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Medication (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 19, 2006
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I have Spina Bifida(SB). I was born with it. I've lived with it my entire life.

Because I have SB, I have to take certain medications to control my bladder. Ditropan. I have been taking this medication since I was a little girl.

Anyways, the point is…I started taking Ditropan XL in about 9th, or 10th grade. My doctor put me on this medication becuase the previous was just regular Ditropan, I had to take 6 pills 3 times a day. 7am, 3pm,7pm. I usually only rememberd the 3pm dosage.

Well, my insurance decided to change. Ditropan XL has to be an "approved" medication. The thing is, it can't be approved. So now I have to either go back to 6 pills a day or wear patches.
Problems: 1.) Taking the pills: I'll forget. It's a fact. 2.) Patches: I'm allergic to latex (as are MANY people with SB) Most adhesives have latex in them. 3.) I LIKE taking only two pills, once daily. I LIKE my Ditropan XL.
The biggest thing that doesn't make any sense to me is this: It's going to cost MORE for me to use the patch then to use Ditropan XL. So how does that work out for my insurance? It's about 100 more to use the patches!
It's frustrating to me!
jusme said:
I have Spina Bifida(SB). I was born with it. I've lived with it my entire life.

Because I have SB, I have to take certain medications to control my bladder. Ditropan. I have been taking this medication since I was a little girl.

Anyways, the point is…I started taking Ditropan XL in about 9th, or 10th grade. My doctor put me on this medication becuase the previous was just regular Ditropan, I had to take 6 pills 3 times a day. 7am, 3pm,7pm. I usually only rememberd the 3pm dosage.

Well, my insurance decided to change. Ditropan XL has to be an "approved" medication. The thing is, it can't be approved. So now I have to either go back to 6 pills a day or wear patches.
Problems: 1.) Taking the pills: I'll forget. It's a fact. 2.) Patches: I'm allergic to latex (as are MANY people with SB) Most adhesives have latex in them. 3.) I LIKE taking only two pills, once daily. I LIKE my Ditropan XL.
The biggest thing that doesn't make any sense to me is this: It's going to cost MORE for me to use the patch then to use Ditropan XL. So how does that work out for my insurance? It's about 100 more to use the patches!
It's frustrating to me!

I am a Nurse and that sounds like an awful lot to me even for Ditropan. What dose are you on? How many mg's? What about the extended release capsules? Ditropan last up to 10 hours. They also make it in a syrup and are you sure they don't have latex free patches?
I am a Nurse and that sounds like an awful lot to me even for Ditropan. What dose are you on? How many mg's? What about the extended release capsules? Ditropan last up to 10 hours. They also make it in a syrup and are you sure they don't have latex free patches?

Well I am on 20mg. I believe that the Ditropan Xl "IS" the extended release, which is what I LIKE. I DO NOT like syrup and pretty much will refuse to take it. I don't know if they make latex free patches. I do know that a lot of other people with SB use the patches. Which leads me to believe that they might be ok. I do not know for sure.
The point of all my rambling is that it frustrats me that I can't get the medication that is best for my situation. And I'm not the only one. There are so many people in this country that are unable to the proper medication.
Thanks for your concerns. I appreciate them.
jusme said:
I am a Nurse and that sounds like an awful lot to me even for Ditropan. What dose are you on? How many mg's? What about the extended release capsules? Ditropan last up to 10 hours. They also make it in a syrup and are you sure they don't have latex free patches?

Well I am on 20mg. I believe that the Ditropan Xl "IS" the extended release, which is what I LIKE. I DO NOT like syrup and pretty much will refuse to take it. I don't know if they make latex free patches. I do know that a lot of other people with SB use the patches. Which leads me to believe that they might be ok. I do not know for sure.
The point of all my rambling is that it frustrats me that I can't get the medication that is best for my situation. And I'm not the only one. There are so many people in this country that are unable to the proper medication.
Thanks for your concerns. I appreciate them.

Our health care system is broken. Have you discussed this with your doctor? The patch would be your best bet. If you don't like your Doc's advise get another opinion. Good Luck, it will work out.
alphieb said:
I am a Nurse and that sounds like an awful lot to me even for Ditropan. What dose are you on? How many mg's? What about the extended release capsules? Ditropan last up to 10 hours. They also make it in a syrup and are you sure they don't have latex free patches?

Some insurance companies will let you keep the medicine if the physician does a prior authorization, it is more paperwork but it may work. Ask your physician and just tell him or her the situation and why.
Well that's the problem. The Prior Authorization…first of all, it takes forever and second of all, I am most likely to be denied. A LOT of other people have already been denied. Grr. The fight will pursue. It is still frustrating!
Hmmm...your question intrigued me, so I did a little research. I'm certainly not a nurse or a doctor, but are you referring to the Oxytrol Transdermal Patch? If so, the manufacturer's website says that the patches are latex free, so they could be an option for you. It'd be worth it to discuss it with your doctor.

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