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Megyn Kelly explains everything that's led to CNN's demise (1 Viewer)


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Jul 29, 2009
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From the very beginning of CNN's march to demise, to where the network finds themselves today, Megyn Kelly lays out exactly what led the network from being "The most trusted name in news" to the least trusted, partisan joke of a news network they are now.

I'm posting this because it's so spot on.... It's the most accurate detailing of what led to the networks demise that I've heard from anyone thus far.


This is why Trumpettes live in an alternate reality.
Grim, that video was worth the listen, and I did learn from it.

But to be honest, she skimmed over something that I think is important. Since the country is pretty evenly divided between liberals and conservatives, Fox News has always had an advantage of being the only cable news network that caters to conservatives, while the other networks have to fight over and split the remaining liberal share. Of course, there are now Newsmax and One America (and another one that escapes me) but they are currently too small to really compete with Fox.

(Just to be fair, I might be prejudiced against Kelly because she has a legendary ego so big they hardly have enough room in the studio for the cameras. You can kind of see some of it in that video. I'm just trying to be honest about my bias.)
From the very beginning of CNN's march to demise, to where the network finds themselves today, Megyn Kelly lays out exactly what led the network from being "The most trusted name in news" to the least trusted, partisan joke of a news network they are now.

I'm posting this because it's so spot on.... It's the most accurate detailing of what led to the networks demise that I've heard from anyone thus far.

View attachment 67387235


Not sure how you missed this, but CNN is still around…
OP needs to do better to get me to invest 10 miniutes of time from someone who fell off the national radar after they left FOX.

Now a radio show on Sirius-XM

That’s not the career trajectory to be dunking on someone else…….

Kelly had a damn good chance to stay out of this debate,,,,
From the very beginning of CNN's march to demise, to where the network finds themselves today, Megyn Kelly lays out exactly what led the network from being "The most trusted name in news" to the least trusted, partisan joke of a news network they are now.

I'm posting this because it's so spot on.... It's the most accurate detailing of what led to the networks demise that I've heard from anyone thus far.

View attachment 67387235


I should listen to an ex fox employee bash cnn because why? Has she noticed cnn is still on the air 24/7?
"A debacle unlike any in American broadcasting history." "The joke of the journalism world."

She lost me when she said her show on Fox didn't cover Trump rallies because "we knew very well we would not do it for his opponents and it wouldn't be fair to do it for him." "Zucker went a different route, taping each and every one to get some number on the board for his struggling anchors."

So if she had covered the rallies, it would have been unfair to Trump's opponents. But CNN covering the rallies was unfair to Trump?

Trumpettes only hear what they want to hear. CNN+ failed because CNN viewers want the news. There's more than enough opinion flying around already. FoxNews/Pravda viewers live to see people like her spout nonsense.
From the very beginning of CNN's march to demise, to where the network finds themselves today, Megyn Kelly lays out exactly what led the network from being "The most trusted name in news" to the least trusted, partisan joke of a news network they are now.

I'm posting this because it's so spot on.... It's the most accurate detailing of what led to the networks demise that I've heard from anyone thus far.

View attachment 67387235


CNN's demise? I just checked and they still seem to be on air. You're being theatrical and dishonest.

wow there is a mistake there... if you GO to the actual graph and hover over the the datapoints the numbers are larger for FOX by a LARGE margin. I believe that chart is Hosed.

[EDIT] yep if you go to the data tab it shows the actual numbers... the chart is messed up.

see, now we have to wonder if that is done on purpose or not.
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CNN's demise? I just checked and they still seem to be on air. You're being theatrical and dishonest.
Ever heard of the tree that fell in the forest?
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From the very beginning of CNN's march to demise, to where the network finds themselves today, Megyn Kelly lays out exactly what led the network from being "The most trusted name in news" to the least trusted, partisan joke of a news network they are now.

I'm posting this because it's so spot on.... It's the most accurate detailing of what led to the networks demise that I've heard from anyone thus far.

So what's the gist of her argument?
So what's the gist of her argument?
That Zucker shot himself in the foot when he helped his cash cow Trump lose 2016. All because he wanted some of the ratings gold that were Trumps rallies. He got greedy and it cost them.
"The the that fell in the forest"? Nope, never heard of that in my entire life. Is that a common phrase among idiots?
No, just idiots who think CNN is relevant just because they are on the air. Those types.
No, just idiots who think CNN is relevant just because they are on the air. Those types.
Reread your statement. You made a nonsensical statement nobody has ever said.

"Ever heard of the the that fell in the forest?"

Are you functionally illiterate? You don't even know what you're writing, you just vomit it out and refuse to read it.
From the very beginning of CNN's march to demise, to where the network finds themselves today, Megyn Kelly lays out exactly what led the network from being "The most trusted name in news" to the least trusted, partisan joke of a news network they are now.

I'm posting this because it's so spot on.... It's the most accurate detailing of what led to the networks demise that I've heard from anyone thus far.

View attachment 67387235


This is my personal opinion.

I enjoy CNN more than any other news network and I watch many news networks every day. I enjoy CNN not because of their OP pieces (I don't pay attention to them) but because I have yet to find any other news network that actually cove.rs the news better. Since this war between Putin and Ukraine began, there has been no better coverage than CNN's. They were just about the only news network that sent people to Ukraine to cover the war and I do not mean just news people but a good portion of their anchors as well.

I used to watch MSNBC and I have mostly stopped because I could not stand their strongly biased approach to their news coverage. Morning Joe being the worst. I still watch Maddow on occasions because she also offers a fair amount of actual news.

I cannot stand FOX news because it is all mostly propaganda and very little actual news.

My goal in life is knowledge. I have no interest in being on a news network that "caters" to my beliefs. I am not biased and I don't need support to my beliefs. I need knowledge, facts and data and CNN offers the most actual (and deep) coverage of the news.

As one of the other posters to this OP stated, it is not fair that ratings is what is the guideline. Ratings is a way to gauge how many people are happy with one news network over the other. There is a lot of bias in the U.S. right now and generally speaking people want to hear "what they want to hear" and not the truth. In addition, FOX represents the right and it truly has no competition from other right-biased news networks, while CNN does have MSNBC to compete against.

I don't care about what this OP is trying to prove. I like CNN because it delivers the factual news better than anyone else.
Reread your statement. You made a nonsensical statement nobody has ever said.

"Ever heard of the the that fell in the forest?"

Are you functionally illiterate? You don't even know what you're writing, you just vomit it out and refuse to read it.
Hey everyone. If it’s on the air like CNN that’s all that matters. LMAO. Hey, reruns of Barney are out there too you know.
From my post in February...


NBC’s total audience of 8.578 million viewers narrowly beat ABC’s 8.389 million. The CBS Evening News was well behind with a total audience of 5.325 million.


Fox News nabbed 1.414 million total-day viewers
That Zucker shot himself in the foot when he helped his cash cow Trump lose 2016. All because he wanted some of the ratings gold that were Trumps rallies. He got greedy and it cost them.
RabidAlpaca is right. You just vomit out words at random with no thought for what they're supposed to communicate. My phone's predictive text feature is more cogent.
Ever heard of the tree that fell in the forest?
My gawd Vy, are you for real?

You are like a recurring fantasy nightmare. It's like an insane rat that visits one's dreams every night.


By the way Vy, CNN will do just fine. There is a everlasting demand for facts and data and that is what CNN delivers. As long as there are sane people that search for knowledge, CNN will survive.

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