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Mexican Invasion Using Babies? (1 Viewer)


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Jun 3, 2004
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Found this to be interesting look at how statutes and acts are used to circumvent the constitution. What do you think?

Anchor Babies

The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside."

Babies born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are called anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. (Jackpot babies is another term).

The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-born Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed slaves. In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14th Amendment by writing:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons."

The original intent of the 14th Amendment was clearly not to facilitate illegal aliens defying U.S. law at taxpayer expense. Current estimates indicate there may be over 300,000 anchor babies born each year in the U.S., thus causing illegal alien mothers to add more to the U.S. population each year than immigration from all sources in an average year before 1965.

Found at http://theamericanresistance.com/issues/anchor_babies.html
More on Anchor Babies

Found this information also. Perhaps its time to contact your representatives in Congress and let them know this is not OK.

Anchor Babies: The Children of Illegal Aliens

Each year, thousands of women enter the United States illegally to give birth, knowing that their child will thus have U.S. citizenship. Their children immediately qualify for a slew of federal, state, and local benefit programs. In addition, when the children turn 21, they can sponsor the immigration of other relatives, becoming “anchor babies” for an entire clan.

The United States is unusual in its offer of citizenship to anyone born on its soil. Only a few European countries still grant automatic citizenship at birth. The United Kingdom and Australia repealed their U.S.-style policies in the 1980s after witnessing abuses similar to those plaguing the U.S. today. Why does the United States continue to allow a practice subject to widespread abuse? The answer lies in how American courts have interpreted the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

The 14th Amendment was added to the Constitution as part of the post-Civil War reforms aimed at addressing injustices to African Americans. It states that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States” and was crafted so that state governments could never deny citizenship to blacks born in the United States. But at the time, the United States had no immigration policy, and thus the authors saw no need to state that explicitly.

The phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” was intended to exclude from automatic citizenship American-born persons whose allegiance to the United States was not complete. In the case of illegal aliens who are temporarily or unlawfully in the United States, because their native country has a claim of allegiance on the child, the completeness of the allegiance to the United States is impaired and logically precludes automatic citizenship.

The Price We Pay
The Urban Institute estimates that the cost of educating illegal alien children in the nation’s seven states with the highest concentration of illegal aliens was $3.1 billion in 1993 (which, with the growth of their population to 1.3 million, would be more like $5 billion in 2000). This estimate does not take into account the additional costs of bilingual education or other special educational needs.

“Every Person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”

Senator Jacob Howard, co-author of the citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment,1866.

“The present guarantee under American law of automatic birthright citizenship to the children of illegal aliens can operate...as one more incentive to illegal migration and violation by nonimmigrant aliens already here [.] When this attraction is combined with the powerful lure of the expanded entitlements conferred upon citizen children and their families by the modern welfare state, the total incentive effect of birthright citizenship may well become significant.”

FAIR estimates there are currently between 287,000 and 363,000 children born to illegal aliens each year. This figure is based on the crude birth rate of the total foreign-born population (33 births per 1000) and the size of the illegal alien population (between 8.7 and 11 million). In 1994, California paid for 74,987 deliveries to illegal alien mothers, at a total cost of $215.2 million (an average of $2,842 per delivery). Illegal alien mothers accounted for 36 percent of all Medi-Cal funded births in California that year.

What Does This Mean?
Higher Taxes: The federal government has control over immigration law for the United States. By not addressing this abuse, the funds that state and local governments must provide to anchor babies amounts to a virtual tax on U.S. citizens to subsidize illegal aliens.

Disrespect for the rule of law: By not closing this loophole, Congress in effect rewards law-breakers and punishes those who have chosen to follow the rules and immigrate legally.

Congressional action warranted: The 14th Amendment stipulates that Congress has the power to enforce its provisions by enactment of legislation, and the power to enforce a law is necessarily accompanied by the authority to interpret that law. Therefore, an act of Congress stating its interpretation of the 14th Amendment, as not to include the offspring of illegal aliens, would fall within Congress's prerogative.
No argument here.

