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Meaning of Phrase said by Former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel (1 Viewer)


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Apr 19, 2016
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Also, as a side note, he has answered the question about any endorsements in the same presentation.

"QUESTION: I'm Nicholas Arena. I'm a lawyer. I served in the Philippines in the Second World War.

CHUCK HAGEL: Thank you, sir, for your service.

QUESTIONER: Based on your experience in the executive branch, could you tell us what qualities a president should have, two or three important qualities? And, assuming you're not throwing your own hat in the ring, can you name—

CHUCK HAGEL: You don't see a hat, do you? [Laughter]

QUESTIONER: —can you name two or three people in this country, whether announced or unannounced at this point, that might make a good president?

CHUCK HAGEL: I'm going to give you a very short answer to all of your questions.

Character, courage, judgment, that's what you want in a president. That's what you want in every leader. That's what you look for—character, courage, judgment.

As to who's out there, hat in the ring, not in the ring, the American people will sort that out. I'll leave it to the good judgment of the American people.

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