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Maryland man sentenced to jail after holding large gathering, authorities say (1 Viewer)


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A Charles County man was convicted Friday of violating a Maryland coronavirus emergency order and sentenced to a year in jail, the county prosecutor’s office said.
Shawn Marshall Myers, 42, was arrested March 27 after refusing to disband a gathering of about 50 people around a bonfire at his Hughesville, Md., home, according to the county sheriff’s office. Gov. Larry Hogan (R) had issued an order prohibiting large gatherings.

After a bench trial, Myers on Friday was convicted of failing to comply with Hogan’s emergency order, the county’s state’s attorney, Tony Covington, said in a statement.
Online court records indicate that Myers filed notice of appeal to Circuit Court. He was tried in the county’s district court.
He was throwing a 'Let's get us all infected' party.

A Charles County man was convicted Friday of violating a Maryland coronavirus emergency order and sentenced to a year in jail, the county prosecutor’s office said.
Shawn Marshall Myers, 42, was arrested March 27 after refusing to disband a gathering of about 50 people around a bonfire at his Hughesville, Md., home, according to the county sheriff’s office. Gov. Larry Hogan (R) had issued an order prohibiting large gatherings.

After a bench trial, Myers on Friday was convicted of failing to comply with Hogan’s emergency order, the county’s state’s attorney, Tony Covington, said in a statement.
Online court records indicate that Myers filed notice of appeal to Circuit Court. He was tried in the county’s district court.
He was throwing a 'Let's get us all infected' party.
Excellent, and he will defiantly get his chance to catch the virus there since jails are all hot spots, so he should be happy.....

A Charles County man was convicted Friday of violating a Maryland coronavirus emergency order and sentenced to a year in jail, the county prosecutor’s office said.
Shawn Marshall Myers, 42, was arrested March 27 after refusing to disband a gathering of about 50 people around a bonfire at his Hughesville, Md., home, according to the county sheriff’s office. Gov. Larry Hogan (R) had issued an order prohibiting large gatherings.

After a bench trial, Myers on Friday was convicted of failing to comply with Hogan’s emergency order, the county’s state’s attorney, Tony Covington, said in a statement.
Online court records indicate that Myers filed notice of appeal to Circuit Court. He was tried in the county’s district court.
He was throwing a 'Let's get us all infected' party.
A year in jail is a bit much. I think that fines and community service could suffice here. Make him volunteer at the hospital or something.

A Charles County man was convicted Friday of violating a Maryland coronavirus emergency order and sentenced to a year in jail, the county prosecutor’s office said.
Shawn Marshall Myers, 42, was arrested March 27 after refusing to disband a gathering of about 50 people around a bonfire at his Hughesville, Md., home, according to the county sheriff’s office. Gov. Larry Hogan (R) had issued an order prohibiting large gatherings.

After a bench trial, Myers on Friday was convicted of failing to comply with Hogan’s emergency order, the county’s state’s attorney, Tony Covington, said in a statement.
Online court records indicate that Myers filed notice of appeal to Circuit Court. He was tried in the county’s district court.
He was throwing a 'Let's get us all infected' party.

That judge needs his head examined as do those wishing ill toward the man.
I think part of the community service should be to be an orderly on a covid 19 ventilator ward.
That's probably just desserts, I wouldn't oppose that at all. I just think jail time is too much. But yeah, make him orderly in a Covid Ward at the hospital.
I'm all for enforcement, but that seems really stiff!
I think part of the community service should be to be an orderly on a covid 19 ventilator ward.

Winner winner chicken dinner.
That judge needs his head examined as do those wishing ill toward the man.

Isn't the real question how much longer he (and people like yourself) want COVID to trash us?

You go first. Answer in months.
That judge needs his head examined as do those wishing ill toward the man.
Awwwww. As far as I'm concerned I hope every single person who refuses to wear a mask or goes to a mass gathering where few are wearing masks, I hope every single one gets covid. It is these folks who make it much harder to try to control this virus. They have turned a health issue into a politicalissue. Well in that case I hope they get it and then maybe they will learn it's a health issue, if they don't die from it. Common sense seems to elude the maskless. If you don't care if you infect me, why should I care if you catch it?
That judge needs his head examined as do those wishing ill toward the man.
That idiot probably guaranteed that at least a few of his partygoers have been infected and will go on to infect others. He deserves all he gets frankly, as does any irresponsible moron flouting the laws imposed to protect citizens.

A Charles County man was convicted Friday of violating a Maryland coronavirus emergency order and sentenced to a year in jail, the county prosecutor’s office said.
Shawn Marshall Myers, 42, was arrested March 27 after refusing to disband a gathering of about 50 people around a bonfire at his Hughesville, Md., home, according to the county sheriff’s office. Gov. Larry Hogan (R) had issued an order prohibiting large gatherings.

