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Major League Baseball 2019 (1 Viewer)

I was able to correctly acknowledge that Jose Altuve is not 6ft plus tall midway through the 1st inning. But for some reason the sportscasters feel the need to remind me in case I have the memory of a goldfish.

Sportscasters and announcers feel the need to tell me how old Tom Brady is. Very annoying.
Yup. That's me. Season is now a success because the Yankees have been eliminated.

I don't know, it would have been cool to see the Yankees in the White House because they are the president's favorite team.

It has been a frustrating decade for the Yankees. 0 WS appearances. The Steinbrenner family is running the Yankees as the Braves did in the 90s.

They have done a good job with the farm system and making decent free agent signings but they refuse to make the deal that would put this team over the top.
lol...Yankees and Dodgers are definitely two teams I cannot stand. Cards are probably close behind. I'm pretty thrilled with an Astros v Nats WS.

I don't understand the hatred of the Yankees. When they win, the league is better. MLB has a revenue-sharing agreement. Higher revenue teams like the Yankees essential pay lower-revenue teams. The Yankees pay more money in revenue sharing than compared to the Mets who play in the same city/market.

Now, the revenue sharing money is supposed to go towards improving the team's performance on the field but don't you see the problem? Lower revenue teams like the Marlins have no incentive to increase their revenue because they are on a permanent subsidy.

The Devil Rays need to move to Montreal.

The Athletics needs to move to Las Vegas or Portland.

We need a new system. Teams that contribute most to revenue sharing should get more tax breaks/incentives to spend more money.
Houston may be too tough for them but for the halibut I'm hoping the Nats take it.

Unlike some people, i never root for the team which is known to always win. Hence, I'm not a fan of the Lakers, Yankees, Dodgers, Patriots or...for a while there, at least, Penguins and Warriors.

I will find myself rooting for the Dubs this year since they are decimated. And, of course, who can't be a Clippers fan now that they might actually have something good going on.

Penguins are old now, so if they win, I might cheer them on too....but, I sort of doubt they will.
Before the start in a few minutes, I don’t see the Astros as a -230 favorite to win the WS, with the Nats a +190 underdog. I don’t see a team with all 12 of their pitchers being RH winning.

Max is a + 185 underdog. I don’t think so, but I’ve been wrong a lot. And over/unders of 3 and 6.5 in 5 and 9 innings in Houston’s Park? That’s way too low.
Too many pitches already, especially the stressful breaking stuff. Nats play timid ball with Eaton.
Too many pitches already, especially the stressful breaking stuff. Nats play timid ball with Eaton.

Eaton is generally a fine bunter, who often bunts for a hit. Not a bad move against Cole.
Eaton is generally a fine bunter, who often bunts for a hit. Not a bad move against Cole.

I knew you’d be along. One run won’t win this game, especially at 0-0 early. ‘These’ Nats hitter’s are too jumpy, not taking enough pitches. Home plate looks to be tight on the pitchers. And a home run. tbc
And it’s Greinke/Sanchez on Friday with Verlander/Strasburg tomorrow. Great matchups.
Good game so far. Nats are surprising me again.
I am surprised by the current results but at the same time, not.

Verlander and Cole have already thrown more than 240 innings this season. The Astros are way too overly reliant on them both.

Bregman and Yordan Alvarez have 1 total hr between the two of them in the entire playoffs. Not good enough for your #4 and #5 hitter. Alvarez killed right-handed pitching in the regular season. He has been a non-factor in the playoffs. Correa is still very good, but not the same player he was in 2017.

If the Astros win game 3, they still have a shot. Lose, it's pretty much over.
The National League is the JV league. They stand almost zero chance against the Astros or Yankees.

Brian Dozier will be starting when the Nationals need a DH in the AL games. Dozier wouldn't even make the Yankees or Astros roster.

Tough JV league.
Tough JV league.
I Believe in chemistry and the astros assistant gm mocking female reporters could have ruined the team chemistry.

Update: the assistant gm was fired.

The astros assistant gm defending osuna for beating up women likely killed the team chemistry.

Terrible trade. The astros couldnt find a relief pitcher that didn't beat up a female?
The astros assistant gm defending osuna for beating up women likely killed the team chemistry.

Terrible trade. The astros couldnt find a relief pitcher that didn't beat up a female?

As you well know, I rarely speak on these ‘outside-the-lines’ matters. They continue to ruin all sports. How do you square your comment with Chapman on the Yankees? That’s when the Cubs lost me. Btw. that Assistant GM Taubman just got fired for his stupid comments. Great, but that isn’t why the Astros are currently losing.

Your posting here lately has been pretty good, except for the JV comment. So, why did I pick the Nats? Five versus four on the bench, and they’re better. Astros don’t have a real #4 starter, though Urquidy can be good. Astros have zero lefties on their staff, after stupidly leaving Miley off the roster.

Sanchez is why the Nats are here. He went 11-2 after coming back from the IL, when he was 0-6. He picked up Corbin, who struggled through June. His Cardinal game was no surprise to those who follow the Nats. Nats bullpen seems to have come together. Their lineup is far more balanced.

This brings us to Zack Greinke, an excellent Hitting pitcher. 18-5 with a sub-3 era. I’d bat him 8th, as the Nats often do. Get your 9-1-2 going. Do you sit Reddick or Álvarez? Maldonado or Chirinos? As I said, the Astros bench sucks. However, those who opine about the DH are wrong this time, at least in game 3.

Greinke is favored at -135/+125. The totals have moved from 7 to 8 already. Wind supposed to be out to center but only around 5 mph. Game 4 will be more raw, winds in from the ENE. Cole is not as good a hitter as Greinke, but he was with the Pirates for five years. Will Cole and Corbin both go on 3 days rest in game 4, though Corbin is much more rested?

I notice that the NFL, even a crap game like the one last night, gets far more attention than the World Series. NBA opening day even got more ink than Game one of the WS.

Makes me wonder why.

When I was a kid, baseball was king. Now, I bet it cannot even compete with soccer.

World Series Game 2 Falls to All-Time Low TV Audience

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