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Media Bias and Mis-information (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
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My new friend Pacridge contends that the media on the right is not only biased, but not capable of telling the truth. I contend the media on the left is biased and are the only outlets caught and punished for not telling the truth. Let’s see if we can get to the bottom of what is actually occurring in the media today. These are the major media sources on the left and right. If I leave some out please mention them and I will include them in the list for discussion.

Left ------------------ Right
ABC ------------------ FOX NEWS
NBC -----------------WASHINGTON TIMES
CBS ------------------ NY POST

PBS ------------------ RUSH LIMBAUGH
CNN ------------------ MATT DRUDGE
MSNBC --------------- HANNITY
LA. TIMES ------------ HOWIE CARR

This is the topic for debate:
1) Which media outlets do you think represent the "truth" better and why?
2) Do you think think the media has a political agenda and if so, have they mis-used their power to further that agenda?

1) Which media outlets do you think represent the "truth" better and why?
I actually think Matt Drudge is in the lead on this, He broke the story about Monica and Bill and also broke the story about Rush and his drug problem. He seems to be out to get the truth no matter what side they are on.
2) Do you think think the media has a political agenda and if so, have they mis-used their power to further that agenda?
Air America and Rush definately have a political agenda, we can recognize those. Fox News isn't so obvious and I think they have made an honest effort to remain fair to both sides. (Pac -- it's not nice to spit on your monitor, so stop sputtering) CBS wins the prize this year for abusing their power. New York Times comes in second for putting stories about Abu- Ghraib on the front page weekly and the UN scandel in the back occasionally.
I've always been fond of ABC...what can I say, I like Peter Jennings. NBC is pretty good, too. Conservative, but not overly so. Wait, you put them on the left...how are they to the left? The worst, by far though, are Ann Coulter, Hannity, and Rush (of the cons on your list...personally I hate O'Reilly and Neil Cavuto). All of these people lieand it's been documented by one Al Franken. Ann Coulter is the queen liar, the worst of the worst. I simply can't stomach her.
1) Which media outlets do you think represent the "truth" better and
The keyword here is "better". I am going to have to go with FoxNews. They really do have a large mix of folks. Conservative radio sells, but FOX also has liberal radio as well. Colmes in case you didn't know has a radio show. He is by far not the only liberal that FOX has on the air. But, I still think that news truely is in the ears of the beholder. We could both hear the same broadcast and take it completely different.

Also, whatever sells is what America buys. FOX doesn't hesitate to slam Bush when it sells.

2) Do you think think the media has a political agenda and if so, have they mis-used their power to further that agenda?

Not a true "agenda" per say. College campuses accross the nation are sputting out Liberal folks every semester 10x (or more) than Conservatives. Because of this... the media is naturally leaning more toward the left.
Slightly off topic, but I truely think that in 3 years - the net will be the place people will go for news not a nightly TV broadcast. This site being one of them (hopefully with your help). Many many folks read a story, but want to know what others think before they commit to an opinion. Places like this will become the news of the future. Information age, step II.
NBC is pretty good, too. Conservative, but not overly so. Wait, you put them on the left...how are they to the left? The worst, by far though, are Ann Coulter, Hannity, and Rush (of the cons on your list...personally I hate O'Reilly and Neil Cavuto). All of these people lieand it's been documented by one Al Franken.
Everyone lies except Al Franken? Wow, he should be rich and famous by now. lol
Slightly off topic, but I truely think that in 3 years - the net will be the place people will go for news not a nightly TV broadcast. This site being one of them (hopefully with your help). Many many folks read a story, but want to know what others think before they commit to an opinion. Places like this will become the news of the future. Information age, step II.
I wouldn’t call it off topic, and I would say the internet has become the number one news source already. You can tell “left wing media” by the way they are attacking the “bloggers”. First they attacked talk radio and accused them of always lying. Wait – they are still doing that. Lol Now they are after the bloggers. Like they always say – the truth hurts. :D
I'd say 99.9999% of all news media is going to have a bias. To be truly informed, one really needs to get news from multiple sources, left, right and in between. One also needs to take the news they read with a grain of salt and have to analyze the information for themselves (Yeah, i know, it's work.) Some news sources are better than the others, I tend to eschew TV and radio both. The news doesn't have a chance to be in depth and take the time telling a complete story.
My favorite site for news is "My Way". It has all the major media links and top news around the world with no ads or pop ups. A great place to compare how the media spins the news. :D
Squawker said:
My favorite site for news is "My Way". It has all the major media links and top news around the world with no ads or pop ups. A great place to compare how the media spins the news. :D

Nice link... thanks for sharing!
I been a news junkie for 40 years and I'm 53 years old if you like we could get together SOME HOW and I'll show you ALL THE SO CALLED LEFTIST NEWS PRODUCERS !!> Have done 1000's of story BASHING THE SO CALLED LEFT / LIBERIAL'S / PROGRESSIVES .
At the same time I can show you 1000's of story's of the SO CALLED LEFT NEWS MEDIA SUPPORTING THE RIGHT

Sorry this is so short I just had hand surgery on my right hand and I'm right handed

Squawker I can't believe you know Howie Carr he is ONE OF THOSE TALK SHOW HOST WHO WILL NOT ALLOW ME ON HIS SHOW !!.



