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Mayorkas Back In the Barrel (1 Viewer)


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Mayorkas denies knowing his 'disinformation czar' called Hunter Biden laptop 'Russian disinformation'


This is a no win situation. I wouldn’t be surprised to the Secretary resign. What does this say about vetting at DHS?

SCOTUS has supplanted the Disinformation Governance Bureau as the hot button issue….


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Are these two lost twins?




That said, since another thread calls for it, let's consider the alleged scandal.

What the scandal is not: that Hunter Biden once owned a laptop and sent emails.

The scandal is supposed to be: (1) the laptop the shopkeeper gave Giuiliani was untouched since the time it was dropped off by Hunter, (2) that laptop contains proof that Hunter Biden sold Joe Biden's influence to shadowy foreigners/foreign companies with Joe Biden's full knowledge and cooperation.

We already know #1 is false. The chain of custody is laughable. You'd never get a jury to believe that it could sensibly put someone in jail based on evidence coming from that laptop. At best they'd be stuck trying to do what they're doing now: starting from the conclusion that the Democrat must be guilty and, through a chain of wild guesses and piles of bullshit, work their way back to cherry-picked snippets of emails in cloud storage that one could choose to read as nefarious. ("But this one says 'the big guy'!")

Why else do you think they played up pics of Hunter with a crack pipe? There's still no there there.

Bearing all that in mind, what do you think someone might be saying if they say the exact words, "Mr. Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation"? A flat denial that Hunter Biden ever had a laptop? Or perhaps the meaning would be the scandal they're trying to invent around the laptop is bullshit?

It's "but her his emails!". Hillary was not so much indicted by Trump's toady AGs. Now the people who came up with that want me to listen with Hunter, who isn't even a ****ing candidate?


Mayorkas denies knowing his 'disinformation czar' called Hunter Biden laptop 'Russian disinformation'


This is a no win situation. I wouldn’t be surprised to the Secretary resign. What does this say about vetting at DHS?

SCOTUS has supplanted the Disinformation Governance Bureau as the hot button issue….


Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at http://www.foxnews.com/apps-products/index.html.
Faux is trying to deflect from the SCROTUS leak.
Faux is trying to deflect from the SCROTUS leak.
Speaking of which:

The RNC is frantically sending out TALKING POINTS that implore their brethren to NOT TALK ABOUT ABORTION at all! Instead, they're telling everyone "focus on the leak only." That is a huge "tell"..it means that they are terrified. They KNOW Alito's opinion will damage them in November, and possibly even in 2024.
Speaking of which:

The RNC is frantically sending out TALKING POINTS that implore their brethren to NOT TALK ABOUT ABORTION at all! Instead, they're telling everyone "focus on the leak only." That is a huge "tell"..it means that they are terrified. They KNOW Alito's opinion will damage them in November, and possibly even in 2024.
The talking points are downloaded directly to the republican brain chips.

Mayorkas denies knowing his 'disinformation czar' called Hunter Biden laptop 'Russian disinformation'


This is a no win situation. I wouldn’t be surprised to the Secretary resign. What does this say about vetting at DHS?

SCOTUS has supplanted the Disinformation Governance Bureau as the hot button issue….


Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at http://www.foxnews.com/apps-products/index.html.
Does Biden have a cabinet or department head not in trouble over stupid policies or poor handling of their jobs?

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