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Maoism saved Nepal from an absolute monarchy (1 Viewer)


Jul 11, 2016
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This is a documentary from 2003, in the middle of the Nepali Civil War. Nepal was currently being ruled by a dictatorial king called Gyanendra, who kept the common citizen in a state of abject poverty while he enjoyed all the luxuries he wanted. Opposing him was a Maoist people's Army, fighting for the rights of the poor common citizens.

Fortunately, in 2008, the Maoists won the war. since that day, Nepal has been a democracy, a flawed, sometimes corrupt one, but a democracy nonetheless.

The video I posted, while definitely having a tinge of western capitalist bias, still does a very good job of showing the poverty that most Nepali citizens suffered while under the rule of their absolute monarch, and the bravely of the Maoist forces fighting to better their lives.

This is a documentary from 2003, in the middle of the Nepali Civil War. Nepal was currently being ruled by a dictatorial king called Gyanendra, who kept the common citizen in a state of abject poverty while he enjoyed all the luxuries he wanted. Opposing him was a Maoist people's Army, fighting for the rights of the poor common citizens.

Fortunately, in 2008, the Maoists won the war. since that day, Nepal has been a democracy, a flawed, sometimes corrupt one, but a democracy nonetheless.

The video I posted, while definitely having a tinge of western capitalist bias, still does a very good job of showing the poverty that most Nepali citizens suffered while under the rule of their absolute monarch, and the bravely of the Maoist forces fighting to better their lives.

Nepal lol


This is a documentary from 2003, in the middle of the Nepali Civil War. Nepal was currently being ruled by a dictatorial king called Gyanendra, who kept the common citizen in a state of abject poverty while he enjoyed all the luxuries he wanted. Opposing him was a Maoist people's Army, fighting for the rights of the poor common citizens.

Fortunately, in 2008, the Maoists won the war. since that day, Nepal has been a democracy, a flawed, sometimes corrupt one, but a democracy nonetheless.

The video I posted, while definitely having a tinge of western capitalist bias, still does a very good job of showing the poverty that most Nepali citizens suffered while under the rule of their absolute monarch, and the bravely of the Maoist forces fighting to better their lives.

What a quaintly and transparently pathetic lie.

No, Maoism didn't do that. The first democratic elections were held in 1991, and had zero to do with Maoism or Maoist rebels.

This is a documentary from 2003, in the middle of the Nepali Civil War. Nepal was currently being ruled by a dictatorial king called Gyanendra, who kept the common citizen in a state of abject poverty while he enjoyed all the luxuries he wanted. Opposing him was a Maoist people's Army, fighting for the rights of the poor common citizens.

Fortunately, in 2008, the Maoists won the war. since that day, Nepal has been a democracy, a flawed, sometimes corrupt one, but a democracy nonetheless.

The video I posted, while definitely having a tinge of western capitalist bias, still does a very good job of showing the poverty that most Nepali citizens suffered while under the rule of their absolute monarch, and the bravely of the Maoist forces fighting to better their lives.

Like a man was saved from hanging by being shot dead.
What a quaintly and transparently pathetic lie.

No, Maoism didn't do that. The first democratic elections were held in 1991, and had zero to do with Maoism or Maoist rebels.

The first elections were in 1991, but after Gyanendra took power, he abolished them and restored the absolute monarchy

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