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Media Bias in Iran (1 Viewer)


The Real McCoy

If you think our media is biased, you should check out the state controlled one in Iran. At least the American media isn't glorifying suicide bombings and bombarding impressionable youth with this type of propoganda. It's governments like these that create terrorism: first they oppress their people and then they offer them hope to escape it for the purpose of carrying out their own, sick agenda.
The Real McCoy said:
If you think our media is biased, you should check out the state controlled one in Iran. At least the American media isn't glorifying suicide bombings and bombarding impressionable youth with this type of propoganda. It's governments like these that create terrorism: first they oppress their people and then they offer them hope to escape it for the purpose of carrying out their own, sick agenda.

Are you just now discovering this? Not to be rude, it's just that this has been happening in the M.E, Asia, and all over the world for that matter, for a very long time now. This government is certainly one of the more dangerous, as the president has already waged war against Israel, and has promised to "wipe them off the map" Now we will just have to sit back and watch, and see how long it takes the world to act, but as recent history has taught us, it will probably be left to the U.S to do the heavy lifting, as usual.
Deegan said:
Are you just now discovering this? Not to be rude, it's just that this has been happening in the M.E, Asia, and all over the world for that matter, for a very long time now. This government is certainly one of the more dangerous, as the president has already waged war against Israel, and has promised to "wipe them off the map" Now we will just have to sit back and watch, and see how long it takes the world to act, but as recent history has taught us, it will probably be left to the U.S to do the heavy lifting, as usual.

No, I've been well aware of the practices of totalitarian regimes for quite some time now, unfortunately the same can't be said for a lot of people on here. And the Iranian president's comments regarding Israel have been blown out of proportion. Everybody knows Iran (and the rest of the Arab world for that matter) hates Israel. The president in that country has about as much official power as Queen Elizabeth II does, the Ayatollah has been calling the shots for 25 years now.
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The Real McCoy said:
No, I've been well aware of the practices of totalitarian regimes for quite some time now, unfortunately the same can't be said for a lot of people on here. And the Iranian president's comments regarding Israel have been blown out of proportion. Everybody knows Iran (and the rest of the Arab world for that matter) hates Israel. The president in that country has about as much official power as Queen Elizabeth II does, The Ayatollah has been calling the shots for 25 years now.

I would disagree, not with the power he does, or does not wield, but that it's been blown out of proportion. He is still a well know entity there, and his words can, and have been very destructive.
His views don't reflect the majority of the Iranian government though. They're not stupid enough to flat out nuke Israel.
His views don't reflect the majority of the Iranian government though. They're not stupid enough to flat out nuke Israel.

I wouldnt be surprise if they did start a war with israel in the next few decades. Due to Irans economic policy and a large "bulge" in the age demografics (there are vastly disproportionate amounts of "young people" (12 -20) in the country and there aren't going to be enough jobs) Iran is going to have some trouble very soon. It wouldn't surprise me either if they find a way to use the old "blame the jews" (and America probably) strategy to get the support they would need for the action. The current radical trend in Iranian politics certainly isn't improving the outlook.
OdgenTugbyGlub said:
I wouldnt be surprise if they did start a war with israel in the next few decades. Due to Irans economic policy and a large "bulge" in the age demografics (there are vastly disproportionate amounts of "young people" (12 -20) in the country and there aren't going to be enough jobs) Iran is going to have some trouble very soon. It wouldn't surprise me either if they find a way to use the old "blame the jews" (and America probably) strategy to get the support they would need for the action. The current radical trend in Iranian politics certainly isn't improving the outlook.

Agreed, but I still doubt they would actually nuke Israel. You can never be too sure though, that country is insane and probably drools at the thought of starting the apocalypse.
Agreed, but I still doubt they would actually nuke Israel. You can never be too sure though, that country is insane and probably drools at the thought of starting the apocalypse.
I wouldn't say the entire country is insane, but it's certainly possible that things will balloon out of control. Nothing good can come from using radicalism as a tool to control the people.

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