• This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every person's position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the RULES. Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate - it's free!

Media embeds in posts (1 Viewer)

Let us know if you have any issues. Major change behind the scenes but hopefully things will go back to normal.

Thank you and to the rest of the crew for taking time out of your busy lives to make this better for everyone who posts here. You're appreciated.

To all of you who try so hard to keep things running smoothly, a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Maybe then do something about GIANT signatures that are, essentially, memes that spam every thread they are in.
But then moderate someone for putting in more than a couple memes.

I would love to hear how that makes sense.
Use the Contact, PM or where complaints about moderation are heard
Due to recent errors being received on the back-end, we've had to temporarily disable the add-on that handles our media embeds (X, YouTube, Bluesky, etc...). Posts that have links embedded may show up with blank space where the embed was. Once this has been resolved, we will re-enable this add-on.

Sorry for the issue
Don't be sorry. Stuff happens and life goes on.
As long as the link goes to the post cited, it might even be better. Not being an X/Twitter user, and thus not being logged in, I usually end up getting taken to a post that responds to something...but not the something
We are aware that some folks are getting errors when attempting to private message and likes.
We are working to resolve.
Thanks, @Schweddy. I kept reposting a "like" in response to being told to do it again after x number of seconds. I believe in the end my "like" post (for one of @Bum's postings) ended up posting seven times. It wasn't that erudite a posting by me. It was a simple "like". I mean, it wasn't really worthy of being posted seven times. I thanked Red for his work the day that happened. I also want to thank you now that I see this thread. You guys are great. You work all the time. (y)
I put in hours of time researching and plastering Broadway show tunes all over this site. I am talking to my attorney..
I notice the option to insert an image is no longer available in the signature editing page. Was that intentional, and is there a workaround?

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