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Medical insurances (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2012
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Anyone out there know if any health insurance (other than medicaid--not Medicare), will pay for care in a skilled nursing care facility (SNF)?

I know Medicare will pay for I think the first 60 or 90 days but nothing after that time expires.

Does the person not already have insurance? He might have a hard time getting it, at his age, if he doesn't already have it.
Does the person not already have insurance? He might have a hard time getting it, at his age, if he doesn't already have it.

She has Medicare and some kind of supplemental insurance (AARP?) to pick up what Medicare does not over. But it's my understanding those insurances will only pay for acute care and a limited number of days of custodial care as in a skilled nursing facility (SNF).

She has dementia and needs custodial care--not acute.
She has Medicare and some kind of supplemental insurance (AARP?) to pick up what Medicare does not over. But it's my understanding those insurances will only pay for acute care and a limited number of days of custodial care as in a skilled nursing facility (SNF).

She has dementia and needs custodial care--not acute.
Medicare covers the entire bill for the first 20 days, and $148 per day for days 21-100 for skilled nursing care. Most medicare supplemement plans also pay the SNF co-insurance of $148 per day for days 21-100. So that would make total coverage as $296 per day for days 21-100. It's important to remember that all medicare supplement plans follow medicare guidelines. What that means is that for a med-sup plan to pay medicare has to approve. Your best bet would be to call medicare directly and they're available 24 hrs a day.

Lastly keep in mind that medicare+med-sup will only cover up to 100 days for SNF. Anything past that and there will be no coverage except with a few exceptions. Older plans before federal standardization may have different coverages.
Medicare covers the entire bill for the first 20 days, and $148 per day for days 21-100 for skilled nursing care. Most medicare supplemement plans also pay the SNF co-insurance of $148 per day for days 21-100. So that would make total coverage as $296 per day for days 21-100. It's important to remember that all medicare supplement plans follow medicare guidelines. What that means is that for a med-sup plan to pay medicare has to approve. Your best bet would be to call medicare directly and they're available 24 hrs a day.

Lastly keep in mind that medicare+med-sup will only cover up to 100 days for SNF. Anything past that and there will be no coverage except with a few exceptions. Older plans before federal standardization may have different coverages.

I wonder what those few exceptions could be. She can't be put in a locked facility for mental health patients. She was in the memory care unit of a facility but because of her assaultive behavior she was kicked out. Right now she is in a psychiatric unit pending placement, but if no bed can be found she may have to be returned to the facility that kicked her out. I can only imagine she will need 1:1 care which will be an additional cost. I think the law reads that a dementia patient can not be kept at a psychiatric facility past the 14 day involuntary hold.

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