Excellent read.
I think I will ask my congressman (the one who responds) about this.
The solution lies in a modest proposal

I knew the taco-benders were literally invading the country, but with shitty laws like this working for them, they will eventually become a political force that will make laws that further trash our Constitution and firmly entrench us in a welfare state. I believe that the simplest and most cost effective way of protecting our border is to drill a couple of new bitchin oil wells around El Paso. We then pump the oil into the Rio Grande river and when it gets good and thick with oil sludge we torch it! This will effectively make a fire mote around Texas and all those third world moochers will have to go to San Diego. I'm sure the Peoples Republic of California would be more than happy to absorb more social excrement. Liberals love paying taxes and footing the bill for all this worthless social drivel. In a few years, businesses will be gone, the homos will be dead, the third worlders will be twice as prevalent, and the peoples republic of California will be extremely bankrupt. Then president Hillary will give it to Visente Fox as a tolken of his/her esteem. Is this a Great Country or what.........................bdh
I think we definitely need to change this. I do not think giving amnesty or a work program is the way to fight this battle. I think the law needs to be changed, we need to round them up using all possible means, give no social services to any non citizen, and post the military/national guard and or the peoples militia on the border while we build a fence that would keep them out. With all the technology we have we could have tazer towers that would shock the shit out of the bastards any time they tried to cross. Now that sounds like a plan
CSA_TX said:
I think we definitely need to change this. I do not think giving amnesty or a work program is the way to fight this battle. I think the law needs to be changed, we need to round them up using all possible means, give no social services to any non citizen, and post the military/national guard and or the peoples militia on the border while we build a fence that would keep them out. With all the technology we have we could have tazer towers that would shock the shit out of the bastards any time they tried to cross. Now that sounds like a plan

I agree something needs to be done.

I agree the law needs to change.

I agree that a fence and the guard should patrol and shoot on site.

Rounding them all up will not happen without sometype of work program like the President has suggested for the already. Thinking otherwise is a fantasy because we do not know how many are in the country - it's all a guess.

BTW, mexicans are not the only culprit here. We just see more of them in TX. Califonia is like lucky piere - they get it from all sides. Asians and Mexicans.
indeed! bush might be on to something here and we're not seeing it yet. He could be doing as the local police do for warrent arrest. send out fake letters saying they one something and who ever shows up gets arrested. The work program could be something on a bigger scale. once the majority of them are in it and are working, we go around and pick them up and send them back. At this point the gov. would have some info on them for identity purposes.. I doubt this will ever happen, but it could be the underlying intentions....
In reality, Bush isn't going to do anything this close to the election. Can you imagine what it would do for the Latino vote if he changed the immigration laws? Sure way to get Kerry elected though... :shock:
Don't forget where most of us came from!

Now we're asking to change immigration laws?
Isn't that kinda hypocritical when most of us migrated to America anyway?
I found an interesting article at http://www.genealogy.com/00000389.html?Welcome=1087719145
To me if Americans had immigration laws that stated what you are asking for, most of us wouldn't be here and America wouldn't be America.
Here's the article:

Since the first new settlers arrived in America several centuries ago, people have been coming to the United States for a variety of reasons: to find land to farm, to get an education or better job, to earn money to send home, to practice their religion freely, or to escape famine or war, just to name a few. Others came by force. Whatever the cause or reasons, this immigration is what made America the melting pot that it is today.

It wasn't until the later part of the 1820's that the number of immigrants per year was over 10,000, and from that time on, the numbers kept growing. The first real bursts in immigration came in the 1840's and 1850's, when poor harvests forced people to leave Great Britain and Northern Europe. Most of them came to the United States in order to survive -- there simply wasn't enough food to support the population. So, between 1845 and 1860, more than 3.5 million people arrived in the United States in search of a better life.

In the early years, the influx of immigrants was tolerated, if not altogether welcomed. Immigrants helped populate the growing country, and a majority of them were English-speaking Protestants, so they blended in well with the rest of the population. However, as more and more Irish and European Catholics entered the United States, previous immigrant Americans began to protest. They feared both cheap labor and the possibility that a large Catholic population would increase the influence of the Pope in the United States. This fear spawned the "Know-Nothing" movement, a group of individuals who wanted stricter controls on immigration and naturalization.

