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Malone on T-cell damage etc from vaxx. (1 Viewer)

A YouTube video is not a scientific source and "Real America's Voice" is not a real news agency. You believe all kinds of wacky conspiracy theories you found on blogs then search for more blogs and YouTube videos to confirm your world view.

No rational person makes medical decisions like that. Stop poisoning our forum with your garbage.
A YouTube video is not a scientific source and "Real America's Voice" is not a real news agency. You believe all kinds of wacky conspiracy theories you found on blogs then search for more blogs and YouTube videos to confirm your world view.

No rational person makes medical decisions like that. Stop poisoning our forum with your garbage.
Yep. Truthful sources don't beat you over the head with their honesty like "We're Fair and Balanced" "Real America's Voice"
Next will be "Your News Straight from Our Savior, The Holy God". :)
A YouTube video is not a scientific source and "Real America's Voice" is not a real news agency. You believe all kinds of wacky conspiracy theories you found on blogs then search for more blogs and YouTube videos to confirm your world view.

No rational person makes medical decisions like that. Stop poisoning our forum with your garbage.
The source is not a site. The sources are Malone and doctors.
The source is not a site. The sources are Malone and doctors.
Post a link to the scientific study confirming what was claimed in the video. If you can't do that, it's by definition not science.

And stop pretending you care about the opinions of doctors. For every nutter doctor you find, there are a thousand non-nutters you ignore because it doesn't support what you want to believe.
Post a link to the scientific study confirming what was claimed in the video. If you can't do that, it's by definition not science.

And stop pretending you care about the opinions of doctors. For every nutter doctor you find, there are a thousand non-nutters you ignore because it doesn't support what you want to believe.
What may look like a wonderful medical drug at first can have terrible longer term side effects.
Have posted some new studies that may answer some of that.

What may look like a wonderful medical drug at first can have terrible longer term side effects.
Have posted some new studies that may answer some of that.

Why do you continuously post studies you never read and are either not related to what you claim or actually show the exact opposite?

1) None of the studies mention T-cells or T-cell damage from vaccines. That was the point of your thread and none of these are related.

2). Study #2 doesn't even mention vaccines, much less T-cells

3) Study #3 claims vaccines offer great protection against omicron. That's the point you were trying to make right?

Lol, it's hard to find better examples of someone being so ****ing clueless and owning themselves.

Do yourself a favor and actually READ the studies before you post them.

I'll end with a quote from your first link:
Antibody breadth against viral variants is lower after infection compared with all vaccines evaluated but improves over several months.
Why do you continuously post studies you never read and are either not related to what you claim or actually show the exact opposite?

1) None of the studies mention T-cells or T-cell damage from vaccines. That was the point of your thread and none of these are related.

2). Study #2 doesn't even mention vaccines, much less T-cells

3) Study #3 claims vaccines offer great protection against omicron. That's the point you were trying to make right?

Lol, it's hard to find better examples of someone being so ****ing clueless and owning themselves.

Do yourself a favor and actually READ the studies before you post them.

I'll end with a quote from your first link:
The studies show the immune system possibly become weaker. If the vaxx cause direct damage to T-cells or if continous Covid infection does i don´t know. Does it matter?

Here is the first study again. That means the injection "program" the immune system right? So that with an infection from a new variant the same old type of antibodies will be produced. How is that not very bad?

"Viral variant infection elicits variant-specific antibodies, but prior mRNA vaccination imprints serological responses toward Wuhan-Hu-1 rather than variant antigens."

The studies show the immune system possibly become weaker. If the vaxx cause direct damage to T-cells or if continous Covid infection does i don´t know. Does it matter?

Possibly become weaker, yet to be determined. These kinds of phrases are used as fact for some. You gettin' my drift Henk7?
Possibly become weaker, yet to be determined. These kinds of phrases are used as fact for some. You gettin' my drift Henk7?

Much more than enough to stop the experiment.
Careful. Those who debate this guy for more than a post or two are possibly revealing themselves as liking to sizzle ants with a magnifying glass. When they were kids.
Much more than enough to stop the experiment.
We're just about to hit 1 million dead Americans from covid, the vast majority of which were unvaccinated. No, we will not stop vaccinating just because you want more people to die. You're a sadist who wants to inflict as much suffering as possible and think your personal opinions are more important than people's lives.

Careful. Those who debate this guy for more than a post or two are possibly revealing themselves as liking to sizzle ants with a magnifying glass. When they were kids.
I like to poke him because the more he posts the more obvious he makes it that he's a fringe radical who has absolutely no idea what he's talking about and has never read any of the studies he posts.
anybody else wonder how many mommas and daddies the antivaxxers ended up killing?
You could possibly get into an auto accident today. Is that enough to declare a stop to all vehicular traffic?

Before traffic lights and stop signs, vehicle accidents were much higher. However, those safety designs also caused some confusion that in itself led to accidents, though far fewer than before. Using Henk logic, that "experiment" would be stopped. But Henk only trolls using the bait of mis/disinformation that requires the consumption of honest poster's time to review and debunk in reply that is then met with more of the same in response. Good luck with this waste of time.
anybody else wonder how many mommas and daddies the antivaxxers ended up killing?

I hear about it anecdotally and, apparently, it's 90% themselves.
I hear about it anecdotally and, apparently, it's 90% themselves.
Nothing like a son antivaxxer infecting his mama antivaxxer and causing her death.
So the vaccine causes infertility, implants a chip in you gives you aids and damages T cells?

is there anything this vaccine doesnt do?
Here is the first study again. That means the injection "program" the immune system right? So that with an infection from a new variant the same old type of antibodies will be produced. How is that not very bad?

"Viral variant infection elicits variant-specific antibodies, but prior mRNA vaccination imprints serological responses toward Wuhan-Hu-1 rather than variant antigens."

Because some antibodies are better than no antibodies.

Your body can't imprint serological responses towards a variant it hasn't encountered before.
Because some antibodies are better than no antibodies.

Your body can't imprint serological responses towards a variant it hasn't encountered before.

You're about to encounter as you have before further imprint of the Henk7 variant response to your fact-based refutation for which you've no antibodies but to remove/distance yourself from contact. IMO.
Because some antibodies are better than no antibodies.

Your body can't imprint serological responses towards a variant it hasn't encountered before.

No not all antibodies are good. Some can enhance infection. Others can outcompete the good ones.

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