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McDonalds Closes Restaurants in Russia (1 Viewer)


The Eldar King
Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Mar 30, 2021
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Political Leaning
Russians are hoarding Mickey D's sandwiches. So are honorary Russians.


Russians are hoarding Mickey D's sandwiches. So are honorary Russians.

View attachment 67386188

A thread about McDonalds closing places in Russia....but somehow the OP makes it about Trump.

Trump is so lucky to be able to live rent free in some peoples' heads.
A thread about McDonalds closing places in Russia....but somehow the OP makes it about Trump.

Trump is so lucky to be able to live rent free in some peoples' heads.
I didn't make it about Trump. SNL made it about Trump. I just found it funny :)
That seems like a win for Russia

I agree.

I haven't eaten at McDonalds in decades, that food is so over-processed and almost tasteless it's inedible as far as I am concerned. Not even their fries tasted good anymore.
So let me see if I understand american thinking here.

Mc Donalds is getting applause for closing down shops in russia while continuing to expand its influence in america.

McDonald’s Obesity Facts​

Although it is a growing problem globally, obesity from McDonald’s is primarily an American problem. 25% of Americans will visit a fast food restaurant today. French fries are the most commonly eaten vegetable. This all leads up to future health problems that we may not be ready to face. It’s no wonder why 40% of kids today are expected to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

  • 35% of children who are overweight have parents who are also overweight.
  • 70% of the kids who grow up in the obese weight category will remain obese as adults.
  • Those who are obese have up to a 100% higher risk of premature death in all causes simply because of their weight.
  • Since 1974, the number of overweight or obese children has increased by 258%.
  • McDonald’s distributes more toys per year than Toys-R-Us, enticing children to come order happy meals that have a week’s worth of salt in them.
  • According to Mcdonald’s, “Any processing our foods undergo make them more dangerous than unprocessed foods.”
  • McDonald’s operates more than 30,000 restaurants in more then 100 countries on 6 continents
  • Most children can recognize McDonald’s branding before they can even speak.
  • More than 70 million customers are served daily.
  • McDonald’s needs to kill a million cows years to feed its customers and make 75 burgers per second.

To my way of thinking it would be more patriotic for mcdonalds to close all its shops in america and double it's investment in russia.
A thread about McDonalds closing places in Russia....but somehow the OP makes it about Trump.

Trump is so lucky to be able to live rent free in some peoples' heads.
Trump who?

Oh the 1 term looser, history move on
I didn't make it about Trump. SNL made it about Trump. I just found it funny :)
You seem like exactly the kind of person who still watches SNL
We need to hurt Putin where it hurts personally, perhaps a botox embargo on Russia?
This isn't accurate. A Russian owner of some fast food chain bought out the restaurants. A massive increase in the number of restaurants he owned, but the price for the property was probably pretty damned good!

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