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Make fornication illegal again (1 Viewer)


Apr 29, 2020
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Political Leaning
Fornication used to be against the law in many areas of the world

It still should be. I've seen so many tragedies..and downright horror stories RE children born of unmarried women. Yes, there are a few success stories
.and by Success I mean Moral success..raising kids to not be criminals and or malignant narcissists, etc

If formication were outlawed, all women would be protected .. virtually all, I mean..from selfish, game playing, abusive
.men so called

And our children would be.. more of them would b e raised properly.

Less criminals in our system..less violent crime
Fornication used to be against the law in many areas of the world

It still should be. I've seen so many tragedies..and downright horror stories RE children born of unmarried women. Yes, there are a few success stories
.and by Success I mean Moral success..raising kids to not be criminals and or malignant narcissists, etc

If formication were outlawed, all women would be protected .. virtually all, I mean..from selfish, game playing, abusive
.men so called

And our children would be.. more of them would b e raised properly.

Less criminals in our system..less violent crime

How very misogynistic of you to be concerned about WOMEN being prosecuted with no mention from you about men.

And using YOUR logic, since drugs are illegal, there shouldn't be drug dealers or users right? Gimme a break, you are trying for a record of making the dumbest threads in a day.
Fornication used to be against the law in many areas of the world

It still should be. I've seen so many tragedies..and downright horror stories RE children born of unmarried women. Yes, there are a few success stories
.and by Success I mean Moral success..raising kids to not be criminals and or malignant narcissists, etc

If formication were outlawed, all women would be protected .. virtually all, I mean..from selfish, game playing, abusive
.men so called

And our children would be.. more of them would b e raised properly.

Less criminals in our system..less violent crime

1. The government should not be in our bedrooma enforcing your idea of morality.

2. You probably don't realize it, but most women also enjoy sex.
Fornication used to be against the law in many areas of the world

It still should be. I've seen so many tragedies..and downright horror stories RE children born of unmarried women. Yes, there are a few success stories
.and by Success I mean Moral success..raising kids to not be criminals and or malignant narcissists, etc

If formication were outlawed, all women would be protected .. virtually all, I mean..from selfish, game playing, abusive
.men so called

And our children would be.. more of them would b e raised properly.

Less criminals in our system..less violent crime

What is it with you fascists and your obsession with our genitals?
Fornication used to be against the law in many areas of the world

It still should be. I've seen so many tragedies..and downright horror stories RE children born of unmarried women. Yes, there are a few success stories
.and by Success I mean Moral success..raising kids to not be criminals and or malignant narcissists, etc

If formication were outlawed, all women would be protected .. virtually all, I mean..from selfish, game playing, abusive
.men so called

And our children would be.. more of them would b e raised properly.

Less criminals in our system..less violent crime

Used to be, the king had to OK you procreating, ANd, he might just screw your wife too, if pretty enough. Now, the right wing wants to make them OK who procreates. For they think only the wealthy, or comfortable should be able to have children. They will OK most white pregs, but few black and brown pregs. They intend to do this by abortion. By state. Run out all the minorities from redneck states. Make abortion illegal. Make crossing border to get one illegal. Therefore make blue states take care of most minority births. Increase the white population in slave states.
Fornication used to be against the law in many areas of the world

It still should be. I've seen so many tragedies..and downright horror stories RE children born of unmarried women. Yes, there are a few success stories
.and by Success I mean Moral success..raising kids to not be criminals and or malignant narcissists, etc

If formication were outlawed, all women would be protected .. virtually all, I mean..from selfish, game playing, abusive
.men so called

And our children would be.. more of them would b e raised properly.

Less criminals in our system..less violent crime

So you're basically calling for establishment of a

"Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice".
( الرئاسة العامة لهيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر)


What a good little mutaween you are.

What is it with you fascists and your obsession with our genitals?

Because I have to live in society with all these broken people having an equal vote to mine
So you're basically calling for establishment of a

"Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice".
( الرئاسة العامة لهيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر)


What a good little mutaween you are.


And alcoholism and fatherless homes are near non existent in Saudi Arabia
Because I have to live in society with all these broken people having an equal vote to mine

Yeah buddy. Once we take the vote away from them we can really change things......right???
Just get the **** out of the United States, you fascists want a theocracy and you're not going to get it. Tough ****.

You can’t be a fascist and want theocracy, they’re mutually exclusive
You can’t be a fascist and want theocracy, they’re mutually exclusive

I know. Once we get the women to dress in red with white hats things will be better
Fornication used to be against the law in many areas of the world

It still should be. I've seen so many tragedies..and downright horror stories RE children born of unmarried women. Yes, there are a few success stories
.and by Success I mean Moral success..raising kids to not be criminals and or malignant narcissists, etc

If formication were outlawed, all women would be protected .. virtually all, I mean..from selfish, game playing, abusive
.men so called

And our children would be.. more of them would b e raised properly.

Less criminals in our system..less violent crime

Amazing post, just amazing... and someone gave you a like.

You have to be a Trump enthusiast, no one else would post such inanity.

peace and best of luck
Obviously not. Modern conservative on display.

Actually it’s traditional conservatism, modern conservatives believe in extreme libertine nonsense
Actually it’s traditional conservatism, modern conservatives believe in extreme libertine nonsense

Once we take the vote away and declare the pope in charge these problems will go away
Once we take the vote away and declare the pope in charge these problems will go away

No problem completely goes away but they would be reduced
the OP voted for Donald Trump.

let that sink in.
How very misogynistic of you to be concerned about WOMEN being prosecuted with no mention from you about men.

And using YOUR logic, since drugs are illegal, there shouldn't be drug dealers or users right? Gimme a break, you are trying for a record of making the dumbest threads in a day.

He gets paid by the post/thread. Started 287 threads since April.

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