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Man who believed virus was hoax loses wife to Covid-19 (1 Viewer)


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Man who believed virus was hoax loses wife to Covid-19 - BBC News

A Florida taxi driver, who believed false claims that coronavirus was a hoax, has lost his wife to Covid-19.

Brian Lee Hitchens and his wife, Erin, had read claims online that the virus was fabricated, linked to 5G or similar to the flu.

The couple didn't follow health guidance or seek help when they fell ill in early May. Brian recovered but his 46-year-old wife became critically ill and died this month from heart problems linked to the virus.

Brian spoke to the BBC in July as part of an investigation into the human cost of coronavirus misinformation. At the time, his wife was on a ventilator in hospital.

Deadly conspiracy theories
Erin, a pastor in Florida, had existing health problems - she suffered from asthma and a sleeping disorder.

Her husband explained that the couple did not follow health guidance at the start of the pandemic because of the false claims they had seen online.

Brian continued to work as a taxi driver and to collect his wife's medicine without observing social distancing rules or wearing a mask.

They had also failed to seek help as soon as possible when they fell ill in May and were both subsequently diagnosed with Covid-19.
Don't believe everything you read or hear. In Europe, people have been damaging 5G cellular transmission equipment because of this false claim that it is connected to the virus.
Man who believed virus was hoax loses wife to Covid-19 - BBC News

A Florida taxi driver, who believed false claims that coronavirus was a hoax, has lost his wife to Covid-19.

Brian Lee Hitchens and his wife, Erin, had read claims online that the virus was fabricated, linked to 5G or similar to the flu.

The couple didn't follow health guidance or seek help when they fell ill in early May. Brian recovered but his 46-year-old wife became critically ill and died this month from heart problems linked to the virus.

Brian spoke to the BBC in July as part of an investigation into the human cost of coronavirus misinformation. At the time, his wife was on a ventilator in hospital.

Deadly conspiracy theories
Erin, a pastor in Florida, had existing health problems - she suffered from asthma and a sleeping disorder.

Her husband explained that the couple did not follow health guidance at the start of the pandemic because of the false claims they had seen online.

Brian continued to work as a taxi driver and to collect his wife's medicine without observing social distancing rules or wearing a mask.

They had also failed to seek help as soon as possible when they fell ill in May and were both subsequently diagnosed with Covid-19.
Don't believe everything you read or hear. In Europe, people have been damaging 5G cellular transmission equipment because of this false claim that it is connected to the virus.

That is incredibly sad. That is way too high a price to pay for ignorance. Moreover, I doubt other than Brian, that must live with this the rest of his life, it awakens anyone. The worst part of all of this is the ignorant just double down on their ignorance.

America is in serious trouble.
Man who believed virus was hoax loses wife to Covid-19 - BBC News

A Florida taxi driver, who believed false claims that coronavirus was a hoax, has lost his wife to Covid-19.

Brian Lee Hitchens and his wife, Erin, had read claims online that the virus was fabricated, linked to 5G or similar to the flu.

The couple didn't follow health guidance or seek help when they fell ill in early May. Brian recovered but his 46-year-old wife became critically ill and died this month from heart problems linked to the virus.

Brian spoke to the BBC in July as part of an investigation into the human cost of coronavirus misinformation. At the time, his wife was on a ventilator in hospital.

Deadly conspiracy theories
Erin, a pastor in Florida, had existing health problems - she suffered from asthma and a sleeping disorder.

Her husband explained that the couple did not follow health guidance at the start of the pandemic because of the false claims they had seen online.

Brian continued to work as a taxi driver and to collect his wife's medicine without observing social distancing rules or wearing a mask.

They had also failed to seek help as soon as possible when they fell ill in May and were both subsequently diagnosed with Covid-19.
Don't believe everything you read or hear. In Europe, people have been damaging 5G cellular transmission equipment because of this false claim that it is connected to the virus.

This guy drove taxi when he was infected without wearing a mask. Idiots like him are the reason the US is such a hot spot. I'm trying to feel sympathy for his loss but all I can think of is the innocent passengers in his cab and how many might be dying badly from the virus they picked up from him.
Civil courts will be backed up for years dealing with the lawsuits around this kind of anti-social behaviour.
Ignore science at your own peril.
That is incredibly sad. That is way too high a price to pay for ignorance. Moreover, I doubt other than Brian, that must live with this the rest of his life, it awakens anyone. The worst part of all of this is the ignorant just double down on their ignorance.

America is in serious trouble.

He drove taxi, without a mask, when he was infected. He's not the only one paying a price for his ignorance.
Man who believed virus was hoax loses wife to Covid-19 - BBC News

A Florida taxi driver, who believed false claims that coronavirus was a hoax, has lost his wife to Covid-19.

Brian Lee Hitchens and his wife, Erin, had read claims online that the virus was fabricated, linked to 5G or similar to the flu.

The couple didn't follow health guidance or seek help when they fell ill in early May. Brian recovered but his 46-year-old wife became critically ill and died this month from heart problems linked to the virus.

Brian spoke to the BBC in July as part of an investigation into the human cost of coronavirus misinformation. At the time, his wife was on a ventilator in hospital.

Deadly conspiracy theories
Erin, a pastor in Florida, had existing health problems - she suffered from asthma and a sleeping disorder.

Her husband explained that the couple did not follow health guidance at the start of the pandemic because of the false claims they had seen online.

Brian continued to work as a taxi driver and to collect his wife's medicine without observing social distancing rules or wearing a mask.

