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Marjorie Taylor Greene questions whether US funding for Ukraine will fall 'into the hands of Nazis' (1 Viewer)

Are there dangerous Nazis in Ukraine?

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Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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I know, I know - what's new about MTG, right? It simply becomes completely insane that she makes these public statements, and in this case, a statement that supports Putin's statement about Nazis in Ukraine. It wouldn't be so bad if our citizens here didn't take what she blabbers out to be the truth. Sadly, far too many do and that speaks to the troubled minds inside the US. How long before the lunatic Right starts screaming on a regular basis that our US legislators are funding Nazis?

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene questioned on Tuesday whether the US' nearly $14 billion in emergency aid for Ukraine will fall "into the hands of Nazis" and blamed Ukraine for Russia's invasion, echoing claims Russian leader Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin have used to defend the war.

"It's shocking to me that Congress is so willing to funnel $14 billion in military equipment over and over again into Ukraine and you have to ask, is this money and is this United States military equipment falling into the hands of Nazis in Ukraine?" Greene, who is from Georgia, told BKP politics, a local conservative talk show.
MTG is a nutcase.

Nothing she says should be taken seriously at any level...Especially this disengenuous weirdness about Nazis, given her rabid antisemitism.
I’ve said it before, US aid should be dependent on the disarming and dissolution of the Azov thugs. The last thing we need is a bunch of alt-right psychos getting their hands on Stingers.
I know, I know - what's new about MTG, right? It simply becomes completely insane that she makes these public statements, and in this case, a statement that supports Putin's statement about Nazis in Ukraine. It wouldn't be so bad if our citizens here didn't take what she blabbers out to be the truth. Sadly, far too many do and that speaks to the troubled minds inside the US. How long before the lunatic Right starts screaming on a regular basis that our US legislators are funding Nazis?

View attachment 67381488
Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene questioned on Tuesday whether the US' nearly $14 billion in emergency aid for Ukraine will fall "into the hands of Nazis" and blamed Ukraine for Russia's invasion, echoing claims Russian leader Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin have used to defend the war.

"It's shocking to me that Congress is so willing to funnel $14 billion in military equipment over and over again into Ukraine and you have to ask, is this money and is this United States military equipment falling into the hands of Nazis in Ukraine?" Greene, who is from Georgia, told BKP politics, a local conservative talk show.

I read, albeit quickly. most of the article.

I swear, she seems to literally be propagating Putin's propaganda.

I'm not sure what's going-on? It's impossible to believe this is a coincidence.
I read, albeit quickly. most of the article.

I swear, she seems to literally be propagating Putin's propaganda.

I'm not sure what's going-on? It's impossible to believe this is a coincidence.

Best case scenario is she is so politicized she sees Biden and his administration as the enemy of America and Putin as an ally. She betrayed her country for her own political agenda.

Alternatively she is accepting money or working with Russia to undermine and divide America.
Best case scenario is she is so politicized she sees Biden and his administration as the enemy of America and Putin as an ally. She betrayed her country for her own political agenda.

Alternatively she is accepting money or working with Russia to undermine and divide America.

Well, those two plus the possibility she knows it's all B.S. - but it serves her political needs.
Marj is the gift that keeps on giving. Unfortunately for her, she's giving to the left.
I’ve said it before, US aid should be dependent on the disarming and dissolution of the Azov thugs. The last thing we need is a bunch of alt-right psychos getting their hands on Stingers.
That is a problem that can be addressed after the war. I think the Ukraine government has far more pressing issues. Will be much easier to deal with when they are no longer useful.
I am older than most of you. I remember when the Republicans were against Russian aggression. They supported sending troops to proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam, to keep the Russian Empire from expanding. Now they seem to be either for Russian expansion, or willing to excuse it.

Any day now I expect MTG et al, to support the idea of placing Russian missiles in Cuba, particularly if the Democrats are against it.
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I am older than most of you. I remember when the Republicans were against Russian aggression. They supported sending troops to proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam, to keep the Russian Empire from expanding. Now they seem to be either for Russian expansion, or willing to excuse it.

Any day now I expect MTG et al, to support the idea of placing Russian missiles in Cuba, particularly if the Democrats are against it.

The moment that the right turned to Russian friendly was the moment Trump embraced Russia. These people are not capable of independent thought. They just mimic the party leaders.
One can only hope the voters in her district will get tired of her being a laughingstock and vote her out.
I can dream, right?
I know, I know - what's new about MTG, right? It simply becomes completely insane that she makes these public statements, and in this case, a statement that supports Putin's statement about Nazis in Ukraine. It wouldn't be so bad if our citizens here didn't take what she blabbers out to be the truth. Sadly, far too many do and that speaks to the troubled minds inside the US. How long before the lunatic Right starts screaming on a regular basis that our US legislators are funding Nazis?

View attachment 67381488
Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene questioned on Tuesday whether the US' nearly $14 billion in emergency aid for Ukraine will fall "into the hands of Nazis" and blamed Ukraine for Russia's invasion, echoing claims Russian leader Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin have used to defend the war.

"It's shocking to me that Congress is so willing to funnel $14 billion in military equipment over and over again into Ukraine and you have to ask, is this money and is this United States military equipment falling into the hands of Nazis in Ukraine?" Greene, who is from Georgia, told BKP politics, a local conservative talk show.
If it does, we can just take them out with Jewish space lazers.
I read, albeit quickly. most of the article.
I swear, she seems to literally be propagating Putin's propaganda.
I'm not sure what's going-on? It's impossible to believe this is a coincidence.

Well that's the lesson from the Trump presidency, that there is a large grey area between criminal conspiracy, and coincidence.
She's definitely doing it to be pro Putin, possibly even using their own propaganda, but she likely isn't being directed by Russia.
They probably get funding (indirect enough to avoid charges) some kind of way out of this though, with enough dark money in politics to make this presumably easy to do.

There is definitely alignment this last 5 years between Republicans and Russia (Flynn, Manafort, Trump, NRA, Maria Butina's boyfriend, Rudy, the Toensings, etc.). Russia being a giant ATM with mobsters at the helm are no doubt happy to corrupt/influence anyone who wants the money.

I mean, Tucker the most watched cable news show said explicitly that he's on Putin's side. These modern Republicans are so lost it's very sad.
Isn't she the one that was blaming Jews for the wildfires?

Yeah. Yeah, she was.
One can only hope the voters in her district will get tired of her being a laughingstock and vote her out.
I can dream, right?

Right after Cawthorn, Boebert, Gohmert, Gaetz………..
Well that's the lesson from the Trump presidency, that there is a large grey area between criminal conspiracy, and coincidence.
She's definitely doing it to be pro Putin, possibly even using their own propaganda, but she likely isn't being directed by Russia.
They probably get funding (indirect enough to avoid charges) some kind of way out of this though, with enough dark money in politics to make this presumably easy to do.

There is definitely alignment this last 5 years between Republicans and Russia (Flynn, Manafort, Trump, NRA, Maria Butina's boyfriend, Rudy, the Toensings, etc.). Russia being a giant ATM with mobsters at the helm are no doubt happy to corrupt/influence anyone who wants the money.

I mean, Tucker the most watched cable news show said explicitly that he's on Putin's side. These modern Republicans are so lost it's very sad.
Well, the Ruble machine is down for maintenance for the foreseeable future…..

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