By 1870, roughly one-eighth of the population was foreign-born, and the opposition to free immigration continued. In answer to the protests, the U.S. government passed laws to regulate immigration. For example, in 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act disallowed entry of all working-class Chinese. Later laws also barred people who had no money, individuals with certain diseases, anarchists, and individuals who were deemed insane.

The United States government set up quota systems with the National Origins Acts in the 1920's. These quotas heavily favored British and Northern European immigrants over those from Southern and Eastern Europe. At the time, Americans were more accepting of the British and Northern Europeans, while the cultures and cheap labor offered by Slavs, Greeks, Italians, and other Southern and Eastern Europeans seemed more threatening.

The quotas remained in effect until 1965, when the government adjusted them to allow for even more immigration from all countries into the United States. Now, even those quotas are slightly more relaxed. In the post-World War II era, the U.S. government has made exceptions to the quota rules when political situations in other countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam, and Cuba have made it necessary.
Yes most of us wouldn't be here if it wasn't for out dated immigration laws. So when did all of these migrants come here? It's been a while hasn't it? If America doesn't make new laws, or rather revise (we don't need new laws) to keep up with the times, then the good ole' USA will be Northern Mexico. I'm personally tired of mexicans that plant their butts here, and suck money out of our social programs. I'm also tired of going to the autoparts store where all the signs are in Spanish, none of the counter people speak english.

I'm not going to learn to speak/write spanish. I have no plans on moving/living to mexico so why the hell do I need to learn their damn language?

Personally I think we should shoot them as they try to cross. One weekend a month, and Two weeks a year, just give me a box of ammo, and let me sit on the border picking em' off.

It's no wonder we have perfectly legal children in this country starving.

But what about all those jobs they do that supposedly no one else will do? I'm thinking that those lawn mowing, toilet cleaning, and other menial task will get done by those looser highschool dropouts that I pay taxes for. It's about time they get off their asses and pay for their own beer and drugs.
there is a large difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration. most americans are decendants of legal immigrants who had to go through hell to get here. the cubans just have to reach the beach in florida to be legal which i have no problem with because it means only the best get here. but mexicans only find a whole in the fence and run like hell. i agree with talon, i would volenteer to sit on the border shooting them as they come across :D
Sign me up for target practice at the border. Its the least an american can do for this great country vollenter to protect the border from the invasion. And it sounds like a red necking good time :lol:
Isn't that kinda hypocritical when most of us migrated to America anyway?

I do not find it the least bit hypocritical to expect that our immigration laws be respected by those who wish to enter America. Our forefathers landed here expecting that there would be work, alot of hard work, to build this great nation.

The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-born Black Americans....

It was not the same as it is today, when illegals come across our borders, breaking the law. then having a child born on American soil in order to bring in all their relatives to bleed our system dry. Besides even if there is no "jackpot baby" do you really think all the tax-free income gets spent here? NO! Alot is sent back over the border to families and what-not.

Besides that, incentives conceptualized in The New Deal and later bloated into The Great Society didn't exist when my forefathers came here. I'll be G'D'ed if I ever accept the fact that I work my happy ass off until May to pay taxes to be squandered on illegal immigration.

"Jackpot Babies" are no different than welfare babies wherein some welfare cheat can not only reproduce, thus creating more of a burden on society, but they cash in by doing so.

The fourteenth amendment loophole needs to sewn, welded, boarded and sealed up. Period. :censored
i say if their babies become natural born citizens, deport the parents and put the kid up for adoption, or like california, propose an amendment to remove the parents and their children too. this goes for natural born citizens of illegals.
Anyone else find it slightly ironic that all the conservatives are bitching about asians and mexicans entering the country, while canadians are pouring in as well? Oh wait, they're not brown. Oh, and who said that we are descendents of legal immigrants? There's a good chance that most of us wouldn't be here if the English hadn't come to colonize it. Call me crazy, but sailing over here and setting up camp isn't much different than running across the border and trying to find work.

