And who protects the kids when it's their parent/guardian that decided that the sexual abuse is okay? Somewhere in the neighborhood of 85% of all sex abuse cases are done by a family members. Most of those are by a parent or gaurdian.

Are you a member of NAMBLA or something?
This isn't a question of our personal beliefs.

Many of us may thing sexual acts between an adult and a child is disgusting, but we still do not have the right to tell people how to live their lives.

If both the child and the adult really want it, then we have no right to stand in the way and FORCE them to do as we wish.

It's important to recognize the choices made by people, and understand we don't have any right to make those choices for them.
Gabo, you don't respect the law DO YOU. We have to protect our children until they are mature enough to make major decissions like sex on their own. Your live and let live attitude is desturbing.
alienken said:
Gabo, you don't respect the law DO YOU. We have to protect our children until they are mature enough to make major decissions like sex on their own. Your live and let live attitude is desturbing.
Actually, my friend, its YOU who isn't respecting the law.

Our constitution grants us "liberty to the fullest extent".

We're allowed to do anything we want, as long as it doesn't harm the life, liberty, or property of another without consent.

What I find disturbing is the fact that so many people in the US take controlling others for granted, even though its unconstitutional and inhumane. They think its something that just is part of life, even though it doesn't have to be.
Hey Wal-Mart is having a Michael Jackson sale, all little boy's clothes are half-off!
MeChMAN said:
Hey Wal-Mart is having a Michael Jackson sale, all little boy's clothes are half-off!

So sick! I like it.

Did you see that artist's drawing of the look on Michael's face when the Judge said it was time for recess?
Gabo said:
This isn't a question of our personal beliefs.

Many of us may thing sexual acts between an adult and a child is disgusting, but we still do not have the right to tell people how to live their lives.

Yes, we do when it comes to protecting minors. Sex between an adult and a minor is an abuse of power, and therefore is on the same level as rape, but worse. Many women who have been raped find ways of recovering from that experience. A child who is sexually abused is likely to have problems for the rest of his / her life.

Gabo said:
It's important to recognize the choices made by people, and understand we don't have any right to make those choices for them.

As a gay man I'm not in favour of controlling the sex lives of consenting adults. But children are legally considered as being unable to consent to lots of things that adults can. And for good reason. I think you are failing to make a distinction between control and protection.
Pacridge said:
So sick! I like it.

Did you see that artist's drawing of the look on Michael's face when the Judge said it was time for recess?

No but I bet it looked something like this > :eek:
I voted for other, because I beleive that as this case starts to look bleaker for Jackson he will break down and commit suicide... this is just my opinion ;)
he has one of the finest lawyers in los angeles county. I vote for his being found innocent.
Naughty Nurse said:
Yes, we do when it comes to protecting minors. Sex between an adult and a minor is an abuse of power, and therefore is on the same level as rape, but worse. Many women who have been raped find ways of recovering from that experience. A child who is sexually abused is likely to have problems for the rest of his / her life.
If the child CONSENTS TO IT (this is a word meaning they WANT to do it), I see no problem.

If people feel strongly against adult-child relations, which MANY do, then they can campaign against it to teach children and parents the negative effects of it.

Naughty Nurse said:
As a gay man I'm not in favour of controlling the sex lives of consenting adults. But children are legally considered as being unable to consent to lots of things that adults can. And for good reason. I think you are failing to make a distinction between control and protection.
You seem to share the opinion of most others: you work to get your own freedoms but you don't allow anyone else to have the freedoms they desire.

I'm not saying children aren't fragile and don't need to be protected.
What I'm saying is that it's their parents' responsibility to protect the child. And, if the parents don't protect the child, it's up to the child themself.

If the child or parents are unhappy with the conditions, the child can always be given up for adoption to a more caring guardian.

What I'm fighting is the state getting sovereign reign over the child's development (which it basically has already with our horrible government jailschools). The child is to be raised by it's own parents. You and I deserve no say in how the child is raised, nor do the fat cats in Washington.

The most important role in life to me is preserving and restoring the freedom once allotted to us by the Constitution. I'll shut up and be happy when we once again have that freedom.

But until then, I advocate the return of freedom to anyone and everyone in any and all ways possible.

Only with freedom can we live in a place where everyone can be responsible for themselves.

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