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Man arrested for allegedly threatening Merriam-Webster over definition of female (1 Viewer)


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Man arrested for allegedly threatening Merriam-Webster over definition of female​

The suspect also sent threats to other companies, investigators said.

A California man was arrested this week for allegedly threating to bomb Merriam-Webster's offices and kill its employees over the dictionary publisher's definitions for women, federal prosecutors said.

Jeremy David Hanson, 34, of Rossmoor, California, was charged on April 20 with one count of interstate communication of threats to commit violence for alleged online threats that he sent to the company in October, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Massachusetts.

The actual offending definition:


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fe·male | \ ˈfē-ˌmāl \

Definition of female

(Entry 1 of 2)
1a(1): of, relating to, or being the sex that typically has the capacity to bear young or produce eggsIn a field of milkweed, I watched a female monarch butterfly deposit a single egg on the underside of a leaf.— Tom TyningA few months later, she became the highest paid female performer on the Great White Way.— Susannah McCorkle
(2)botany : having or producing only pistils or pistillate flowersa female hollyfemale inflorescences
b: having a gender identity that is the opposite of male
c: made up of usually adult members of the female sex : consisting of femalesthe female workforce
d: characteristic of girls, women, or the female sex : exhibiting femalenesscomposed for female voicesa female name
e: designed for or typically used by girls or womena female glove
f: engaged in or exercised by girls or womenfemale suffragefemale political power
g: having a quality (such as small size or delicacy of sound) sometimes associated with the female sexfemale castanets
2of a rhyme : having an unstressed final syllable : FEMININE sense 4ba female rhyme
3: designed with a hollow or groove into which a corresponding male part fitsthe female coupling of a hose

Definition of female (Entry 2 of 2)
1a: a female person : a woman or a girl
b: an individual of the sex that is typically capable of bearing young or producing eggs
2: a pistillate plant

This is what happens when you americans buy cheap knock offs of originals.

The oxford dictionary. The dictionary for those who prefer to speak english.





  1. being a woman or a girl
    • a female student/employee/artist/athlete
    • She has written brilliant roles for strong female characters.
    • a predominantly female audience
    • Two of the candidates must be female.
      belonging to the sex that can lay eggs or give birth to babies
      of women; typical of women; affecting women
    • (biology) (of plants and flowers) that can produce fruit
    • (specialist) (of electrical equipment) having a hole that another part fits into
The actual offending definition:


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fe·male | \ ˈfē-ˌmāl \

Definition of female

(Entry 1 of 2)
1a(1): of, relating to, or being the sex that typically has the capacity to bear young or produce eggsIn a field of milkweed, I watched a female monarch butterfly deposit a single egg on the underside of a leaf.— Tom TyningA few months later, she became the highest paid female performer on the Great White Way.— Susannah McCorkle
(2)botany : having or producing only pistils or pistillate flowersa female hollyfemale inflorescences
b: having a gender identity that is the opposite of male
c: made up of usually adult members of the female sex : consisting of femalesthe female workforce
d: characteristic of girls, women, or the female sex : exhibiting femalenesscomposed for female voicesa female name
e: designed for or typically used by girls or womena female glove
f: engaged in or exercised by girls or womenfemale suffragefemale political power
g: having a quality (such as small size or delicacy of sound) sometimes associated with the female sexfemale castanets
2of a rhyme : having an unstressed final syllable : FEMININE sense 4ba female rhyme
3: designed with a hollow or groove into which a corresponding male part fitsthe female coupling of a hose

Definition of female (Entry 2 of 2)
1a: a female person : a woman or a girl
b: an individual of the sex that is typically capable of bearing young or producing eggs
2: a pistillate plant

Here is the definition from my 1904 dictionary:

Where are the obscenity laws when you need them? Some children might read this smut!
True, I got depressed just reading about the pistil and stamens in plants. Back in the day, gals complained that my pistil couldn't stamens for very long.
Merriam Webster has been around a long time. Why now the threats? OH, because the left has brought the insanity to the forefront!!!
Any intelligent person should.

When you keep changing what a word means, history is elusive.
Do me a favour- explain that to the radical rightist dimwits here who claim to have redefined 'liberal'.
Merriam Webster has been around a long time. Why now the threats? OH, because the left has brought the insanity to the forefront!!!
Yeah, that makes perfect sense. This idiot lunatic fringe right whinger is the lefts fault. He was provoked.
Anyone can see that.

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. This idiot lunatic fringe right whinger is the lefts fault. He was provoked.
Anyone can see that.

Why provoked NOW, is my point.
Why provoked NOW, is my point.
Like you said, its the fault of the left. Why, anyone can see that. Merriam-Websters is a well known leftist agit-prop organization and their agenda was successful.
Anyone can see that.

gawd, it should be painful...
Do me a favour- explain that to the radical rightist dimwits here who claim to have redefined 'liberal'.
Liberals are no longer liberals, who call themselves that. They are close to authoritarian socialists.

5 : broad-minded especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms

Liberals today are anything but broad minded. Agree with them, or else...

a : one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways

Liberals seem to be very focused on things like political correctness. They have "established" what is proper and what isn't, by their agendas.

c : an advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights

If liberals care about people's rights, why are they always telling others what they can and cannot do?
Like you said, its the fault of the left. Why, anyone can see that. Merriam-Websters is a well known leftist agit-prop organization and their agenda was successful.
Anyone can see that.

gawd, it should be painful...
Actually, dictionaries just reflect how people use words. The fact that certain words are changing quite a bit, reflects how poorly people are being educated.
Liberals are no longer liberals, who call themselves that. They are close to authoritarian socialists.

5 : broad-minded especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms

Liberals today are anything but broad minded. Agree with them, or else...

a : one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways

Liberals seem to be very focused on things like political correctness. They have "established" what is proper and what isn't, by their agendas.

c : an advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights

If liberals care about people's rights, why are they always telling others what they can and cannot do?
Do you even hear yourself? Gawd, you guys. Pointing at a camel and saying, "Look what horses have become."
Listen carefully. Anyone who doesn't hold liberal values isn't a liberal. It doesn't matter what you, he or anyone else says.
Do you even hear yourself? Gawd, you guys. Pointing at a camel and saying, "Look what horses have become."
Listen carefully. Anyone who doesn't hold liberal values isn't a liberal. It doesn't matter what you, he or anyone else says.
I'm sorry you think that way.
I'm sorry you think that way.
Be sorry that you cant understand.
Be sorry that your limitations makes you point at people who arent liberal, tell me why they arent liberal, and then say that see, liberals arent liberal anymore.
Be sorry that you dont see how dumb that is.
Merriam Webster has been around a long time. Why now the threats? OH, because the left has brought the insanity to the forefront!!!
How much are you prepared to wager that Hanson isn’t a right wing nut?
Its stupid for him to have become upset and if he did indeed level threats then he should be charged.

The modern iterations of 'dictionaries' pretty much embody all in society that is sliding down the slippery slope. Redefine everything to fit the deviant decline in society. The APA and AMA are no different. Its what happens when entities are governed by political bodies. That should be noted...even used to strengthen resolve. But threats and/or acts of violence in response are always inappropriate.

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