I am not a Howie Carr fan. He gives Republicans a bad name if you ask me. Do you have any opinion on which media outlet tries to give accurate information best?


So please tell me which one of these RIGHT WING BLOW HARD ""CHICKEN HAWKS""" DO YOU SUPPORT

Because here's the way I look at it ALL THESE FOOLS SAY THEY SUPPORT PRESIDENT BUSH !!! .

FRANCE , GEREMMEY , RUSSIA ETC. at the same time BUSH IS trying to mend fences WITH FRANCE , GEREMMEY, RUSSIA etc. with FRIENDS like them who needs ENEMY'S

OR we should just drop a NUKE ON IRAQ



shuamort said:
I'd say 99.9999% of all news media is going to have a bias. To be truly informed, one really needs to get news from multiple sources, left, right and in between. One also needs to take the news they read with a grain of salt and have to analyze the information for themselves (Yeah, i know, it's work.) Some news sources are better than the others, I tend to eschew TV and radio both. The news doesn't have a chance to be in depth and take the time telling a complete story.

Your right you have to listen to the news and form your own opinion of what is really going on. I get my news from the radio and as you know it is defenitly dominated by the right. Out of all the news casters Rush is the most ignorant one of all. Not only is he a hypocrite he's an EXTREME conservative, nothing irritates me more than a man that will not take advice from the other side.
Not only is he a hypocrite he's an EXTREME conservative, nothing irritates me more than a man that will not take advice from the other side.
What do you mean by EXTREME and why would he take advise from Liberals?
Squawker said:
I am not a Howie Carr fan. He gives Republicans a bad name if you ask me. Do you have any opinion on which media outlet tries to give accurate information best?

C-Span if you can stay awake.
C-Span if you can stay awake.
I like to watch paint dry, it's more entertaining.
Squawker said:
I like to watch paint dry, it's more entertaining.

I agree. It's hard to watch and hold my interest as well. But it's hard to filter what's simply being debated on the chamber or committee floors. Watching some of these guy's make their arguments can tell you something about them. Keeping track of what your reps doing is important, IMO. I track what my elected reps are doing with this site:


I used to have site that tracked who was lobbying my reps. But a computer crash caused me to lose that link and I can't find it. Anyone know where I can get one like that?

Knowing how they're voting and who's lining their pockets is always good info. One of my guy's, Sen Gordon Smith, a couple years back voted consistently against a bill that would have had a positive impact for grass seed farmers, grass seed's big business here in Oregon, Then the Grass Seed Lobby contributed 25k to his campaign fund and suddenly he's not only voting for it, he's on the news spouting off about what a wonderful bill it was. Huh? must of been some major re-working done on that bill.
QUOTE=MeChMAN]Your right you have to listen to the news and form your own opinion of what is really going on. I get my news from the radio and as you know it is defenitly dominated by the right. Out of all the news casters Rush is the most ignorant one of all. Not only is he a hypocrite he's an EXTREME conservative, nothing irritates me more than a man that will not take advice from the other side.
[/QUOTE Anyone that has to take advice from the other side doesnot have a core of values.Rush would not be consistant or respectable if he tried to get along with everyone for the sake of being nice.
I track what my elected reps are doing with this site:

Yes, this is a great way to find out how they voted. For those who don't know -- megavote will send you an e-mail telling you how your Reps voted on a particular bill -- no hunting around for the info. :D
Squawker said:
Yes, this is a great way to find out how they voted. For those who don't know -- megavote will send you an e-mail telling you how your Reps voted on a particular bill -- no hunting around for the info. :D

