I do not think it pertains to the people that flew jets into the WTC, or the ones sawing off heads. but hey, what do I know.
One group is dead, the other should be dead. But even though I wouldn't mind seeing them dead, I would hate to think they had to suffer unduly, just as I hate to see the suffering of their victims, before hand. Let the whoever waits in the the here-after to sort it out with them.
tell that to the 3,000 dead people in NYC. this kind of thought is why liberals should never have the responsibility of protecting Americans. Islamic terrorists want us all dead....and if they ever get their hands on a true WMD, you will eat the words in your last sentence.
A goal which, if we get our intelligence service right, could be accomplished without torture, and should be accomplished without torture. I suppose my comment was also somewhat of a hyperbole, but my point is that the "war on terror" is not some new and immediate threat upon us. We have been weathering this sort of thing for a long time, it comes with having the championship belt, everyone wants a go at you.
and if you take away their power to effectively stop fanatical muslems, no terrorists will ever be stopped.
Agree to disagree. I don't think, with a properly trained and utlized intelligence force, we need to torture people, people who may or may not know anything.
you arent comparing apples to apples here. china vs racism in america....where we have made advancements beyond comprehension in the last 2 decades?
by "other governments" I will assume you mean Iraq. and if you think "corruption" was why we went there.....then we need another thread to discuss it.
please give me an example of a culture of fear and hate against arabs? sure there are those like me, that simply read their book and see it for what it is.....but if ANYONE in America has created a culture of fear and hate against arabs.....its THE ARABS.
Oil for food doesn't exactly equate to "apples" when compared to the possiblility of institutionalized torture practices either.
By other governments I meant Ger. and Fr., I.E. oil for food.
Culture of hate against arabs: Just go talk to people. You'll find alot of them who just want to "kill all the **********s" (actual quote from a guy in D.C., and not a hobo either).
Those things were just used to illustrate my final point, by themselves they weren't really basis for any arguement.
(A few typos in the post are not going to be fixed because for some reason I can't see the print in the edit window, only the quotes. Sorry if some of it is hard to read.)