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Martian Global Warming (1 Viewer)


Active member
Sep 8, 2005
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Political Leaning
Tuesday, NASA scientists said that recent observations of Mars is suggesting that the planet is undergoing a climatic shift. They are saying that the images over the last three Martian years are showing that the southern polar cap on Mars is slowly shrinking, indicating Mars is undergoing "global warming."

BTW, There has been no word as of yet from the Left that President Bush's rejection of the Kyoto Treaty is responsible for this. If so, a Martian invasion will be emanate....:mrgreen:
Moving thread to On the lighter side
ThePhoenix said:
Tuesday, NASA scientists said that recent observations of Mars is suggesting that the planet is undergoing a climatic shift. They are saying that the images over the last three Martian years are showing that the southern polar cap on Mars is slowly shrinking, indicating Mars is undergoing "global warming."

BTW, There has been no word as of yet from the Left that President Bush's rejection of the Kyoto Treaty is responsible for this. If so, a Martian invasion will be emanate....:mrgreen:

Thats bad for Mars, but there cannot be global warming in play on that planet. Mars is small, with a much weaker gravity field than earth, and any gasses will be lost to space. It is not global warming, but a different mechanism at work. That is how Mars lost its original atmosphere in the first place. But leave it to Bush supporters to not know the difference. :)
Has nothing to do with the sun getting hotter - it's all Bush's fault.

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