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McConnell Signals He's Against Trump. Who’s Surprised? (1 Viewer)


Feb 6, 2016
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Is anyone truly shocked that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is NOT a Trump supporter? McConnell is wholly owned by the one percent and Big Business, and is one of the Old White Men of the GOP trying to keep the Republican Party’s exclusive allegiance to the fat cats at the top of the party’s agenda.

So Mitch, except for FOX NOISE and many right-wingers, your implied opposition to The Donald could only be considered newsworthy on a day when absolutely nothing else happens on our planet. You are, if nothing else, predictable.

McConnell signals he's against Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Is anyone truly shocked that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is NOT a Trump supporter? McConnell is wholly owned by the one percent and Big Business, and is one of the Old White Men of the GOP trying to keep the Republican Party’s exclusive allegiance to the fat cats at the top of the party’s agenda.

So Mitch, except for FOX NOISE and many right-wingers, your implied opposition to The Donald could only be considered newsworthy on a day when absolutely nothing else happens on our planet. You are, if nothing else, predictable.

McConnell signals he's against Trump - CNNPolitics.com


Is this the point in the primary where Trump supporters sound like Bernie supporters? I see this happening more and more everyday recently...

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