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Member of Little Rock Nine christens nuclear submarine named for Arkansas (1 Viewer)

Beruit 1978

Oct 6, 2024
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Outback, Nowhere, USA
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Member of Little Rock Nine christens nuclear submarine named for Arkansas​

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (AP) — The nuclear submarine USS Arkansas was christened Saturday, almost a decade in the making since the U.S. Navy announced that a Virginia-class submarine would bear the state’s name.

Carlotta Walls LaNier, one the nine Black students who desegregated Little Rock Central High School in 1957, launched a bottle of sparkling wine into the hull of the Virginia-class submarine at Newport News Shipbuilding in Virginia.

In 2018, then-Navy Secretary Ray Mabus named the six women of the Little Rock Nine as sponsors of the ship. Besides LaNier, Elizabeth Eckford and Gloria Ray Karlmark also attended the ceremony. All the sponsors had their initials welded into steel plates when the submarine’s keel was laid in 2022.

“History is full of groups of collective people who come together to make something happen,” the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported that LaNier said in a speech before the crowd at the shipyard. “Many people are behind the submarine that we christened today. It’s similar to the quote on our currency, E pluribus unum — ‘Out of many, one.’ We have SSN 800, but many participated in the reality of it being here today.”

Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro called the ship “the very best of our submarine force capabilities.”

“She will always be propelled by the proud legacy of her namesake, represented here today by three of her courageous sponsors, who overcame tremendous adversity as members of the Little Rock Nine,” Del Toro said.
A number of speakers also noted the 83rd anniversary of Japan’s attack in Pearl Harbor, the event that launched the United States into World War II.

The submarine is the fifth naval ship named for Arkansas, including a battleship. The most recent was a guided missile cruiser that was decommissioned in 1988.

The Arkansas is the 27th in a series of Virginia-class submarines and the 13th built at Newport News, a massive shipyard owned by Huntington Ingalls Industries. The other submarines are built at General Dynamics Corp.'s Electric Boat shipyard in Connecticut.

The Arkansas is expected to launch in 2025.


Alternative source is paywalled - but it does have a video - https://www.nwaonline.com/news/2024/dec/07/watch-live-christening-of-submarine-uss-arkansas/ Sorry, the video is an hour and a half long, fast forward to about 1:01:00, then several minutes are dedicated to the Little Rock Nine. They never do actually launch the boat in this video though.

Some Republicans support racially integrated schools, at least in theory..
Some Republicans support racially integrated schools, at least in theory..
Some Republicans are actually honoring those black students from all those decades ago. You surely haven't forgotten that Orval Faubus was a DEMOCRAT, and that Eisenhower was a REPUBLICAN?!?!?! Or, did you just want to turn this news into a pissing contest?
Some Republicans are actually honoring those black students from all those decades ago. You surely haven't forgotten that Orval Faubus was a DEMOCRAT, and that Eisenhower was a REPUBLICAN?!?!?! Or, did you just want to turn this news into a pissing contest?

It's nice of them to honor them even though, in practice, they don't support their cause.
It's nice of them to honor them even though, in practice, they don't support their cause.
So, pissing contest. You're going to blather on and on about how racissssssss Republicans are, while ignoring that Democrats actually resisted black students in white schools. And, don't forget Literal Nazis and fascists. You want to fight a battle that your side lost a generation ago. Fine, you can lose it again.
So, pissing contest. You're going to blather on and on about how racissssssss Republicans are, while ignoring that Democrats actually resisted black students in white schools. And, don't forget Literal Nazis and fascists. You want to fight a battle that your side lost a generation ago. Fine, you can lose it again.

Its in front of our faces. You all just ended affirmative action, and Republican judges rule against school integration plans all the time.
Who picks the women who Christian navy ships?
I don't know, but in my experience, they seem to always choose old women. In this case, it appears that maybe the Little Rock Nine stepped forward, and offered to sponsor the USS Arkansas. I haven't actually looked into it - maybe some activist group proposed that they do the sponsoring. Maybe the governor of Arkansas proposed them. However that worked out, it seems appropriate to me. This was a good choice. Going forward, there will almost certainly be a relationship between the ship's crew and the LRN. And, we can imagine that a lot of Arkansans, and a lot of Black people will volunteer to serve aboard her.

