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Men's Abortion Rights! Yeah baby! hmm... or maybe No Baby! (1 Viewer)


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Aug 11, 2005
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From a man's perspective:

How would you like for a woman to get pregnant and refuse to abort the baby, refuse to let you give up your parental rights, and refuse to let you not pay child support? Sounds like abortion laws benefit the woman while giving the man no rights at all. Sounds unconstitutional that a law woulld bennefit one gender over the other, sounds an aweful lot like discrimination.

What if fathers were given the right to abort their children by giving up any legal attachments thus relieving themselves of the legal obligation to financially support the child. Wouldn't this be the legal equivelant to a woman's right to chose. If women get the right to chose, so should men. Wouldn't this be fair and equal? Or should having children only be a woman's choice?

Of course I personally wish there was no choice here, but if women get the right to chose, it is unconstitutional for men not to have equivelant rights.
Absolutely! No argument here.


The issue is that somehow many ladies feel that the fetus is "HER" body.
1+1 = 2, not 1 - no matter how it is added up.
proverbialthought said:
From a man's perspective:

How would you like for a woman to get pregnant and refuse to abort the baby, refuse to let you give up your parental rights, and refuse to let you not pay child support? Sounds like abortion laws benefit the woman while giving the man no rights at all. Sounds unconstitutional that a law woulld bennefit one gender over the other, sounds an aweful lot like discrimination.

What if fathers were given the right to abort their children by giving up any legal attachments thus relieving themselves of the legal obligation to financially support the child. Wouldn't this be the legal equivelant to a woman's right to chose. If women get the right to chose, so should men. Wouldn't this be fair and equal? Or should having children only be a woman's choice?

Of course I personally wish there was no choice here, but if women get the right to chose, it is unconstitutional for men not to have equivelant rights.

I agree. If there is to be a choice then the man should have some say in the matter.

But, as master Vauge said, the fetus(child) is inside of the female's body, and the man has no say in what she does with her own body. Of course, if the fetus would somehow grow outside of the mother then you're right, the man would have as much choice as the woman does.
Women and the Vaginal Supremacists Movement aka feministstas do not care about "equality", no matter how many times they bleat it, they care about naked aggression at the expense of mens equality and expanding their hegemonistic stranglehold theyhave on our American Society and especially our legal system. That is why they elect the minions of male politicians to do their bidding, then they stump on a pro woman platform, then when things don't go the way of the vaginal supremacists, they get to blame it on "the patriarchy" even though it is them that put the politicians in office!

Pretty clever!
proverbialthought said:
From a man's perspective:

How would you like for a woman to get pregnant and refuse to abort the baby, refuse to let you give up your parental rights, and refuse to let you not pay child support? Sounds like abortion laws benefit the woman while giving the man no rights at all. Sounds unconstitutional that a law woulld bennefit one gender over the other, sounds an aweful lot like discrimination.

What if fathers were given the right to abort their children by giving up any legal attachments thus relieving themselves of the legal obligation to financially support the child. Wouldn't this be the legal equivelant to a woman's right to chose. If women get the right to chose, so should men. Wouldn't this be fair and equal? Or should having children only be a woman's choice?

Of course I personally wish there was no choice here, but if women get the right to chose, it is unconstitutional for men not to have equivelant rights.

What, so either a) both genders should be screwed over when it comes to forced parenthood, or b) both get the choice, which means (gasp!) permitting abortion?
Vergiss, both don't get choice, get a clue....

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