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Meet the House Democrats who will be running the show (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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For two years I've heard the cliche; "Elections have consequences." Indeed they do.

It is now my great pleasure to post this thread.....

Meet the House Democrats who will be running the show

WASHINGTON -- Now that Democrats have captured control of the House for the next two years, the party’s most senior members are poised to regain the wide-ranging power of committee chairmanships. While some of the Democrats have gained fame in feuds with President Donald Trump, others are relatively little-known outside of Capitol Hill. A look at the Democratic lawmakers expected to wield the gavels and shape the party’s top priorities:

continued @ link above

Looks at the probable Democrat chairpersons of 17 House committee's and the likely overarching committee interests.
For two years I've heard the cliche; "Elections have consequences." Indeed they do.

It is now my great pleasure to post this thread.....

Meet the House Democrats who will be running the show

Looks at the probable Democrat chairpersons of 17 House committee's and the likely overarching committee interests.

Yeah, it's going to be fun watching them **** this up.

Pelooser is already going on about gun control.
For two years I've heard the cliche; "Elections have consequences." Indeed they do.

It is now my great pleasure to post this thread.....

Meet the House Democrats who will be running the show

Looks at the probable Democrat chairpersons of 17 House committee's and the likely overarching committee interests.

This will be a useful smokescreen as Trump in partnership with the Senate fills all the Federal court vacancies.
For two years I've heard the cliche; "Elections have consequences." Indeed they do.

It is now my great pleasure to post this thread.....

Meet the House Democrats who will be running the show

Looks at the probable Democrat chairpersons of 17 House committee's and the likely overarching committee interests.

They are still FUBAR. They have to make a decision. Is it too soon after promising progress and down playing impeachment, and general harassment of the Trump administration to do a 180 and do exactly what you said you would not do? And the other decision they have to make is "Who are we?" I'm not so sure they know anymore.

We shall see. Several issues can be gamed out.

I see a chance for continued work on Obamacare. Possibly drug price reform in exchange for the R's looking the other way with subtle medical care rationing via co pays. More states are increasing Medicare availability and are going to have to find a way to pay for it. Good luck with that.

Immigration is off the table, because the Democrats need it for 2020. So it will remain as it is. No wall = no DACA. No E verify = increased deportations. It's a draw politically.

Further tax reform is dead because the democrats will demand tax increases, and they would love to pull a George Bush, Sr. and have their media machine crap all over the R's for raising taxes, and the economy has a long way to go - and interest rates are almost where they are livable. Once they back of those, there will be even more growth incentive. But you do need to repair the foundation first.

Infrastructure spending may be coupled with cutting social services. After all, more people are working so that should be a no brainer. Aside from that it's just a wash, because union workers are not all that high on the democrats like before, but their dues money does go to the DNC whether they like it or not, but their votes are trending to the right.

I expect a lot of tinkering with regulations to slow the economy and blame the R's for it. They have a good shot at that because it's technical and most people aren't educated enough to game it out.

Finally, I see a silent truce in so far as Trump may back off on the Coup investigation and stop short at the DNC and White House if the D's resolve impeachment and subpoenas. The D's have a big stake in that decision. If they impeach, it's over. Done. Finished. They want to keep it alive. There will be FBI employee indictments that the DNC no longer cares about for window dressing.

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