From my own personal experience, after a year on Adak island in the Aleutians, I talked to my detailer on the phone about my next assignment. He started blathering about Pacific islands, cruisers, carriers, blah blah blah, when he said the words "USS Richard E. Byrd". I all but shouted at him, "STOP! Richard E. Byrd? Sign me up!" I read about, and researched Byrd's explorations while in junior high school, and he remains something of a hero to me. The mention of a ship named for Byrd made my mind up. To hell with all those idyllic Pacific islands! USS Richard E. Byrd turned out to be an excellent ship, and a great career choice.

Different people are motivated by different things. A lot of people are going to want to serve on a ship sponsored by the Little Rock Nine. We can only hope that the Arkansas attracts the best people for the positions.
Some Republicans are actually honoring those black students from all those decades ago. You surely haven't forgotten that Orval Faubus was a DEMOCRAT, and that Eisenhower was a REPUBLICAN?!?!?! Or, did you just want to turn this news into a pissing contest?

Operative word: "some".
Some Republicans are actually honoring those black students from all those decades ago. You surely haven't forgotten that Orval Faubus was a DEMOCRAT, and that Eisenhower was a REPUBLICAN?!?!?! Or, did you just want to turn this news into a pissing contest?
Wasn't about Democrat and Republican back then, it was about liberal and conservative. There were conservative Democrats, lots of them, and liberal Republicans.
But after Wallace lost the nomination, again, the southern conservative turned their coats and became Republicans. There were liberal Republicans, mostly easterners, called Rockefeller Republicans, until Reagan and Goldwater and other westerners turned the GOP into a conservative bastion.
Its in front of our faces. You all just ended affirmative action, and Republican judges rule against school integration plans all the time.
Affirmative action is racist, that's why it has been ended. And, here on this forum, just like in real life, Democrats insist that they can't abide a non-racist America.
Wasn't about Democrat and Republican back then, it was about liberal and conservative. There were conservative Democrats, lots of them, and liberal Republicans.
But after Wallace lost the nomination, again, the southern conservative turned their coats and became Republicans. There were liberal Republicans, mostly easterners, called Rockefeller Republicans, until Reagan and Goldwater and other westerners turned the GOP into a conservative bastion.

Same old tired story. "But, the parties flipped! Republicans used to love black people, today Democrats love black people!!" Give it a break. If I want hogwash, I can go to a local farm, and haul the hogwash home to spread on my garden. The self proclaimed saviours of the black people are busy now saving themselves from prison.
Affirmative action is racist, that's why it has been ended. And, here on this forum, just like in real life, Democrats insist that they can't abide a non-racist America.

Same old tired story. "But, the parties flipped!
Bullshit. That's not what I said. You're either lying or you can't understand simple language.
Republicans used to love black people, today Democrats love black people!!"
Look, another rightists making up stupid shit so he can tell us how stupid his made-up shit is.
Give it a break. If I want hogwash, I can go to a local farm, and haul the hogwash home to spread on my garden.
If you think hogwash is something you would spread on a garden you probably wouldn't know where to look for a farm.
Look, another rightists making up stupid shit so he can tell us how stupid his made-up shit is.

I think he might be making a reference to the supporters of slave emancipation following the Civil War over 150 years ago, when the Republican party could indeed be seen as the party of the North, while the Democrats were the party of the South and opposed civil rights, integrated society etc.
I think he might be making a reference to the supporters of slave emancipation following the Civil War over 150 years ago, when the Republican party could indeed be seen as the party of the North, while the Democrats were the party of the South and opposed civil rights, integrated society etc.
I think you're right. But he gets no slack from me after coming at me like he did in post #11.

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