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Mean while in Mexico........ (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 21, 2013
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Melbourne Florida
Political Leaning
Thousands are dying at the hands of the cartels and incompetent Mexican govnerment.
See, if we really need a war. That is the one we need to be in.
Take it over, make it ours.
Tax it, and with a couple thousand miles of ocean front and gulf from property we could make a buck.
And we would not have to send a carrier fleet to do it.
Thousands are dying at the hands of the cartels and incompetent Mexican govnerment.
See, if we really need a war. That is the one we need to be in.
Take it over, make it ours.
Tax it, and with a couple thousand miles of ocean front and gulf from property we could make a buck.
And we would not have to send a carrier fleet to do it.

You know, you have a point.

On the other hand, I think we already have enough undereducated dependents to worry about...
Tell me how that goes. If you want to hurt the cartels you need to cut off how they make money mainly be selling their products to the U.S.. If you militarize the Mexican border you solve the cartel moving product across the border and your illegal immigration problem at the same time.
Tell me how that goes. If you want to hurt the cartels you need to cut off how they make money mainly be selling their products to the U.S.. If you militarize the Mexican border you solve the cartel moving product across the border and your illegal immigration problem at the same time.
The liberals dont like that.
Looks like the Obama libs are all for a war, lets do Mexico first.
It would only take a week, two at the tops.
Be pounding margaritas by Thanksgiving.
Good idea, but do it slowly. I propose that upon taking the census we move the U.S. southern border further south in proportion to the number of Mexicans gained since the last census (about 10% as of 2010). Before too long we will have the Panama canal back. ;)
Thousands are dying at the hands of the cartels and incompetent Mexican govnerment.
See, if we really need a war. That is the one we need to be in.
Take it over, make it ours.
Tax it, and with a couple thousand miles of ocean front and gulf from property we could make a buck.
And we would not have to send a carrier fleet to do it.

Talk about quagmire, I don't think we want to stick our nose in there.
Tell me how that goes. If you want to hurt the cartels you need to cut off how they make money mainly be selling their products to the U.S.. If you militarize the Mexican border you solve the cartel moving product across the border and your illegal immigration problem at the same time.

But we need recreational drugs and cheap labor. ;)
The only reason Mexico has not had a revolution is because we act as a safety valve on that pressure cooker. If Mexicans couldn't come here and send money home the place would explode and that may be the real reason our politician's won't close the border. Doubtful though, they are not that smart.
Thousands are dying at the hands of the cartels and incompetent Mexican govnerment.
See, if we really need a war. That is the one we need to be in.
Take it over, make it ours.
Tax it, and with a couple thousand miles of ocean front and gulf from property we could make a buck.
And we would not have to send a carrier fleet to do it.

Here's a unique idea! Why don't we leave other nations alone?
The liberals dont like that.
Looks like the Obama libs are all for a war, lets do Mexico first.
It would only take a week, two at the tops.
Be pounding margaritas by Thanksgiving.

The cartels are using guns smuggled in from Texas, thanks to the lax gun laws promoted by idiotic tea party gun nut conservatives in Congress. In fact, the freakish conservatives in Congress barred the ATF from investigating straw sales on the border. The irony is that if the US invade Mexico, our GIs would be shot with gunnut weapons.
Say What !!!

Surely you jest,we've got to be the worlds policeman dontcha know!!

Right, we need to conquer the world and make it all look like Oklahoma, Kansas or Wisconsin.
Thousands are dying at the hands of the cartels and incompetent Mexican govnerment.
See, if we really need a war. That is the one we need to be in.
Take it over, make it ours.
Tax it, and with a couple thousand miles of ocean front and gulf from property we could make a buck.
And we would not have to send a carrier fleet to do it.

Back during the tail end of the Vietnam war a syndicated columnist had a column that ran in the L.A. Times. The topic was that America needed a popular war unlike Vietnam that became unpopular. He claimed that going to war against Mexico would be a very popular war since our soldiers could actually drive their own cars to the battlefield and drive home on the weekends.

Mexico has always been a basket case even before the first Spaniards arrived. During the 1830's when Mexico owed England millions of dollars, England looked at California and considering to exchange California to pay off Mexico's debt to the Brits. Once the Brits looked at the Mexican people and what they would be inheriting, they said it wasn't worth it.

At the end of the Mexican-American War, it was debated should America incorporate Mexico into the United States. Mexico was such a basket case back then it wasn't worth it, America already had too many problems that would have to be dealt with some years later.

As we have watched over the past forty years with the invasion from the South of uneducated and unskilled illegal aliens and immigrants pouring across our open borders, they have brought their problems with them and now he have parts of America that are a basket case, like California.

Mexico will always be a basket case, it's part of the Mexican culture. When the drug cartel are eliminated, it will always be something else. It's a Mexico thing.
Just to put things in context... According to Wiki, there were over 60,000 people killed in Mexico by the drug cartels from 2006-2012... In the United States during that same time, there were over 90,000 people murdered. If I remember correctly, 80% to 90% of those murders were drug or gang related...

Seems to me that the war we should be pushing for, is right in our own back yards.
Thousands are dying at the hands of the cartels and incompetent Mexican govnerment.
See, if we really need a war. That is the one we need to be in.
Take it over, make it ours.
Tax it, and with a couple thousand miles of ocean front and gulf from property we could make a buck.
And we would not have to send a carrier fleet to do it.

Hell no we in Texas already have to deal with enough of these assholes with a "border" I shudder to think what it would be like with out one. Plus with all our welfare programs being used wed go broke.
Thousands are dying at the hands of the cartels and incompetent Mexican govnerment.
See, if we really need a war. That is the one we need to be in.
Take it over, make it ours.
Tax it, and with a couple thousand miles of ocean front and gulf from property we could make a buck.
And we would not have to send a carrier fleet to do it.
...if we could relocate all the Mexicans to Guatemala, sure.
The only reason Mexico has not had a revolution is because we act as a safety valve on that pressure cooker. If Mexicans couldn't come here and send money home the place would explode and that may be the real reason our politician's won't close the border. Doubtful though, they are not that smart.

Why would Mexico have a revolution?
The cartels are using guns smuggled in from Texas, thanks to the lax gun laws promoted by idiotic tea party gun nut conservatives in Congress. In fact, the freakish conservatives in Congress barred the ATF from investigating straw sales on the border. The irony is that if the US invade Mexico, our GIs would be shot with gunnut weapons.

I thinkyou have your facts wrong.

The cartels are using guns given to them by representatives of the Obama administration, or have you forgotten about that?
Its damn near surreal.

Watching all the conservative warhawks bitch about liberal warhawks and then have the audacity to say that liberal warhawks are more hawkish than they could ever imagine.
Its damn near surreal.

Watching all the conservative warhawks bitch about liberal warhawks and then have the audacity to say that liberal warhawks are more hawkish than they could ever imagine.

Nothing is more surreal than the Liberal messiah trying to steal American tax dollars in order to help cannibals kill Christians.
Nothing is more surreal than the Liberal messiah trying to steal American tax dollars in order to help cannibals kill Christians.

Anytime you open your mouth and say stupid **** like "messiah" you discredit not only yourself, but anyone who politically aligns themselves with you who don't tell you to knock it off.

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