After a bench trial, Myers on Friday was convicted of failing to comply with Hogan’s emergency order, the county’s state’s attorney, Tony Covington, said in a statement.
Online court records indicate that Myers filed notice of appeal to Circuit Court. He was tried in the county’s district court.
He was throwing a 'Let's get us all infected' party.
This is what happens when Democrats abuse their power. Complain about our incarceration rate. Complain about blacks being jailed at a higher rate than their population percentage. Let violent criminals out of jail but stomp on law abiding citizen’s 2A rights in order to keep guns out of the hands of the violent criminals that you just released. Let rioters commit violence, looting, and other mayhem and ether don’t arrest them or arrest them and let them right back out. Let the protesters form large groups who don’t social distance and not wear masks. Oh yeah, and arrest everyone who doesn’t agree with you and sentence them to a year in jail.
That idiot probably guaranteed that at least a few of his partygoers have been infected and will go on to infect others. He deserves all he gets frankly, as does any irresponsible moron flouting the laws imposed to protect citizens.

^^^^ You think about that if you are ever caught endangering hundreds of lives when traveling 5-10 kph over the speed limit...
Awwwww. As far as I'm concerned I hope every single person who refuses to wear a mask or goes to a mass gathering where few are wearing masks, I hope every single one gets covid. It is these folks who make it much harder to try to control this virus. They have turned a health issue into a politicalissue. Well in that case I hope they get it and then maybe they will learn it's a health issue, if they don't die from it. Common sense seems to elude the maskless. If you don't care if you infect me, why should I care if you catch it?

While you expect all others to live life subservient to your fears and whims, may you benefit ten fold that which you wish for others.
^^^^ You think about that if you are ever caught endangering hundreds of lives when traveling 5-10 kph over the speed limit...
I don't drive, never have. How about you thinking before defending irresponsible idiots spreading a killer pandemic?
I don't drive, never have. How about you thinking before defending irresponsible idiots spreading a killer pandemic?
A 99% survival rate is hardly a 'end times' pandemic !
And you always cross roads at a corner with a pedestrian light too, eh ?

A Charles County man was convicted Friday of violating a Maryland coronavirus emergency order and sentenced to a year in jail, the county prosecutor’s office said.
Shawn Marshall Myers, 42, was arrested March 27 after refusing to disband a gathering of about 50 people around a bonfire at his Hughesville, Md., home, according to the county sheriff’s office. Gov. Larry Hogan (R) had issued an order prohibiting large gatherings.

After a bench trial, Myers on Friday was convicted of failing to comply with Hogan’s emergency order, the county’s state’s attorney, Tony Covington, said in a statement.
Online court records indicate that Myers filed notice of appeal to Circuit Court. He was tried in the county’s district court.
He was throwing a 'Let's get us all infected' party.
The man and his 50 guests should have taken to the street because we all know when thousands gather to riot, burn, loot, get in peoples faces, there is no way to spread the virus. You can’t get the virus when you are gathering for a social cause, only when you gather for a beer. Just ask the Nashville mayor.
This is another example of a politician with no common sense.

I have a feeling there is something more to this story, maybe physical confrontation with police?
This is one of those cases where doing a little more research helps..

NOPE! That's not the Real question.

sure it is. we all want this thing to go away (and hurt fewer people/families/businesses) as fast as possible. we want to navigate a pandemic so that businesses can continue to function (in new and creative ways) so that the CentGov doesn't have to send welfare checks to people like yourself.

so, you can answer. how many more months do you want people, who aren't being safe, to hurt the rest of us?
sure it is. we all want this thing to go away (and hurt fewer people/families/businesses) as fast as possible. we want to navigate a pandemic so that businesses can continue to function (in new and creative ways) so that the CentGov doesn't have to send welfare checks to people like yourself.

so, you can answer. how many more months do you want people, who aren't being safe, to hurt the rest of us?

I do not agree with your overall viewpoint; i.e. others must live life subservient to your personal fears and whims about a malady with a 99% survival rate. You will not receive from me an answer to such inane comparative inquisition.
I do not agree with your overall viewpoint; i.e. others must live life subservient to your personal fears and whims about a malady with a 99% survival rate. You will not receive from me an answer to such inane comparative inquisition.

And there you have it. A person whose beliefs will drag this thing on longer and cause much more personal and financial damage to our country (our team). While, of course, he receives CentGov welfare.

A Charles County man was convicted Friday of violating a Maryland coronavirus emergency order and sentenced to a year in jail, the county prosecutor’s office said.
Shawn Marshall Myers, 42, was arrested March 27 after refusing to disband a gathering of about 50 people around a bonfire at his Hughesville, Md., home, according to the county sheriff’s office. Gov. Larry Hogan (R) had issued an order prohibiting large gatherings.

After a bench trial, Myers on Friday was convicted of failing to comply with Hogan’s emergency order, the county’s state’s attorney, Tony Covington, said in a statement.
Online court records indicate that Myers filed notice of appeal to Circuit Court. He was tried in the county’s district court.
He was throwing a 'Let's get us all infected' party.

This is awesome!

We need more of this and more moms who refuse to wear masks tased.

Good stuff!!!!!

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