Oh, but they're brown.

Think about what you're saying.
well anyway, you non-american, illegal immigrant sympathizing basturd, we fought a war for this country, many infact. just like israel is fighting for the land again that they fought for already. i guess you don't see some similarity , huh, ignorant one. and yes, no one has as many problems here in AMERICA with any other group than these so called hispanics. very few countries get the opportunity to use the asylum card and mexico and her southern friends don't get to use this, so, they find any other means to expoit our system. asians, africans, europeans, muslims, hindi's, shinto's, whoever they are... come here with means of getting here and supporting themselves. now that we have most of louisiana without an infrastructure, whom do you think we should support?? definitely not a bunch of illegal aliens! what's with all this bullshit about this so called MEXIAN REVOLUTION?
i tell you what, any of you sons-of-bitches, mexicans, think you're gonna come to texas to start some war with us, we'll do just like the alamo and a
187 minus one traitor to every 5000 of you means we're all likely to die don't you think? if you remember your texas history on the alamo very well. and you don't. point being, if you're gonna immigrate to america you best not bite the hand that feeds your bean eating asses.

et tu brut`e - julius ceasar to brutus as brutus stabbed him in the back
HOW long before mexicans out vote lazy anglos that dont vote
want a preview look to california

how long will the middle class hold up to this pressure on the country

the times they are a changing
wont be long now and mexican pete will make the laws and will say anglos you pay more tax you gots de monee
although i doubt he will speak english when he lowers the boom
it will arrive similar to a fedel castro speech
you anglo pigs needs to pay more taxes so my mexican friends can line our pockets now
if you think it aint coming wow you are a lunatic you win the prize
for now the mexicans are content forming gangs and selling dope and raping woman murdering cops
soon they will want the levers of power
by hook or by crook by god they will get it to
HOW long before mexicans out vote lazy anglos that dont vote
want a preview look to california

how long will the middle class hold up to this pressure on the country

the times they are a changing
wont be long now and mexican pete will make the laws and will say anglos you pay more tax you gots de monee
although i doubt he will speak english when he lowers the boom
it will arrive similar to a fedel castro speech
you anglo pigs needs to pay more taxes so my mexican friends can line our pockets now
if you think it aint coming wow you are a lunatic you win the prize
for now the mexicans are content forming gangs and selling dope and raping woman murdering cops
soon they will want the levers of power
by hook or by crook by god they will get it to
ill tell you what mexican pete works for 5$ an hour and bubba is about to lose his 25$ an hour job
and mexican pete dont care 5$ an hour plus all the money he gets from selling dope to bubbas kids
he has the good life and bubba has troubles
big T for Texas t stands for trouble
Texas won the alamo war but lost the 21st century war
mexicans dont even speak english and they have you dear texas ear marked as mexican territory
without so much as a single shot being fired they have won texas already to late
they are mulitplying babies to take over the levers of power
and the third world nation that is america in the aftermathh will be a hell hole
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Evidently, some of you rode the shortbus to school. Not all mexicans "rape women and murder cops." What's so bad about them coming here? Oh no, they're using hospitals for free! Tough. Every hispanic family i've ever known works hard to support their family. For example, my friend David's parents. His mom works two jobs, one at McDonalds and one at Pizza Hut. She doesn't speak english for ****, but busts her ass to keep her jobs. His father works construction, and does it for about 12 hours a day. Oh, and guess what... they came here illegally! However much you bigots would like to stereotype, it's the exception not the rule. You don't think poor white families do this as well? It's quite simple. You show up at the hospital, get treatment, ask them to send you a bill, then leave. When they send you the bill, don't pay it. What are they going to do? Chase you down for the money that you don't have? Canadians do it as well. Socialized medicine in Canada isn't built very well, so alot of Canadians do the same thing. They come down to America, get treated, then go home. It's a problem that will never be fixed. Sorry for the rant, exhausted ><.

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