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Majority of Americans have an Unfavorable opinion on Trump on Election day (1 Viewer)

The elections are over, now the war begins.

Gee what a shocker. Vast majority want no pardons for these 1-6 criminals either.

Shitshow is kicking off folks.

According to Trump, they're not criminals. They're hostages.

"Tomorrow everybody in this very large arena will be very happy with my decision on the J6 hostages. Very happy. I think you will be very, very happy.” - Trump yesterday.

Gee what a shocker. Vast majority want no pardons for these 1-6 criminals either.

Shitshow is kicking off folks.
Those who weren’t violent should be freed. They have been punished enough for sight seeing and selfie taking.

It was no insurrection. It was a riot at best. Half the folks involved did nothing wrong except trespass. If not for politics they would have been out long ago.

They should be freed. Then Trump should go after every mother ****er involved in the soft coop attempt that came from the Russian collusion lie. From Comey to adam schiff. Even Hillary played a role.

The shit show is leaving today. The adults are back in control. Sit back and wait for the leftist riots lol. Your comrades will show very soon. And I bet you a dollar they won’t be punished. Burn a blue state shithole city and nothing will be done to them lol.
Agreed. THe way the media is undermining the democratic process, needs to be addressed.
All the media have to report is exactly what Trumps says and does. Through in a few reminders of what he said per election vs what he is saying now, and yep, even some Trump voters are going to be upset already. This is why Trump so desperately wants to control the media. Just straight factual reporting shows him up for the fraud he is.
All the media have to report is exactly what Trumps says and does. ....

Remember when they listened to him say that nazis were not the people he was talking about and then they told the American people that he said soemthign nice about nazis?

THe media lied, so much. It is beyond acceptable. It is time to serious consider revoking broadcasting licenses, or similar responses.
Agreed. THe way the media is undermining the democratic process, needs to be addressed.
Been this way for decades. I figured it out one election year. I was getting ready to vote in the republican primary. The media began showering John McCain with every wonderful praise he deserves as a veteran and such. He could do no wrong. I voted for Rick Santorum because McCain was a RINO. Well the media raised McCain up and he won the primary. Suddenly like a light switch the same media that tossed rose pedals at his feet now began to cut off his toes. They viciously and relentlessly attacked him seemingly the day after he was the nominee. It was so clear and obvious that even I recognized it back then. I didn’t know how awful and partisan the media was yet lol. Well the media propped up McCain because he was the candidate most likely to be beaten by the democrat.
I was educated that day.

Now they have devolved into the propaganda arm of the DNC. It’s really sad.

Gee what a shocker. Vast majority want no pardons for these 1-6 criminals either.

Shitshow is kicking off folks.
Tough chit


Hopefully he gives Chupacabra Guy the medal of freedom. :D
All the media have to report is exactly what Trumps says and does. Through in a few reminders of what he said per election vs what he is saying now, and yep, even some Trump voters are going to be upset already. This is why Trump so desperately wants to control the media. Just straight factual reporting shows him up for the fraud he is.
Once again a Democrat confession.

The media is being controlled by one side lol. The democrats. They just got busted colluding with social media to censor republicans lol. They lie about shit. I saw them say Trump told his supporters to attack the whitehouse. They said Trump never offered the national guard before 1/6 another lie. Corbell just reminded you of the lie that Trump called Nazis good people.

If they simply report what Trump says and does the democrats are finished.
He's leaving it at like 37%.

Guess everyone hoped he would do better.

Most presidents come in on a high note. After all, the people just voted them in, didn't they?

Biden came in at 56%. That was okay, not stellar but given the way the race went, fine.

Dump is coming in at 46%. Which is...kinda ominous. That is really not a good number. I'm wondering whether it's a record.

BTW, didn't Dump exit his last term in the 30s?
Most presidents come in on a high note. After all, the people just voted them in, didn't they?
Sure. Some rate higher later, as well. It's a nuanced and complex subject, I imagine.
Dump is coming in at 46%. Which is...kinda ominous. That is really not a good number. I'm wondering whether it's a record.

Would be interesting to see. Let me know if you find data on this.

Biden is leaving with historically low ratings.

BTW, didn't Dump exit his last term in the 30s?
Probably. He is almost askw as Biden. Both are ranked pretty low by Americans; Biden just happens to be ranked lower. I mean, neither is Jimmy Carter levels of bad poll numbers, but neither has anything to brag about for sure.
Sure. Some rate higher later, as well. It's a nuanced and complex subject, I imagine.

Would be interesting to see. Let me know if you find data on this.

Biden is leaving with historically low ratings.

Probably. He is almost askw as Biden. Both are ranked pretty low by Americans; Biden just happens to be ranked lower. I mean, neither is Jimmy Carter levels of bad poll numbers, but neither has anything to brag about for sure.

Yikes. So, Trump left at 34% in 2021.

Biden is also leaving low, but not as low as Trump did - Biden is at 37% - but more notable is that he started out much higher than Trump...so yeah...concerning. The American public should have a lot more confidence in someone they just voted in. Trump is coming in with a firm majority not having confidence in him. If he screws up from here on his "promises,", I just don't know.
Why does the majority matter when the foundation of conservative and right-wing ideology is minoritarian rule?
Yikes. So, Trump left at 34% in 2021.

Biden is also leaving low, but not as low as Trump did - Biden is at 37% - but more notable is that he started out much higher than Trump...so yeah...concerning. The American public should have a lot more confidence in someone they just voted in. Trump is coming in with a firm majority not having confidence in him. If he screws up from here on his "promises,", I just don't know.
It does seem that Trump's ratings have improved substantially while Biden's have collapsed.

As you point out, Biden started much higher and has fallen quite far, while Trump's numbers have improved, somehow.

Trump will fall far short of his promises, which is a great thing. His promises are usually dumb. But he's still more popular and higher rated than Biden.
It does seem that Trump's ratings have improved substantially while Biden's have collapsed.

As you point out, Biden started much higher and has fallen quite far, while Trump's numbers have improved, somehow.

Trump will fall far short of his promises, which is a great thing. His promises are usually dumb. But he's still more popular and higher rated than Biden.

Actually, improving from 34% to just 46% - when an incoming president should be at an approval high -- doesn't exactly show confidence in his leadership by the American people.

Both his numbers are pretty scary, but especially the current one.

Improved "somehow" -- I repeat -- an incoming president's approval is usually *very high* since he has just been elected. The fact that the person wss just elected should show the American public has a lot of confidence in him.

The numbers definitely don't show that.

People are *already* losing confidence in him compared to when they voted for him...and he hasn't even been seated yet.

No bueno.
How dare people have their own opinions?

This left "their own opinion" behind about 4 years ago. They have been engaged in, at best propaganda and at worst, censorship as election interference.

Your refusal to be honest about the situation, or their behavior, is because you know that being honest, means admitting that I am right.
Remember when they listened to him say that nazis were not the people he was talking about and then they told the American people that he said soemthign nice about nazis?

THe media lied, so much. It is beyond acceptable. It is time to serious consider revoking broadcasting licenses, or similar responses.

Were these business leaders lying or misled?

"Panel members had been resigning since Monday, most directly or indirectly citing Trump’s response to the violence in Charlottesville, Va. over the weekend."

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