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Man with Impeach Obama sign disturbed at Alaska State Fair (1 Viewer)

Assuming this was a nonprivate event, that man has every right to do what he did.
Assuming this was a nonprivate event, that man has every right to do what he did.

But a state fair kind of obscures the line between private and non-private. But if it's funded with government money, I see no reason how he could have legally been silenced (assuming he was completely peaceful).
What I perceived from that nice lady that tried to help him was that the wood sticking out of either end of the sign could be dangerous to passersby. The next consideration (which granted, I could not figure out) was did he need a permit? Because it seems everybody does, for everything. Yes, he had a right to his voice and his sign. But in that place?

I'd need more information.
But a state fair kind of obscures the line between private and non-private. But if it's funded with government money, I see no reason how he could have legally been silenced (assuming he was completely peaceful).

I see it as public, unless the guy is walking into someone's booth or something like that. Unfortunately, this type of crap has been going on since at least 2001 (and probably earlier, but I wasn't paying attention back than)
But a state fair kind of obscures the line between private and non-private. But if it's funded with government money, I see no reason how he could have legally been silenced (assuming he was completely peaceful).

He wasn't. He was rabble-rousing, in my estimation from having viewed the video. He wasn't horribly, over-the-top rude and belligerent, but he WAS rude and belligerent.
He wasn't. He was rabble-rousing, in my estimation from having viewed the video. He wasn't horribly, over-the-top rude and belligerent, but he WAS rude and belligerent.

I don't see why rude and belligerent would be a reason to block his access in a public area.
State fairs are organized by people who really have no interest in having their events turn into political bitch fests. People are there to make money and have a good time. Not protest. He was told by the security to move along and he refused. It doesn't matter what one thinks. This sort of thing happens at most major events. One asshole decides to start his own party and then gets pissed when he's told to move on or pipe down by security.
I'm making no judgment calls because the video is spliced just before the physical alteration occurs.
Did one have to pay to get into the state fair?

If so it is not a "public" event, and your continued attendance can be cut short if management feels that you are disturbing other guests at the event.
I don't see why rude and belligerent would be a reason to block his access in a public area.

Hatuey already answered as I would have. Fairgoers pay to get in, and they shouldn't have to deal with rude and belligerent. If he'd just been drinking, and started acting like that, the same thing would have happened. You don't get to show your ass, no matter what you are for or against, at a gathering such as this.
Hatuey already answered as I would have. Fairgoers pay to get in, and they shouldn't have to deal with rude and belligerent. If he'd just been drinking, and started acting like that, the same thing would have happened. You don't get to show your ass, no matter what you are for or against, at a gathering such as this.

I could count on no hands the number of state fairs I have been to. Is paying for a ticket a common thing among these events?
Don't government use some tax money on these fairs?
I could count on no hands the number of state fairs I have been to. Is paying for a ticket a common thing among these events?

It is in Minnesota. :) That's all I know.
The guy was acting unstable. It really didn't matter what his message way.
The guy was acting unstable. It really didn't matter what his message way.

He didn't sound that unstable. Angry, sure, but it's not like he was threatening anyone or getting violent.
The thing is that he is forcing himself onto the paying public. Am certain families didn't come down there to listen to a moron with an oversized sign. For crying outloud it is a fair, not a political convention.

The fair should have the right to refuse service to anyone who is disturbing other fair goers. Simple as that.

If you allow him to run around like that do you allow 40 more guys like him parading around shouting at people? How about 100 idiots shouting and running around?
But if public money was used then what right do they have to stop him?
You can be arrested for disturbing the peace regardless of where you are, the same reason you can't drive down a street at 3am blasting music outside of your car even though the street is public.
You can be arrested for disturbing the peace regardless of where you are, the same reason you can't drive down a street at 3am blasting music outside of your car even though the street is public.

Blasting music at 3am is disturbing the peace. There's no reason for it and it wakes everyone else up. The guy at this fair was expressing an opinion, and people could easily walk away if they were offended (try doing that if the guy blasting music at 3am rolls by your house).
The problem with videos like these is they never tell the whole story. For example, this little detail has been overlooked.

Contrary to what many believe, the Alaska State Fairgrounds is private property and bringing firearms into the grounds “is not allowed,” Remaley said. “It’s just like going to Carrs or Fred Meyer, it’s private property. ... They apparently wanted him to leave, he wasn’t going for that.”

Local News : Protest leads to arrest at state fair - Frontiersman
Blasting music at 3am is disturbing the peace. There's no reason for it and it wakes everyone else up. The guy at this fair was expressing an opinion, and people could easily walk away if they were offended (try doing that if the guy blasting music at 3am rolls by your house).

They shouldn't have to walk around a loudmouth. That is infringing on their rights.
There are exhibit booths available to rent by political parties but there are guidelines they have to abide by. The guy was asked to stop but he felt his rights were above everyone else's.
Kick his sorry butt out of there.
Ya and thats what it comes down to, if this guy can do it than everyone will and any kind of public gathering including fairs will just become a gathering ground for loudmouths and people who are there to do something other than whats supposed to be going on. Living in a society, evne this one, isnt about unlimited rights people have to compromise, put up with things like permits for political booths at a fair so we can all get along.

For example at a fair a political party wants to get its message out, but most people just want to have fun and forget politics without a guy or guys with signs everywhere, who would then clash who other guys with signs on the opposite side of the issue or whatever. So the compromise is to assign booths or areas for the political parties, who are probably pretty vocal and loud in those areas, so people who want to listen or argue can go there and if you came for just the fun you dont have to go over there but still probably have to hear it occasionally.
SO the political parties want unlimited access to everywhere and most people probably dont even want them there so there's a compromised reached that hopefully everyone can get along with or at the very least they can feel some of their desires were met for whatever reason they decided to show up at the fair.
Why do i get the impression that he's not only disturbed at the fair, but everywhere he goes?

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