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Mental Ward (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Here lies the generic "this person is not all there" thread.....I mean ...seriously out there...loopy to the other 99.99999% of the world type lunatic

oh....what was that....you want me to go first...well.....OK
ptsdkid is so freakin beyond the help of mankind as to require a bottle in front of me....and a frontal lobatahim
He's not "mental", he's stupid. There's a vast difference. :mrgreen:
tecoyah said:
ptsdkid is so freakin beyond the help of mankind as to require a bottle in front of me....and a frontal lobatahim

Who the hell is ptsdkid?
kal-el said:
Who the hell is ptsdkid?

If you've not seen one of his posts yet, consider yourself lucky.

He hates liberals and women, not necessarily in that order.

DeeJayH, Navy Pride, Calm2Chaos, Felicity, and a few others should be committed.
Stace said:
If you've not seen one of his posts yet, consider yourself lucky.

He hates liberals and women, not necessarily in that order.

DeeJayH, Navy Pride, Calm2Chaos, Felicity, and a few others should be committed.

Well, for that matter, anyone else who falls for the "Campaign of Fear" tactics from the conservobots of the Republican Party should be comitted too.
Stace said:
If you've not seen one of his posts yet, consider yourself lucky.

O, ok., btw, how ya been girl?

He hates liberals and women, not necessarily in that order.

Really? Did he relay this information to you, or is this just your opinion?

DeeJayH, Navy Pride, Calm2Chaos, Felicity, and a few others should be committed.

Why? Cause they don't agree with you?
kal-el said:
O, ok., btw, how ya been girl?

Good, thanks for asking :mrgreen: How 'bout yourself?

Really? Did he relay this information to you, or is this just your opinion?

Not just my opinion.....

Some of the topics of threads he's started:

"Should women be allowed to vote?" (It's a poll, the options are: no, never, or only as registered Republicans)

"Women in combat? No way!"

"Who hates America, Liberals or Conservatives?" (Another poll, the choices being liberals, conservatives, or the entire Democratic Party)

His signature?

Annoy a Liberal: WORK...SUCCEED...BE HAPPY!

Oppose a Liberal: LOVE AMERICA

And the gems contained within his posts.....oh, I'd have a field day with all of those.....

Why? Cause they don't agree with you?

Aw, you should know me better than that.....but.....

Nope. I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with me, there'd be no debate otherwise, right? But most of them have posted either something so incredibly dumb that I have to wonder what rock they've been living under, or they say things to intentionally **** other people off, rather than add something to the actual debate. If you're not going to debate, at least be funny about it! :lol:
galenrox said:
Alright, we all know Navy Pride is an idiot, but a lovable idiot, it's like a 6 pound dog that's barking like it's gonna start some ****. DeejayH is a complete bumbling retard.
I don't know Felicity, but let's be fair, Calm2Chaos is a smart guy, although sometimes abrasive.

Alright, you got me, I do get a kick out of NP every now and again....I've actually kinda missed him this past week.....

DeeJayH, couldn't agree more.

Felicity just likes to try and discredit Steen and then gets pissed off whenever he doesn't take her bait.

Calm2Chaos.....I actually haven't debated with him on too many topics, but he's done a good job of frustrating me in the thread I am debating him in, because he keeps completely missing my point, but I think we're finally getting somewhere, so we'll see.

But while I'm at it, I'd like to add Missouri Mule to the list of people that needs to be committed. Anyone that's been posting in the Brokeback Mountain thread would agree.
I'd like to point out that Trajan needs to be put into the mental ward for claiming to be a libertarian while using Conservative Republican scare tactics to "scare" people into agreeing with him, or make them feel unpatriotic. AND, he likes to use the Conservative Republican tactic of turning one thing said into something completely different in order to better his stance against you.

What a ****ing retard.

Oops... Wait... Calling him a retard is an insult to kids with Down's Syndrome across the globe.
Stace said:
Good, thanks for asking :mrgreen: How 'bout yourself?

Great, thanks.

Not just my opinion.....

Ok, I wasn't to sure, as I'm not familiar with that guy in question.:2razz:

Some of the topics of threads he's started:

"Should women be allowed to vote?" (It's a poll, the options are: no, never, or only as registered Republicans)

"Women in combat? No way!"

"Who hates America, Liberals or Conservatives?" (Another poll, the choices being liberals, conservatives, or the entire Democratic Party)

Wow, maybe you're right here.

His signature?

Annoy a Liberal: WORK...SUCCEED...BE HAPPY!

Oppose a Liberal: LOVE AMERICA

Man, I would love to see some of this guy's post's, I think I'll check them out.

And the gems contained within his posts.....oh, I'd have a field day with all of those.....

I can't wait to read some of this guy's posts.

Aw, you should know me better than that.....but.....

Nope. I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with me, there'd be no debate otherwise, right? But most of them have posted either something so incredibly dumb that I have to wonder what rock they've been living under, or they say things to intentionally **** other people off, rather than add something to the actual debate. If you're not going to debate, at least be funny about it! :lol:

I guess so, but I have no problems with anyone here. Even the theists.:lol:
Stace said:
But while I'm at it, I'd like to add Missouri Mule to the list of people that needs to be committed. Anyone that's been posting in the Brokeback Mountain thread would agree.

I second that emotion!

This could have been fitted in nicely into some other thread. But then you all have not the necessary insanity to do it right. Rookies. I've nothing more to say...

I was mistaken...

How about a nice rant....

Well, this is a first. A class on how to do things wrong. What the fuc*k are you people doing in the basement with your weak ass shi*t? The best ten of you could not swing a 2x4" half as good as Curly. You dumbasses would find a way to hit yourselves. If you carried a anvil and someone distracted you you would find a way to drop it on someone else's foot. If the roadrunner beeped you while holding a roman candle while pointed straight at your head you freaks would manage to kill the pesky little bird. Get the fuc*k out of the basement. How do I say this nice? See? The majority of you just said, "how do I say it nice teacher"? That's my friggin point. You're weak, unimaginative, lacking of wit, you couldn't find a fresh insult to save your galenroxes ass kissing pathetic lives. Mental ward? Please. When are you weak fuc*ks going to give me a break and let me have a chance to get out of the cellar to go debate the adults? And no, you are not that smart enough to use such a ploy to keep me here.

My first post here?

Free the women.

Your first post?

galenrox said:
Oh right, and I'm gonna get called weak by the dude who insults people via cartoon. What's next, are you gonna write me a rude note and crumble it into a ball and throw it at me? I've met 4 year olds who throw harder **** than you!
The fact of the matter is you live in Florida, and that's all that needs to be said.

Is there something wrong with the state of Florida. Oh well, so long as you don't diss MI.
Originally Posted by kal-el
Who the hell is ptsdkid?
He's a Vet that had to wait over a year before receiving benifits from the VA.

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