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Managed Behavior at Work (1 Viewer)

A person of color has joined the work team. What do you do?

  • Clap my hands with joy.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Congratulate myself for being part of a diverse team.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Become his or her “Ally”.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Nov 20, 2020
Reaction score
Political Leaning
A person of color has joined the work team. What do you do?
A person of color has joined the work team. What do you do?
Probably don't really notice because I work from home for now.
I mean, I haven't even seen at least half the people I work with.

Edit: Also, option 5.

Why the hell would anyone do any of the first 4?

I mean, unless other co-workers are being bigots, then it's time to act.
The section I work in very close to being 50% ethnic minority. The sales and marketing section that I know about is probably 95% ethnic European.

The same division in the US from what I can tell is 95% ethnic European.

For the last 20 years I would say that immediate coworkers have been approx 30-50% ethnic minorities. A higher amount when T
Temps were hired
Why would this be remarkable?
Who said anything about it being remarkable?

Are you subconsciously thinking it would be remarkable but you're trying to downplay your excitement?
Start wondering why I am wasting my time listening to some bigot ask stupid questions
Closet racists ask that question of themselves all the time. You're not alone in this.

That's one vote for "Become an Ally". ;)
Many of us have already seen a black person, and I'm sure someday you will too.

Its not that big a deal dude.
Two votes for "Become an Ally".

Thank you for your participation.
An employee / co worker is an employee/ co worker. Skin color has nothing to do with getting the job done and working together.

It is a shame in 2022 that we even have polls like this.
get your linens to the cleaners and make sure the tiki torches are full?
Another vote for "Become an Ally".

Thanks for participating.
Probably don't really notice because I work from home for now.
I mean, I haven't even seen at least half the people I work with.

Edit: Also, option 5.

Why the hell would anyone do any of the first 4?

I mean, unless other co-workers are being bigots, then it's time to act.
You're being awful insensitive, TM. You may want to read this article from the Harvard Business Review:

You're being awful insensitive, TM. You may want to read this article from the Harvard Business Review:

Did anyone report that article to the Grande Wizarde yet? :unsure:
Who said anything about it being remarkable?

Are you subconsciously thinking it would be remarkable but you're trying to downplay your excitement?
The OP seems to think there's some sort of different response required based on skin color, otherwise why ask the question.
The OP seems to think there's some sort of different response required based on skin color, otherwise why ask the question.
The OP is based on this article:

Just tell me you agree that this Harvard Business Review article is full of shit and we'll be golden. ;)
I hired those who worked with me. I was always hopeful that the hire was a good decision and was too slow to admit when it was not. Race was never a factor.
Closet racists ask that question of themselves all the time. You're not alone in this.

That's one vote for "Become an Ally". ;)
No, actually people who asks questions as I did are merely pointing to bigots.

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