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media reporting Abramoff as repub scandal?? (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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Huh huh, ...why sure, & that is the media/democratic party strategy template!

Just wait until Jack Abramoff starts "singing", ..the media won't appreciate their own democratic party accomplises being exposed JUST like those evil republicans that were bought, & payed for by Abramoff!

Why...we thought the "culture of corruption" was only confined to republicans, just as the media ALWAYS hoped to portray?.;)
Of course it's a Republican scandal, who on earth would try to bribe a Democrat with no power to make change?:confused:

Sure, some were obviously caught up in the net, but Democrats are irrelevant at this point, they control nothing, unfortunately, that could now change. When and if it does, then they will be the ones who weakness will catch up with, corruption will never die in Washington, just as it will never die in any other aspect of our lives. We will always have these people pushing the lines, redrawing them, and finally breaking them outright, then we will see the next big scandal. I am bored by the whole thing really, as ethics can never be something we can force on anyone. We all have to make those decisions for ourselves, and suffer the consequences when fail to do so, this is just the reality show of the moment.:roll:
Deegan said:
Of course it's a Republican scandal, who on earth would try to bribe a Democrat with no power to make change?
... and that's pretty much the size of it.

That a culture of victimization has taken hold in the pop-con world is ironic.
Is this really hard to understand :confused: Abramoff is a conservative and the majority of his dealings were with Republicans. What good would dealing with the powerless Democrats do him?
scottyz said:
Is this really hard to understand :confused: Abramoff is a conservative and the majority of his dealings were with Republicans. What good would dealing with the powerless Democrats do him?

So...that means that Kerry, Durbin, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Jay Rockefeller...Along with other dems are squeaky clean now,.. huh?

Why these above were NEVER never judgemental of others, ..right?;)

ALL of the above ACCEPTED from Abramoff, ..& now scrambling for denial rights, huh huh!
Stu Ghatze said:
So...that means that Kerry, Durbin, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Jay Rockefeller...Along with other dems are squeaky clean now,.. huh?

Why these above were NEVER never judgemental of others, ..right?;)

ALL of the above ACCEPTED from Abramoff, ..& now scrambling for denial rights, huh huh!
The majority of Abramoffs dealings were with Republicans. If 6 Dems and some 60 Repubs were involved that would pretty clearly make it a Repub scandal. Why would Abramoff pander to the powerless Dems?
Deegan said:
Of course it's a Republican scandal, who on earth would try to bribe a Democrat with no power to make change?:confused:

Sure, some were obviously caught up in the net, but Democrats are irrelevant at this point, they control nothing, unfortunately, that could now change. When and if it does, then they will be the ones who weakness will catch up with, corruption will never die in Washington, just as it will never die in any other aspect of our lives. We will always have these people pushing the lines, redrawing them, and finally breaking them outright, then we will see the next big scandal. I am bored by the whole thing really, as ethics can never be something we can force on anyone. We all have to make those decisions for ourselves, and suffer the consequences when fail to do so, this is just the reality show of the moment.:roll:

I agree with you Deegan, just like the Abscam scandal involved mostly Dems when they had more power.

Abramoff rose from the ranks of young college republicans and is the symbol of the Culture of Corruption in Politics today. This could be the best thing that happened in American politics in years, if we throw the bums out, and re-write ethics reform legislation that stiffen the penalties for taking bribes. McCain-Feingold was a start, but there were too many loopholes.

If the Dems are smart - they will run hard on this in '06 and won't be afraid to disown any of the people in their party that are convicted in the Abramoff Scandal.

For the record Harry Reid said the following about reports of Abramoff contributing to his campaign:

Appearing on Fox TV, Reid said, "Abramoff gave me no money. His firm gave me no money. He may have worked (at) a firm where people have given me money."

A Reid aide later explained that the senator received money from a political action committee affiliated with a firm where Abramoff had worked, but Abramoff did not contribute to it.

"I feel totally at ease that I haven't done anything that is even close to being wrong," Reid said.

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