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MAGA Hats? Do they have a negative/hateful stigma? (1 Viewer)

MAGA Hats? Do they have a negative/hateful stigma?

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"If you ain't first, you're last"
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Apr 25, 2010
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MAGA hats are currently a topic of conversation and I'd like to know what everybody feels about them.
Based on their origin, affiliation, association, usage and representation; meaning based on the people who you have seen wearing them and the things those people do and say are they anything more than a hat?

1.) a mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one's reputation.

MAGA Hats? Do they have a negative/hateful stigma?

Yes a small negative/hateful stigma
Yes an average negative/hateful stigma ie rebel flag
Yes a serious negative/hateful stigma ie white power cross
No they have zero stigma
It is ultimately going to depend on how each individual views it. Objectively it is nothing more than a political campaign hat no different than a "I'm with her shirt" or one of those Obama hats with the big O done as an American flag. There are those who try to paint it as the new symbol for white supremacy and those that buy into it but that seems to be the more partisan Democrat crowd.
ok now that the poll worked......lol

as I said in another thread I think its impossible to deny that there is a negative stigma with a MAGA hat

This is just based off my experience but ive never seen anybody wear one in real life. Even when i asked people I know that are trump fans about them they said they would never wear them cause they are not nutters lol. Well one said extremist and one said nutters. AGain thats just their opinion but those were Trump supporters. If even they feel that way there has to be something to it?

For me its based off of associations and the types of people ive seen wearing it and what they say and what they do.

now with that said
Would it make me hate that person or make me "angry"? nope
Would it convince me thats a bad person? nope
Would it convince me that person is a racist? nope

of course i would never make a concrete conclusive judgement based off of a MAGA hat but what it would do, is it would certainly catch my attention(especially cause i never seen one and thats IF i noticed)
it would catch my attention and intrigue my curiosity and give me possible suspicion.

thats about it

oh yeah and thats based off of the idea of seeing it in a normal location.

so for me it just has a small or average negative/hateful stigma to it, nothing to get fired up over just curious about and aware
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Sorry all you proud Donny Deplorables, donning your MAGA hats lets me know that I am most likely viewing a willfully mentally self lobotomized follower of Trump.

Most likely your notion of MAGA, aka making America great again, involves returning America to a longed for era of white privilege back before the Civil War, or at the least before the Civil Rights era.

Back to a time when "Operation Wetback" raised no eyebrows.

Back to an era when separate was not equal, but who cared, certainly not white people.

You get the picture, if not then you are wearing your MAGA hat way too tight.
I'd wear a MAGA hat before I'd wear "Fast and Furious" or "Operation Cassandra". Or, how about "Benghazi was because of a video". That one was pretty catchy.
MAGA hats are currently a topic of conversation and I'd like to know what everybody feels about them.
Based on their origin, affiliation, association, usage and representation; meaning based on the people who you have seen wearing them and the things those people do and say are they anything more than a hat?

MAGA Hats? Do they have a negative/hateful stigma?

Yes a small negative/hateful stigma
Yes an average negative/hateful stigma ie rebel flag
Yes a serious negative/hateful stigma ie white power cross
No they have zero stigma

None of the above. They reflect the IQ of the wearer in the low 80s and propaganda susceptibility .
None of the above. They reflect the IQ of the wearer in the low 80s and propaganda susceptibility .

uhm, by definition that would be a negative stigma ;)
30% of Americans strongly support trump. That means most don't. I've got to think that's at least 50% really hate him. So when you go out with a MAGA hat on you're offending 50% of the people you see.

Why do it? I wouldn't walk around a rural town in Alabama wearing an Obama tee-shirt. It would have the same negative effect.
uhm, by definition that would be a negative stigma ;)

Hardly. Lots of people on this board fall in that category and they're not stigmatized.
30% of Americans strongly support trump. That means most don't. I've got to think that's at least 50% really hate him. So when you go out with a MAGA hat on you're offending 50% of the people you see.

Why do it? I wouldn't walk around a rural town in Alabama wearing an Obama tee-shirt. It would have the same negative effect.

1. Your "statistics" are your opinion, and welcome to it.

2. That doesn't mean either "at least 50% 'HATE' him," or that MAGA hats are a hate symbol. That is known as "projection."

Granted, the Progressive-Left would like people to consider it equivalent to a swastika armband or a white hood simply because some people who are racist's might choose to wear it.

They also wear American Flag hats, Ex-service military hats and all sorts of other hats...does that make those hats a racist symbol just because some people who are racist wear them?

Please explain that to those members of the Black, Latino, Asian, LGBTQ, etc., communities who also wear MAGA hats. :coffeepap:
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It is ultimately going to depend on how each individual views it. Objectively it is nothing more than a political campaign hat no different than a "I'm with her shirt" or one of those Obama hats with the big O done as an American flag. There are those who try to paint it as the new symbol for white supremacy and those that buy into it but that seems to be the more partisan Democrat crowd.

