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McDonald's is shutting down its Russian restaurants (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Political Leaning
None of this will matter to Putin but it does matter to the 60+ thousands who lost their jobs. It's going to take the Russian people to stop Putin......
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None of this will matter to Putin but it does matter tos the 60+ thousands who lost their jobs. It's going to take the Russian people to stop Putin......
Yeah, I must admit I giggled reading the comments, but you are right. It is a gesture but hurts the workers.
How on Earth does someone manage to conclude that McDonald's is doing this with the expectation of Putin Russia surrendering? Maybe they have newly developed reasons for not wanting to do business with Russia no matter what happens.


Yeah, I must admit I giggled reading the comments, but you are right. It is a gesture but hurts the workers.
60,000 Russians out of work while the economy shrivels is nothing to sneeze at. I think the posters arguing that the Russian people will stop Putin's war are wrong, though. Putin doesn't care what the people think. He arrested close to another 5,000 protesters just on Sunday. He is closing off any outside info to his people--journalists, internet, television and radio. He does not care, and the more unhappy they become, the more punishing he will be.
How on Earth does someone manage to conclude that McDonald's is doing this with the expectation of Putin Russia surrendering? Maybe they have newly developed reasons for not wanting to do business with Russia no matter what happens.


They've been getting a lot of political pressure--it's probably all about advertisers, as usual.

I suppose all the interference in international banking and the worthlessness of the ruble might have something to do with it, too, but I don't know anything about that.
60,000 Russians out of work while the economy shrivels is nothing to sneeze at. I think the posters arguing that the Russian people will stop Putin's war are wrong, though. Putin doesn't care what the people think. He arrested close to another 5,000 protesters just on Sunday. He is closing off any outside info to his people--journalists, internet, television and radio. He does not care, and the more unhappy they become, the more punishing he will be.
Yes, but all people have their breaking point. Maybe his cracking down on disseneters will cause more dissent. Hard to know......

This is it! Putin's definitely going to surrender now!

This tactic would have Trump folding like an origami douche bag, but it's more of a symbolic gesture for Putin.

You know, maybe if the American traitor fascists would stop treating Putin like a hero and trashing their own countrymen, Putin might respect the "United" States more.
There will still be 135 McDonalds in Russia... they are independently owned.
There will still be 135 McDonalds in Russia... they are independently owned.
And they will have to raise their prices to adjust for the value of the ruble. It won't be easy on anyone. We should be counting our blessings here in the good ole USA.
And they will have to raise their prices to adjust for the value of the ruble. It won't be easy on anyone. We should be counting our blessings here in the good ole USA.
It won't be easy and it will screw with a lot of regular peoples lives...
Depends on whether McDonald's choose to supply them?
I thought of that after I posted... you are probably right (I assume you are saying they could be shut down by non-supply).
It won't be easy and it will screw with a lot of regular peoples lives...
That's unfortunate. But they need to take it out on Putin. If enough people revolt, they can take him down once and for all. Putin has been stealing their money for 22 years. He has billions that belong to the people. They need to wake up and do something.
I think I get the idea here but some of this “cancel” anything Russian mentality doesn’t make much sense.

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