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Media's scandalous reporting on hurricane! (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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Warnings came over, & over & the mayor of New Orleans had at least 1,000 school buses, & other public transportation buses at HIS disposal & at least 2-days in advance, & he NEGLETED his first & foremost duty of HIS own poor citizens to evacuate them.

Instead, the diatribe against Bush, & the federal response as being slow in coming is because they do not care about black people, ...in order to help keep critiscism away from the black mayor of New Orleans, & to keep the governor immune for her own stupidity in not seeking National Guard help sooner.

She IS the commander & chief of her own state, ..where was her responsibility??

Pathetic journalism in an effort to help gin up anti-Bush feelings to help shore up support for the next election, & the DNC.

The near absence of the rest of the hurricane victims in their plight, & sufferings because they are "white", & somehow must not have suffered, or had loss!

The unconscienable irresponsible estimates by the MEDIA of thousands dead in New Orleans, ..suggesting perhaps 10-20 thousand dead in an effort to destroy Bush's presidency, & portray him as uncaring & racist is the example of the medias foul agenda in concert with the democratic party.

As in all natural disasters, all lives lost are tragedy....but to date roughly only 400 victims so far have been found, ..not the tens of thousands as predicted by the media!

Another overlooked truth is the fact that in actuality, ...THIS federal response for Hurricane Katrina was carried out much quicker than many other hurricane disaster relief efforts, ..a truth NOT told by the media!

The majority of American citizens see EXACTLY what the media is reporting, & in the fashion it has done so, & as to why.

Hillary Clinton's pretense of being angry because FEMA was put in under the HOMELAND security act, & somehow made the response slower in arriving??

Incredible...as Hillary herself, among other democrats are EXACTLY the ones who PUSHED, & VOTED to have FEMA put into, & under the homeland security act???
(Where is the media story on this)?????:shock:

Congress LOVES to investigate "others" in looking for culpability, perhaps its time somebody investigated their incompetence & their errors of judgement, & starting holding them accountable.

And what about the Democratic senator from Louisianna, Mary Landrieu..? She does not like the hard questions, ..& in fact has gotten damn few in her state that has recieved 1.9 BILLION dollars of federal money that they KNEW for years, & years the danger of the levee systems in New orleans, & the risks should a grade 3 , or larger hurricane ever strike.

Why no, ..must not question her about incompetence,or about all the federal money she successfully aquired for her constituents in the state ..afteral Bush just has to be a "racist, & uncaring" rather than to hold herself, her governor, & her mayor accountable for ALL the BILLIONS they spent on elsewhere!!! IT sure as hell was NOT for lack of funding over the years, as her state even recieved more than California did (1.5 billion)

And...what about all these racist white folks who are part of the relief work down there down in New Orleans, ...Are THEY WITHOLDING aid & rescue efforts by giving it to white victims first???

Thank you liberal media, ..& thank you democrat mouthpieces for the democratic party awareness, & dishonest lying people like the as.shole Howard Dean who enjoys using race, & class envy to divide people to shore up support for a liberal media that has been out of control for decades, ..& a democratic party that lost its soul decades ago as well!;)

We shall see if the media's, & DNC dishonest efforts were really worth all the lies, falsehoods, & attempted smearing techniques of decent people was really worth their effort in 08'? :shock:
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Good post!

Where are the calls from the media for Blanco and Nagin to resign and for Landriue to account for the fact that less than 1% of the federal descrienary money her state recieves was spent on improving flood protection. Why Does the media keep reporting as if FEMA is a first responder. Why does the liberal media perpetrate such misinformation such as when Bush declare lower AL MS and LA disaster areas 2 days before the storm then HE took responsibility for everything and that left the states powerless.

We can go on and on with how the left has tried to politize this and told out right lies to the public to do so.
Stinger said:
Good post!

Where are the calls from the media for Blanco and Nagin to resign and for Landriue to account for the fact that less than 1% of the federal descrienary money her state recieves was spent on improving flood protection. Why Does the media keep reporting as if FEMA is a first responder. Why does the liberal media perpetrate such misinformation such as when Bush declare lower AL MS and LA disaster areas 2 days before the storm then HE took responsibility for everything and that left the states powerless.

We can go on and on with how the left has tried to politize this and told out right lies to the public to do so.

Stinger, ..the left has become so pathetic, & they have degenerated into nothing but scum always looking to politiscize any tragedy.

Another question should be asked as well! WHY are there sO MANY POOR, & disinfranchised citizens in New Orleans??

Afteral, ..New Orleans has been run, & controlled by the democrats for 60 YEARS! I thought THEY knew best how to end poverty, & redistribute everyody elses wealth to the unproductive?

Not to worry, ..when democrats control purse strings, ..everybody STAYS poor, & ALWAYS in NEED!:shock:

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