Wish the bolded part of your paragraph was offered as a choice on the poll
I would have voted for it.

Nicely done, Nap.
They only have a negative stigma to rabid anti-Trump people.
Hardly. Lots of people on this board fall in that category and they're not stigmatized.
while i dont disagree there are people here that probably fits of course having an IQ in the low 80s is stigma. Typically that would be viewed as a negative or embarrassing whether true or not thats what makes it a stigma. :shrug:
They only have a negative stigma to rabid anti-Trump people.

since theres trump supports feel theres a stigma with them you would be wrong :shrug:
It's a symbol for a highly polarizing political campaign/president. It's likely to be a strong negative symbol to the opposition.

I saw an older white guy sporting one a few days ago in public, returning to his vehicle. I watched him out of the corner of my eye, and he watched my eyes/face for the entire time he approached in passing me by. I assume, based on social queues and some years on this earth, he was looking to see if I reacted to it, or remarked to my wife as we walked by, or made a face, etc. I got the impression he was out trolling with it.
30% of Americans strongly support trump. That means most don't. I've got to think that's at least 50% really hate him. So when you go out with a MAGA hat on you're offending 50% of the people you see.

Why do it? I wouldn't walk around a rural town in Alabama wearing an Obama tee-shirt. It would have the same negative effect.

You would not get attacked or ridiculed for wearing an Obama tee in Alabama.
It's bad. But it's not cross-burning bad.
ok now that the poll worked......lol

as I said in another thread I think its impossible to deny that there is a negative stigma with a MAGA hat

This is just based off my experience but ive never seen anybody wear one in real life. Even when i asked people I know that are trump fans about them they said they would never wear them cause they are not nutters lol. Well one said extremist and one said nutters. AGain thats just their opinion but those were Trump supporters. If even they feel that way there has to be something to it?

For me its based off of associations and the types of people ive seen wearing it and what they say and what they do.

now with that said
Would it make me hate that person or make me "angry"? nope
Would it convince me thats a bad person? nope
Would it convince me that person is a racist? nope

of course i would never make a concrete conclusive judgement based off of a MAGA hat but what it would do, is it would certainly catch my attention(especially cause i never seen one and thats IF i noticed)
it would catch my attention and intrigue my curiosity and give me possible suspicion.

thats about it

oh yeah and thats based off of the idea of seeing it in a normal location.

so for me it just has a small or average negative/hateful stigma to it, nothing to get fired up over just curious about and aware

That is largely going to depend on location. MAGA hats and shirts are quite common in Mississippi even in Jackson where the majority of people are African American.
It’s a hat! For mother of Mary
30% of Americans strongly support trump. That means most don't. I've got to think that's at least 50% really hate him. So when you go out with a MAGA hat on you're offending 50% of the people you see.

Why do it? I wouldn't walk around a rural town in Alabama wearing an Obama tee-shirt. It would have the same negative effect.

While i agree in general i dont know if 50% "hate" him and offend (while watered down in todays world) seems like to strong a word.......

also i dont know if your obama example qualifies for a stigma.

for example i could take a guess at ho many people dont like one of the teams in the superbowl and wearing their **** could offend them but i dont know if id call that a stigma
MAGA Hats? Do they have a negative/hateful stigma?

I can't be bothered to discern the extent of the stigma MAGA hats have, but I am clear in my mind that they have more stigma than "no stigma," so my response is, "Yes, MAGA hats have a negative/hateful stigma."
1.)It is ultimately going to depend on how each individual views it.
2.) Objectively it is nothing more than a political campaign hat no different than a "I'm with her shirt" or one of those Obama hats with the big O done as an American flag.
3.) There are those who try to paint it as the new symbol for white supremacy and those that buy into it but that seems to be the more partisan Democrat crowd.

1.) agreed hence the question but then theres going to be a society view that becomes reasonable or not based of those individuals
2.) i disagree, how can that be the objective view of it if even trump supports wont wear them because they think they are tarnished by extremist?
3.) I would agree here also, anybody that things its equal to a white supremcy symbol is definitely going overboard IMO. They are MORE than a partisan, they are an extremist too.
it's funny, I live in a heavily Republican area, and I rarely see them. I see more "back the blue", and "Trump/Pence 2016" car bumper stickers where I live. If I do see one, I don't care. I know it's a Republican voter supporting their Republican president. As long as they aren't bothering me, or anyone else, I don't care.
Sorry all you proud Donny Deplorables, donning your MAGA hats lets me know that I am most likely viewing a willfully mentally self lobotomized follower of Trump.

Most likely your notion of MAGA, aka making America great again, involves returning America to a longed for era of white privilege back before the Civil War, or at the least before the Civil Rights era.

Back to a time when "Operation Wetback" raised no eyebrows.

Back to an era when separate was not equal, but who cared, certainly not white people.

You get the picture, if not then you are wearing your MAGA hat way too tight.

The people who mostly wear these MAGA hats are Republicans.. not Democrats. You do know that, right?

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