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Maybe buying Twitter not such a good thing for Tesla stock holders? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Tesla stock has already plunged as to wipe out 114 billion dollars of worth of value and this market annalist says it might fall by 90%. Coming on the heels of Musk borrowing and using his own funds to buy Twitter, a company not know for huge profits, might not have been a good thing and may have pushed Tesla stock over the edge. It was a high price to pay for Musk being able to get his right wing buddies back on Twitter. I think the other stock holders of Tesla stock might agree with me on this.
Tesla stock has already plunged as to wipe out 114 billion dollars of worth of value and this market annalist says it might fall by 90%. Coming on the heels of Musk borrowing and using his own funds to buy Twitter, a company not know for huge profits, might not have been a good thing and may have pushed Tesla stock over the edge. It was a high price to pay for Musk being able to get his right wing buddies back on Twitter. I think the other stock holders of Tesla stock might agree with me on this.

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