And what bills are being debated and when. Gives you a chance to e-mail them with your input as well. Also provides you with their numbers and addresses.
Here is some recent media bias. There isn’t any point in arguing about past events and who said what. The thing we have to learn is how to spot media bias, so that we can make informed decisions. We can complain about it all day long, but that won’t make it go away. One of the things we learned from the last election is that people are smart enough to see through the BS put out in the media daily. When lies don’t work anymore the media will correct itself.
1. CBS Highlights German Anti-Bush Marchers, How Remarks "Jarring"
While ABC and NBC stressed the "united" front against Iran presented by President Bush and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, CBS's John Roberts only grudgingly acknowledged that Bush and Schroeder "papered over their differences long enough today to present a united front against Iran." Roberts asserted that Bush's "hard line" on Iran "has the majority of Germans believing that Mr. Bush will take military action." Citing Bush's statement that "all options are on the table," over video of anti-Bush protesters and their signs,
2. CBS Dwells on How Marine Not Charged in Mosque Shooting
With "Justifiable Shooting?" as the title on screen under blurry video of a Marine in Fallujah with his gun pointed at an Iraqi insurgent, Dan Rather touted Wednesday night: "It was a striking moment in the battle for Iraq, captured on videotape: It was a wounded, as it turned out, unarmed Iraqi, shot to death by a U.S. Marine. The Marine said he thought the man might be armed. Tonight CBS News has learned that military investigators conclude there is not enough evidence to formally charge that Marine."
3. CNN: Romney on Wrong Side on Stem Cells, Preventing Life Saving
Is CNN already targeting potential 2008 presidential candidates who take conservative positions on social issues, or who at least don't follow the media line in favor of embryonic stem cell research? A Tuesday night piece on NewsNight allowed Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney to defend his opposition to such research using cells created only for such destructive research, but Jason Carroll's story revolved around the assumption Romney is misguided as Carroll ominously warned that "scientists from prominent research institutions say Romney is preventing them from saving lives."
The rest of the story is here:

Squawker said:
2. CBS Dwells on How Marine Not Charged in Mosque Shooting
With "Justifiable Shooting?" as the title on screen under blurry video of a Marine in Fallujah with his gun pointed at an Iraqi insurgent, Dan Rather touted Wednesday night: "It was a striking moment in the battle for Iraq, captured on videotape: It was a wounded, as it turned out, unarmed Iraqi, shot to death by a U.S. Marine. The Marine said he thought the man might be armed. Tonight CBS News has learned that military investigators conclude there is not enough evidence to formally charge that Marine."
3. CNN: Romney on Wrong Side on Stem Cells, Preventing Life Saving
Is CNN already targeting potential 2008 presidential candidates who take conservative positions on social issues, or who at least don't follow the media line in favor of embryonic stem cell research? A Tuesday night piece on NewsNight allowed Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney to defend his opposition to such research using cells created only for such destructive research, but Jason Carroll's story revolved around the assumption Romney is misguided as Carroll ominously warned that "scientists from prominent research institutions say Romney is preventing them from saving lives."
The rest of the story is here:


That ****es me off when they make accusation's about our troops. To begin they can't back up allegation. Second, they have no idea what it's like to be in combat yet alone what the situation at that moment in time was like for that soldier. That ****es me off just as much as when Fox lied the other day and told their viewers Saddam was using the oil for food money for his "evil Chemical weapons programs." They're both crap, both BS. And both aimed to an agenda.

Regarding the CNN piece: CNN called their story: Romney on Wrong Side on Stem Cells, Preventing Life Saving? I find that hard to believe.
Regarding the CNN piece: CNN called their story: Romney on Wrong Side on Stem Cells, Preventing Life Saving? I find that hard to believe.
I can believe it -- that is in the liberal talking points. I've heard it often -- used against President Bush usually. Evidently CNN is against a Romney run in 08 -- they probably want the field left open for Hillary.
That ****es me off just as much as when Fox lied the other day and told their viewers Saddam was using the oil for food money for his "evil Chemical weapons programs."

um... he was pocketing the money. He was spending his money on his chemical weapons (I read that the US has receipts). How is this a blatant lie?
Squawker said:
I can believe it -- that is in the liberal talking points. I've heard it often -- used against President Bush usually. Evidently CNN is against a Romney run in 08 -- they probably want the field left open for Hillary.

Well is there some where to verify that. I'm not buying it. That would be like Fox running a story "Kerry on wrong side of supporting Troops" They just wouldn't do it. It's too blatant.

As for your logic on why they might do it. Could be.
vauge said:
That ****es me off just as much as when Fox lied the other day and told their viewers Saddam was using the oil for food money for his "evil Chemical weapons programs."

um... he was pocketing the money. He was spending his money on his chemical weapons (I read that the US has receipts). How is this a blatant lie?

What reciepts? Where did you read this? News Max? World Net Daily? Again. The Duelfer Report http://www.cia.gov/cia/reports/iraq_wmd_2004/ shows Saddam was not making Chemical Weapons. Even the Bush White House has admitted this at this point.

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