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Medical Insurance Groups Will be spending lots of health care dollars defeat bidens public option. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2017
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Insurance Industry Front Group to Bombard Democratic Convention With Ads Attacking Biden-Backed Public Option

Insurance Industry Front Group to Bombard Democratic Convention With Ads Attacking Biden-Backed Public Option - News & Views - The Commons

Why do consumers support the health insurance industry blowing millions of health care dollars LYING that increases their cost of health care? A previous front group was the Chamber of Commerce that was blowing $1.4 million a day to stop Single Payer.
single payer.
they should. if democrats eventually fix healthcare in the US it cuts out the middlemen. they would lose billions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from US patients/consumers.
I say that public option is absolute nonsense aka pretend effort when in fact the only new option should be SINGLE PAYER.

Provide citizens 3 choices thus allowing patriotic citizens across the USA to decide for themselves which one works best for each household! *

Let us vote/select our choice.

=== RETAIN ObamaCare insurance for those who are pleased or apprehensive to change or believe paying more is fun.

=== Self financed health care allows those who can afford to pay out of pocket the opportunity to do so.

=== Provide Single Payer Medicare for ALL = excellent coverage for millions upon millions upon millions. Open this door.

Who would Single Payer benefit immediately ?
Senior Citizens
Disabled Vets and their dependents
College Students
Single Parents
Parents who have become victims of child custody battles
Middle Class America
New College Grads

(Why not convert VA Health Care Centers into Single Payer Health Care Centers?)
single payer.

What we never hear about is the many many elected officials from all sides of the aisle that are Wall Street invested in the insurance industry and large sums of campaign money which is WHY we the people have yet
to secure single payer.

I am one of those who do not encourage elected officials to cut off the very corrupt health insurance industry. I say LET THE PEOPLE DO THAT WITH THEIR BUYING POWER.
What we never hear about is the many many elected officials from all sides of the aisle that are Wall Street invested in the insurance industry and large sums of campaign money which is WHY we the people have yet
to secure single payer.

I am one of those who do not encourage elected officials to cut off the very corrupt health insurance industry. I say LET THE PEOPLE DO THAT WITH THEIR BUYING POWER.

health care is an essential service with inelastic demand in which geographical immediacy is a critical factor. it's more akin to selling bottled water after a natural disaster than it is to any other kind of market. it needs to be a right rather than a privilege.

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