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Meanwhile on the home front (1 Viewer)


Official disruptive influence
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DP Veteran
Dec 27, 2017
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Middle of it all
Political Leaning
Kansans have won a battle for voting rights.

A federal judge has permanently blocked a Kansas law prohibiting out-of-state groups from mailing advance ballot applications to voters who request them.

Good for her. She probably read stuff like Rick Scott's (Then-Governor) bill that spent a lot of money in Florida, which would find massive voter fraud.
For all that money it was something like 1 person out of 17,000... Mr. Skullator shut down his idiotic crap quickly and never spoke of it again.
Of course, the rubes were behind him all the way.
Kansans have won a battle for voting rights.

I admit I haven't done background on this one yet. But I think the only way anyone is allowed to mail absentee-vote by mail Ballot Applications to possible electors in any State is if the organization is vetted and instructed and then certified by the State and Local Election Authorities to insure all applicable rules and regulations are adhered to and that the organizations are sending the appropriate applications.

One of, if not the biggest reason for ballot application rejections in Texas for their primary was independent organizations not affiliated with any Election Authority sending outdated Ballot Application forms to folks that were leaving out the ID numbers required to comply with the new regulations.

This, for me, goes hand in hand with what I think should be done with Registration Drives, that they should only be conducted by Election Authorities and or by people who have been vetted and trained by State Election Authorities.

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