They had also failed to seek help as soon as possible when they fell ill in May and were both subsequently diagnosed with Covid-19.
Don't believe everything you read or hear. In Europe, people have been damaging 5G cellular transmission equipment because of this false claim that it is connected to the virus.

And after two months of having a mask mandate, today California is having more cases and more deaths than before the mask mandate. Where's your article on that? You posted an article about two people, two. Where is your link to the over 4,000 new cases per day in California and approximately 200 deaths per day there?
And after two months of having a mask mandate, today California is having more cases and more deaths than before the mask mandate. Where's your article on that? You posted an article about two people, two. Where is your link to the over 4,000 new cases per day in California and approximately 200 deaths per day there?

Start your own thread if it concerns you. This is about one particularly ignorant and irresponsible idiot; no doubt a 'personal responsibility' conservative Trump fan.
Start your own thread if it concerns you. This is about one particularly ignorant and irresponsible idiot; no doubt a 'personal responsibility' conservative Trump fan.

LOL. The big dodge. Why do you deny facts?
LOL. The big dodge. Why do you deny facts?

Why do you think you can try to hijack a thread and expect you have a right to have your deflection become the topic?
And after two months of having a mask mandate, today California is having more cases and more deaths than before the mask mandate. Where's your article on that? You posted an article about two people, two. Where is your link to the over 4,000 new cases per day in California and approximately 200 deaths per day there?

Thank god for the mask mandate then, because otherwise one can only imagine the toll COVID-19 would have taken on the state with some of the most densely populated cities in the nation.
Why do you think you can try to hijack a thread and expect you have a right to have your deflection become the topic?

LOL. Yes, you are a fact denier. A blatant one at that. But, I do understand that you have no answer for my post.
Thank god for the mask mandate then, because otherwise one can only imagine the toll COVID-19 would have taken on the state with some of the most densely populated cities in the nation.

LOL. I'm getting really dizzy watching you spin that one. We have an over two month long mask mandate in California and at roughly the same time Florida opening up and California is doing far worse than Florida and somehow you spin that into California good, Florida bad.
LOL. Yes, you are a fact denier. A blatant one at that. But, I do understand that you have no answer for my post.

The topic is an idiot who thought the virus was a hoax and dealt with the public while he was infected. Just because you want to talk about something else doesn't mean anyone else should feel obliged to join your thread hijack. Give your head a shake.
Kids are like that. Annoying, bratty kids.
Got anything to say about the topic?
The topic is an idiot who thought the virus was a hoax and dealt with the public while he was infected. Just because you want to talk about something else doesn't mean anyone else should feel obliged to join your thread hijack. Give your head a shake.
Kids are like that. Annoying, bratty kids.
Got anything to say about the topic?

So, you don't want to talk about facts. I figured. The left are fact deniers.
Christ that's depressing. I would hate for my wife to die just because I believed a stupid thing.
Man who believed virus was hoax loses wife to Covid-19 - BBC News

A Florida taxi driver, who believed false claims that coronavirus was a hoax, has lost his wife to Covid-19.

Brian Lee Hitchens and his wife, Erin, had read claims online that the virus was fabricated, linked to 5G or similar to the flu.

The couple didn't follow health guidance or seek help when they fell ill in early May. Brian recovered but his 46-year-old wife became critically ill and died this month from heart problems linked to the virus.

Brian spoke to the BBC in July as part of an investigation into the human cost of coronavirus misinformation. At the time, his wife was on a ventilator in hospital.

Deadly conspiracy theories
Erin, a pastor in Florida, had existing health problems - she suffered from asthma and a sleeping disorder.

Her husband explained that the couple did not follow health guidance at the start of the pandemic because of the false claims they had seen online.

Brian continued to work as a taxi driver and to collect his wife's medicine without observing social distancing rules or wearing a mask.

They had also failed to seek help as soon as possible when they fell ill in May and were both subsequently diagnosed with Covid-19.
Don't believe everything you read or hear. In Europe, people have been damaging 5G cellular transmission equipment because of this false claim that it is connected to the virus.

Thought and prayers. Darwin award in the mail.
Christ that's depressing. I would hate for my wife to die just because I believed a stupid thing.

Apparently, she believed the stupid thing, too.
And after two months of having a mask mandate, today California is having more cases and more deaths than before the mask mandate. Where's your article on that? You posted an article about two people, two. Where is your link to the over 4,000 new cases per day in California and approximately 200 deaths per day there?

Because the myth of Cali being a blue state is just that. Shave off SF/SJ, LA, SD, you got a largely red state. You people revel in being covidiots; where do you think most of the Covid Karen, and bad mask brad vids not out of Florida (the usual mecca of right wing morons gone off to pasture), come from?

There, someone answered your trollish deflection, gonna do the MAGAA™® dance and sing the "fake noos" song to lift your spirits, or are you moving on the take dumps on other threads? Enquiring minds would like to know, or will Trump® pay them to bury the story since you're advancing the Trumpublican™® agenda?
Apparently, she believed the stupid thing, too.

I think the worst thing about this is the larger fact that all of these people are cursed to learn this lesson in the most perfectly horrible way possible. Not one of them will learn by observation of others people's tragedies; only by personal experience. They will all learn alone.
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Christ that's depressing. I would hate for my wife to die just because I believed a stupid thing.


And he TWEETS from the GRAVE!:shock:

His family must be so proud! He's a MAGAA™® SuperOrangeHero™ now!!!

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