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Medicare redefines obesity as medical (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Source: Yahoo News

In a major decision that turns obesity from a personal failure to a medical problem, Medicare announced Thursday that it would remove barriers to covering anti-obesity treatments after 40 years of saying fat was not an illness and not covered.
I would be estatic if I could use my health insurance to pay for a gym membership.
another way to waste tax payer money :lol: i think a better thing woul be a tax break for gym memberships or ad gyms to the list of social services but i think it is a waste to have taxpayers pay for stomach stapling or any other surgery.
This is yet another way that we as upstanding responsible Americans can absolve ourselves of personal responsibility. IT'S NOT MY FAULT!! :bs
Last time I checked cancer and HIV were diseases or illnesses. How does eating to much taco bell or what ever and becoming a fat ass compare to those. IT doesn't. Freaking crock of shit. IMO
Can it, CSA.

I'm trying to get a free gym membership here and you're messing up my game.
another way to waste tax payer money i think a better thing woul be a tax break for gym memberships or ad gyms to the list of social services but i think it is a waste to have taxpayers pay for stomach stapling or any other surgery

Why not. America is a very forgiving country, not a healthy one. Taxpayers dollars should go toward gastric bypass, breast reduction, liposuction and even plastic surgery. But also I think the fast food industry, especially "Rony the clown", should be taxed hard to help pay for our gym memberships.
But also I think the fast food industry, especially "Rony the clown", should be taxed hard to help pay for our gym memberships

That's great, except that fatasses like me who join gyms with good intentions, go to the gym for a few weeks, then lose interest. I have owned at least 3 different gym memberships, and guess what? I am still a fatass! What a waste of money.

Besides that, if fast food chains were taxed additionally, you can bet that they will not absorb the cost, but rather pass it on to the consumer. Thus you will be paying 11 dollars for a bigmac, extra for the fries and oversized soda you don't need anyway.
But also I think the fast food industry, especially "Rony the clown", should be taxed hard to help pay for our gym memberships

I cannot agree with taxing the fast food industry. Taxing the industry because our nation is in the middle of an obesity epidemic is not going to solve the issue. Yes. Fast food is a contrinuting factor, but there are many more factors to consider.

How many activities revolve around or are coupled with eating? Eating is becoming one of our pass-times. Fast food only compounds our compulsion.

The choice is very simple. Think about what you eat, get out and excersize, and take responsibility.

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