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Meeting fails to end Ohio church-strip club feud (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
The leader of an Ohio church feuding with a nearby strip club says a meeting failed to bring a truce.

Pastor Bill Dunfee of New Beginnings Ministries says he and Fox Hole club owner Tommy George found no common ground during their roughly two-hour sit-down at a diner Wednesday night.

I bet he doesn't want this feud to end either, as I am sure that attendance at his church has now skyrocketed.

Preacher: "Just look at all those sinners, yea, look at 'em"

**Preacher wipes the drool off his chin**

Preacher: "Today's sermon is about..... Um, I forgot. Just look at the sinners.


Article is here.
Last edited:
I bet he doesn't want this feud to end either, as I am sure that attendance at his church has now skyrocketed.

Preacher: "Just look at all those sinners, yea, look at 'em"

**Preacher wipes the drool off his chin**

Preacher: "Today's sermon is about..... Um, I forgot. Just look at the sinners.


Article is here.

Might have been a more productive dinner if it wasnt over wings at Hooters...

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